when my dopamine gets low my belly gets bloated. Anyone else?
bloating : when my dopamine gets low my... - Cure Parkinson's
Interesting. I have been dealing with bloat for a long time, but it's much worse since my diagnosis last year. And I don't take any meds. Do you?
People with PD often get (54%) small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as discussed here :
Here are two very relevant quotes from the article :
' A diagnosis of SIBO is more common in people with PD than the general population. One study showed that 54% of people with PD also had SIBO, while only 8% of the people without PD studied had SIBO. SIBO symptoms may cause major issues for patients with PD by interfering with how well medications are absorbed by the body. Most medications require normal movement through the GI tract for them to be fully effective. These medications often need to be absorbed by the small intestines. The slowed emptying and high number of bacteria can limit the body’s ability to absorb medicine. Proper treatment of SIBO in people with PD is needed to give each person the best quality of life possible. '
' People can feel a combination of one or more of these symptoms. For patients with both PD and SIBO, bloating is the most common symptom experienced. '