How do you deal with pain from Parkinson’s, especially at night when your meds are not working.?Pain is what keeps me awake. Thanks for any suggestions.
pain in parkinsons : How do you deal with... - Cure Parkinson's
pain in parkinsons

Hi EpO522,
I think this isnt enough info to respond very well. Where is your pain, what sort of pain, does it wake you, do you take meds through the night because I would think meds should work well at night, they are not competing with food. Sorry I haven’t answered your question.
My pain is in my very low back and responds to Meds (Rytary). I go to bed fairly early and take my last pill at 8 pm. The meds help symptoms for about 3 hrs. I am allowed enough pills to take one in the night. It takes an hour to kick in. Most of the time it takes a second dose for the pain to quit. Therefore,1 hr to kick in, plus 3 hours, plus second dose, another hour. It takes about 5 hours total for the pain to subside. By then I might as well get up. 😩
Ì stretch out all parts of my body before bed which seems to help
Revisit with your neurologist. Make sure lower back pain is from PD and not lumbar stenosis. We have been around this merry go round for a while. HWP needs back surgery because testing, CT, MRI and EMG revealed L4 completely closed. PD makes it worse, some MD w give gabapentin if nerve pain. Start low dose. Magnesium cream can also be benefical as well supplement.
If pain is from dystonia botox may help too. My husband had whole body pain when he was under medicated.
He takes a half dose Rytary at midnight it seems to help.
You may need an addon to your meds pain can be considered off time. Poor posture will increase pain. Pain stinks but be pushy with medical folks kerp looking for answers.
Talk to Art ("Chartist"). He recently shared a very nice recipe for a topical painkiller that really works, mixing a certain amount of Advil liquigel into a certain size of lotion. Now he did not share the exact formula of the lotion, but I used "Neutrogena oil-free moisture" cream (bottle also says 'sensitive skin'), and it worked great on my muscle pain, if that is the kind of pain you have.
CBD cream for hand and foot pain, slow release carbo/levodopa at bedtime gets me through to around 4am, then I fight the tiredness and back pain to do yoga and pilates for a couple of hours, more cbd cream or massage oil, then a hot bath before going off to work. Hope this helps x