I was wondering if anyone gets more Intense symptoms when in a social Setting?
Social anxiety: I was wondering if anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
Social anxiety

I would say yes, feeling quite uncomfortable.
It depends upon the social setting, if I don't know them they can be worse but not always. I guess we are worried about symptoms giving us away but who cares, we have pd and pd is unpredictable.
Its always worse in a social setting. If I am going somewhere in public, I pop a low dose of klonopin before leaving, and I chew gum on the way to my destination. Once I get there, if people are drinking, I always have a glass of wine almost immediately, just to relax.
Yes, I do somewhat but not too bad. Certainly not enough to skip a party.
Social situations are the worst. The more people crammed into a small space the worst. I was criticized for not attending a birthday party of a dozen 4 year old's in a rather small house. When my PD Doctor was told during one of our sessions that I didn't want to go to my nephews birthday party of his 4 year old friends my Doctor replied who would ? I love her.
Thank you all for your responses. I have noticed in social situations I feel very anxious and start into pain and other pd symptoms rev up. I use to like social situations so this is annoying, but your responses make me feel like I'm not alone. I am sorry anyone has to deal with this strange illness.
h yes how I relate to this, my husband never a very social animal, now completely collapse in a noisy atmosphere, or an unaccustomed place, starts to twitch and weave then becomes unconscious, so life is so very different now.
I am choosing to not attend a holiday party this evening so I can relate. My biggest symptom other than a mild left hand tremor is fatigue. The other attendees are lovely people that I know from a weekly spiritual meeting. But the thought of making small talk makes me very anxious.I find that I have maximum energy in the morning which is whenI I exercise., socialize, shop, etc By the afternoon I need to relax due to PD fatigue and forget driving at night, the glare of headlights is very stressful . Fortunately my wonderful partner is also a morning person so we are very content to eat an early dinner, clean up and watch a little tv. To be fair, I have been avoiding evening events for years post diagnosis. I will be seventy in two months.
It is funny, but when I recently attended my Grandfather's funeral there was so much mental stimulation and social interaction that I could not recall the names of 2 very close family members. It was very awkward when I was doing introductions. This is my Uncle Bob and Aunt ....um....no don't tell me..... ahhhhh .... Shoot!
I sometimes get this head thing happening. i start to feel a stiff buzzing thing at the base of my head (rear) and my head can feel fuzzy. it only ever happens when i am in a social setting,
also tremor can start up too.
Strange disease !!
thgere is no doubt that experiencing stress causes an aggravation of PD symptoms. It is the flight or fight syndrome. Results in cascades of cortisol. Solution is Benson's Systematic Relaxation to generative a balance between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems.
Interesting is that I perform on stage at least once a week. I feel the affects as I wait for my turn go go on stage, but it goes away once I start playing.
Yes! Tremor increases and stiffness too. I usually end up stuck on a sofa!!
Yes, it makes the tremors much worse. I've not been able to stand up with drink in hand for some time now, even if it is only a partially filled glass or cup. Definitely affects socializing.
I attend many exercise classes and well meaning people come up to me to tell me my hand tremors and I should do something about it. It really infuriates me. I am 100 times better and more energetic yet they feel it necessary to correct me. When I tell them I have a disease and say PD they suggest i see a doctor. Ugh! Ignorance and stupidity
I used to be very social, now I avoid going places, however its not my tremor, but the flailing movements
Hi, im always uncomfortable and very conscious whether i might be noticed or not i feel so bad even if im not shaking but just the thought makes me want to stay home, it only happens in social gatherings, and i feel so clumsy which is worse for me.
So far I only have mild symptoms. I have gait problems. It is so much worse when I step out of my apartment to walk down the hall when I think I may be a second late to meet a friend. I have a thing about being late, even for a minute. It's really not pleasant. It the anxiety of the situation. I start walking very fast and the situation only gets worse the further I walk. I have to consciously make myself slow down and pay attention to my gait.