"The technology, if successful, would combine artificial intelligence with human capabilities through the use of a brain chip. Musk said he hopes it would help treat brain diseases like Parkinson’s, dementia and Alzheimer’s."
ELON MUSK gets FDA approval for 'BRAIN CH... - Cure Parkinson's
ELON MUSK gets FDA approval for 'BRAIN CHIP' to treat PD and other neuro conditions!

It'll be interesting to see how many (if any) pwp sign up to get a computer chip implanted in their brain.
PwP have already been doing that for .... years.
It's called... DBS
will you be signing up for the trial?
I couldn't enroll, even if I wanted to... i'm not "officially" dx'd with PD ... i last saw my neuro/ MDS in "september" ... yeah that long ago and i only saw him "once" -- his exact words to me after his exam: "The good news is that you don't have Parkinson. The bad news is that you don't have Parkinson." ... and he NEVER explained that and I was too nervous/happy to ask him "WTF???"
What do you think?
The 'only' disease that relates to my various symptoms is PD -- that's why I've been "here" for almost two years. My first (visible) tremor was on June 20, 2021 when my left thumb started moving by itself for a few seconds (very small but visual movements).
So I had my ... "WTF?" moment and since that very day I've been educating myself as best as I can on a very complicated disease, as we know. My other symptoms (but I want to emphasize that I am 99.999999999999999999% OK and nothing has affected my life other than the STRESS of knowing I have "something that is not good" going on in my body and the outcome down the road is horrifying) ...
*I have THOUSANDS of internal tremors ... I have a personal rating system of 1 to 10 with '10' being a 'visual jerk/tremor/spasm' and in two years ... I've only had a handful of 9s and 10s although the last 3 weeks ... the strength and quantity of the internal tremors has INCREASED.
*Foot and lower leg cramps (99% under control)
*Constipation (just started about 3 months ago but I figured out (non-medication) ways to WIN that one!
*Eyelid tremors -- that was my FIRST indication "something" was wrong about 3 years ago and I went to an ophtohmologist (2 more visits since then) who found nothing wrong (despite my showing him print-outs that 'eye tremors' are a very common early diagnosis of PD). ... I still have these tremors (both eye lids, upper and lower) daily -- but very minimal.
*Left side of face "numbs" frequently -- (the feeling you get in a dentist's chair when he injects you and you start to feel the area numbing) but very very mildly and only lasts a few seconds (although a couple of times it lasted for HOURS). I used to have to rub my face frequently to 'restore the normal feeling.' But now I rarely need to do that. I'm assuming this numbing feeling could be the early "masking symptom" often reported by PwP.
The neuro/MDS (from the very prestigious Cedars-Sinai Hospital) ... was a 'joke'. I brought with me over 200 pages of my 'daily health diary' (on a flash drive and I printed out a 2 page summary highlighting my most serious symptoms) -- was completely IGNORED by him. At the end of the appointment I offered to give it to him and he said it would just get "lost."
From reading his detailed summary of my exam -- I think ... he thinks ... that I'm "nuts."
Specifically he said: "OCD"
I hope he's right.
I think he's wrong..
He did order blood work and offered me to do a DatScan -- I never did either one.
He did suggest that I needed more "electrolytes." But if the dumb ass had paid any attention to me (or the PHOTOS I provided!) ... I am taking a TON of "electrolytes."
I'm my "own doctor." I've been doing a MILLION things since "day one" to combat my PD-like symptoms.
1. Today is day #426 of my O.M.A.D. diet (all calories eaten within a 2 hour window).
I've lost about 60 pounds ... I have another 30 to lose.
2. About 40 vitamins and powders, daily. (Who knows? Maybe just '1' of them works???)
3. Definitely NOT enough exercise (no excuse for that).
4. In bed, I have two large electric massagers that I rest my arms on for hours to mask the internal tremors in my forearms, wrists, and just recently .... creeping more into my fingers.
5. I watch/ listen to/ skim ... DOZENS of health videos (not just PD) every week.
Overall, I'm encouraged by the thousands of very smart scientists and doctors working on treatments and cures for all of us. Meanwhile we are all doing the best we can to stop, reverse, slow down PD any way we can.
Sorry if I gave you and anyone reading this ... too much info.
What do you think about the O.M.A.D. Diet?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the O.M.A.D. diet ... I'm a "compulsive eater" which is why i was nearly classified as "morbidly obese." As I mentioned, I've lost about 60 pounds ... effortlessly. Anyone can skip a couple of meals. And my body/appetite quickly adjusted to my "one meal a day" intake of food ... so I rarely get hungry before the 20th hour of my fast ...
A compelling motivation to fast for "22 hours - 2 hour eating window" was watching PwP videos and their horrible suffering. Scared the crap out of me ... and still does.
I watch/ listen/ or skim dozens of YouTube health videos weekly. I've learned a lot. And fasting promotes "autophagy" which encourages my body to eat its own defective cells.
Plus I take about 40 supplements/ powders daily.
My biggest failing is lack of exercise. I'm workin' on that one ... LOL
I don’t trust it 😁
The computer chip may compel a person to buy a Tesla. 🙂
MBA, many see it as a means of control and enslavement and most likely it will be in the future.
First, however, he must demonstrate that he can connect the human nervous system to an electronic system ( that non mean electrical) , i.e. the human control panel to the electronic control panel in a safe and stable manner with the innumerable applications and advantages deriving from it. I am thinking of artificial limbs, but would also help a lot in DBS or L-dopa targeted therapy.
Connecting an electronic system to a cellular system so that they can exchange information and commands is the *Problem* (and hackers don't understand this).
The human brain is based on a technology a billion times more advanced than electronic, although Silicon Valley's marketing directors say otherwise.
This is evident from the observation of the products of the two systems: the brain has allowed man to survive and develop a civilization, the computer entertains man and IMO make stupid him by automating and needs enormous and very delicate infrastructures.
Perhaps Elon Musk should resolve the multiple problems with his Tesla cars before he decides to start implementing his technologies in people's brains.
Just saying.
If Elon Musk is involved I think it would be good to think twice and AI seems a bit overrated. Hopefully it can be used to good effect by researching possibilities and interconnections but I have to admit to having mistrust for AI plus from what I have seen of the searches I was definitely NOT impressed. Honestly I don't really even know how to use AI and I tend to think that you can find better information using other search methods. (other than Bing of course haha)
i regret to say that in another 100 years or so ... "humans" ... will be optional and unnecessary for most jobs ... and corporations love robots ... they don't strike ... they don't take bathroom breaks or vacations ... they never call in sick ... and they can't file lawsuits against the company ...
Welcome to the future...
This certainly is encouraging and a step in the right direction.