Any remedy for ankle and leg pain? Thank you !
Ankle and leg pain : Any remedy for ankle... - Cure Parkinson's
Ankle and leg pain

This may seem counter intuitive. But try walking gradually increasing to 2 miles per day. Ok to use hiking sticks to help with balance. If your pain prevents walking go to a physical therapist who might be able to get you walking with stretches and balance training. If you can’t walk alone find a person to walk with while holding their arm. Also Carbidopa /levodopa can help. .
Thank you for your reply. I have been working with a PT for the last 3 months. I am on Carb/Levo since I was diagnosed with PD 3 years ago. I also had Vertiflex procedure 3-1/2 mos ago. I have spinal stenosis so I also have sciatica. I am doing a little better after the surgery but I was told that I have severe arthritis so the surgery won’t help with the pains. I can’t walk far with the pains from my right ankle and leg but I will try walking on the treadmill. Thanks again
Ok. Good info. You are on the right track! How about stationary bike? It has been proven helpful for PD. It might be easier on your ankles. Also there are natural pain killers you can try ( talk to doctor first and test them one at a time). Boseewellia/curcumin combo (read up and consult doc for dosage). magnesium malate (I take 3,750 mg at bedtime), Nettle tea (this helps my hubby who has pain from healed shattered femur). Melatonin ( I take 1500 mg at bed time).
Do you have access to an anti-gravity treadmill? They reduce your weight in percentage terms and hence ease pressure on your legs and ankles.
It depends on what is causing the pain. Have you been to see a doctor. There could be several causes, some more serious than others. Please have yourself checked out.
Thank you.
Are you talking Amantadine could be the cause
Hello . I take Amantandine and I have started experiencing leg and ankle pain also . I am on sinamet 25/100 three times a day and the Dr added Amantadine 100 mg twice a day.Unfortunately with the combo meds I started hearing sounds and music and also body shakes which previously did not have. I called the Dr and he told me to stop taking sinemat and reduce the Amantandine to once a day, but I don’t see any changes. You think that this can be the side effects of the meds…
I am on Carb/Levo 25/100 since June 2020 when I was diagnosed. I do have severe arthritis on top of spinal stenosis
Amantadine cause swelling in my ankle I ended up in the ER where Ex ray image shows that I have a broken ankle this was early in my journey living with PD My was not broken, I decided to tell a RN what was going on with my body and she asked me if I was taken Amantadine my response was yes and she told to stop taken it
Many P D affiliate drugs put PD sufferers in hospitals and other facility with Hallucinations and unnecessary paim
Stop talking Amantadine and try
Amantadine cause swelling in my ankle I ended up in the ER where Ex ray image shows that I have a broken ankle this was early in my journey living with PD My was not broken, I decided to tell a RN what was going on with my body and she asked me if I was taken Amantadine my response was yes and she told to stop taken it
Many P D affiliate drugs put PD sufferers in hospitals and other facility with Hallucinations and unnecessary paim
Stop talking Amantadine and try Entacapone
I went to my pain management doctor last week and was told that the pains from my ankle and lower right leg are from my S1. I had Vertiflex procedure done last May on L4-5. They offered to do injections but I refused. They prescribed Gabapentin but I am not sure if I want to take it because of the side effects.
I severely damaged my ankle in 1969 and have pretty bad scoliosis (+PD!) but have greatly reduced the pain by eating a non-inflammatory Carnivore Diet for over 4 years now. Look for 30 day Carnivore Diet challenge on YouTube… Good Luck!