Please Help Me to compile the Science of ... - Cure Parkinson's
Please Help Me to compile the Science of Pesticides and Herbicides causing PD. I will be taking this to our HOA and town civic leaders.

Insecticide Permethrin Associated With QUADRUPLED Risk Of Parkinson's:
also rotenone and paraquat:
thank you!! Truly excellent. I had not seen either of these.
If you or anyone has experience with presenting info to an HOA or civic leaders, please advise me. I have no experience in this area. I’m in NC.
I found this. It has an impressive list of signatory’s & references. Before it was banned here in the UK I spent many happy hours spraying my garden with Paraquat before riding ‘round the Dorset farmlands on my motorcycle. Thanks for doing this👍.
In April 2012, the French court declared another claim admissible from an arable farmer suffering from a particular cancer since 2002 after using plant protection products for more than 20 years. Since then, as you may know, PD is considered officially as a professional disease, especially in viticulture. A lot of additional research has been done:
Pesticides expenditures by farming type and incidence of Parkinson disease in farmers: A French nationwide study
Conclusions: “ PD incidence increased significantly with pesticides expenditures in vineyards without designation of origin characterized by high fungicide use. This result suggests that agricultural practices and pesticides used in these vineyards may play a role in PD and that farmers in these farms should benefit from preventive measures aiming at reducing exposure. Our study highlights the importance of considering farming type in studies on pesticides and PD and the usefulness of pesticides expenditures for exposure assessment.”
Excellent! Thank you!
My desire is to create a massive amount of proof of this and decimate their argument that “they have a right to spray whatever they want on their property.”
I’m forbidden from planting shrubs without asking permission but I watch my neighbors spraying with abandon substances that are literally killing me. This must stop. The PD pandemic is coming and this simply must stop.
First, find out what chemicals are being used. You have a right to know. Then you can tailor your argument specifically to those chemicals (2,4D is probably being used on the lawn along with insecticides and depending on where you live, fungicides). It's good you're getting ahead of this before spring.
Thank you! I need to educate myself much more on this. We are new to NC and are shocked and horrified by the constant stream of companies coming with tanks spraying chemicals. And home owners in flip flops spraying round up with their children just feet away. I know nothing about fungicides as I have no experience.
We have 3 of these running in our home. I bought them in fall when the gas powered leaf blowers were so bad we could smell the fumes in our house. I don’t know if they do anything for air borne particles from pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. This is all new to me.
There are mosquito companies too. It’s petrifying.
This is an image of a recent truck containing stuff being sprayed in our neighbors yard.
Start gathering documentation. Get photos of every chemical application and name of the company. Are they contractor for the HOA or are they "agents" of the homeowners? In Minnesota, landowners are liable for the actions of their agents - people they hire to perform a service. Find out who regulates pesticides in your state. In Minnesota you have to file a Pesticide Misuse Complaint in writing to begin an investigation, this is done online. Report every incident of misuse. You can usually smell the chemicals, but not always. They will tell you that just because you smelled it doesn't mean you were harmed. That is completely untrue. It's the nose to brain pathway, a headache signals nervous system involvement even if you don't smell anything. Insecticides in particular are usually orderless, colorless and tasteless (Paraquat) and are very dangerous. Chemical application should never occur during a temperature inversion which doesn't allow the chemicals to dissipate into the atmosphere. They then concentrate at ground level. Chemical application should never happen in windy conditions. No matter how many precautions are taken, pesticides never stay where you put them - they always drift. Sometimes you can see the chemicals drifting, they form a cloud. Look for plant damage. I have a whole album of photos of plant damage to our property. The type of damage will tell you what class of chemicals were misused. You're in a humid climate so I would expect fungicide and termite product use. There's a thing called "take home pesticides" which is secondary exposure from tracking them in on your shoes or clothing. You also can't prevent pesticides from entering your home, Glyphosate strongly adsorbs to soil particles and is blown around in dust. There are ways to reduce exposure. Noseeum netting helps, you can use it as a porch screen or curtains inside your home. Seal up air leaks and cracks and crevasses where insects and rodents could get in. In your area you need an ERV, and you can add a carbon prefilter. You IAQ needs to be optimized. I think Air Doctors are good, I use Austin Air. Make sure you use premium filters on you HVAC too. Don't forget about your water. Whole house filtration plus RO at the sink, you need UV and a remineralization cartridge. Don't let anyone bullshit you. If you are within 1/4 mile of a commercial pesticide application - it constitutes an exposure. Those mosquitoe treatments are a hazard and the practice should be banned. Spraying parks and playgrounds, football, soccer and baseball fields, school grounds and golf courses with neurotoxins should be banned. I've concluded that there are few truly safe places to live. We need to reduce risk. Even that can't be completely controlled. We need to adopt a prophylactic protocol. I'm working on this for my own family. For those who have already developed a neurodegenerative illness, ongoing environmental exposure to toxic substances is compounded and you will never get well until you lessen your exposure and your toxic load (body burden) with detox.
I understand that this is overwhelming for a lot of people, take baby steps. For the others who think I'm insane - you aren't my audience or my tribe. Your naivete is toxic, go take your pills.
SE 🕊️
“In Minnesota, landowners are liable for the actions of their agents - people they hire to perform a service. Find out who regulates pesticides in your state.” 👍🏻
I am elated to learn this. My yard my business has been the response by most so far. But it doesn’t stay in your yard you grrrr (insert expletive.)
“If you are within 1/4 mile of a commercial pesticide application - it constitutes an exposure. Those mosquitoe treatments are a hazard and the practice should be banned. “👍🏻
“For those who have already developed a neurodegenerative illness, ongoing environmental exposure to toxic substances is compounded and you will never get well until you lessen your exposure and your toxic load (body burden) with detox.” Yep, agreed!
“Make sure you use premium filters on you HVAC too. Don't forget about your water. Whole house filtration plus RO at the sink, you need UV and a remineralization cartridge. Don't let anyone bullshit you.” 👍🏻 Need to replace filters asap and get whole house filtration. We do have RO at kitchen sink.
For travel we have these
Better than nothing? I hope.
Thank you SE!
"My yard my business has been the response by most so far. "
Not really, you can't interfere with someone's quiet enjoyment of their property, such as; noise, noxious odors, trash, junk vehicles and things that promote a public health hazard. Minnesota does not recognize toxic chemical drift as trespassing. You should read up on your state and local statutes.
It would be interesting to know if the landowner has joint and several liability in your state. I'd go after the company doing the spraying and request an investigation by your state regulator if a documented event occurs.
If it applies, you can inform your obnoxious neighbors that they are legally liable for the actions of their lawn care service and it might change their perspective.
P.S. I'm not a lawyer, these concepts are common law, but every state is different.
A press conference of the Microbial Plant Protection Products working group took place in Brussels (online) on 31 March 2022. The Parkinson's Association was there in the person of Jobien Wind. She is a policy officer on the Parkinson’s and pesticides file. The aim of the press conference was to encourage the European Union to accelerate and cheaper market entry of safe and effective biological pesticides. Summaries of all speakers:
Report press conference
Statement by Jobien Wind
Exposure to pesticides and toxic metals were both associated with an earlier onset of PD, an effect that was greater with higher levels of exposure, both in terms of frequency and proximity
I have been exposed to toxic metals, for many years, working in a foundry. Also, at home, I maintained a quarter acre flower garden, for about 10 years, where I used round-up weed killer, often! I got PD symptoms, about 3 or 4 years, into maintaining my flower garden. Lawyers that I’ve talked to say that Round-Up exposure has been proven to cause cancer, but has NOT been proven to cause PD, so I cannot pursue any legal inquiries. Thanks for sending the link to the info. I appreciate your contributions to
“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says there’s “no evidence that glyphosate causes cancer in humans.” The European Food Safety Authority agrees. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer, however, stated in 2015 that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” CNN reported that hundreds of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma started suing the manufacturers of glyphosate herbicides after WHO made its announcement.”
This is horrifying
“Glyphosate is among the most widely applied substances worldwide, a 2016 research paper suggests, “and interest will grow in quantifying ecological and human health impacts.” A recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study indicates the chemical may be hard to avoid. Among its findings: Glyphosate was found in more than 1,800 urine samples analyzed, about 80 percent of those studied. One-third of the samples in the survey were from children six to 18 years old. Other studies have found traces of the chemical have been found in breast milk and baby fomula and in other foods, such as oatmeal and hummus”
You got me digging with regards to the UK, and glyphosate use has been extended until December 2023 in the EU (was due to expire December 2022). Even worse, now that the UK is no longer an EU member, its use is allowed until review in 2025. It makes me furious. It should be treated like asbestos.
It is horrifying! I’ve lost a lot of my trust in the Government, the last few years! That’s bad, for a person like me, who used to work for the Government! My Dad used to be a Government Executive, my brother used to be a U.S. Attorney, and my sister worked as an administrative assistant for the Government. We are all retired now. My Dad died a number of years ago. Thanks for the info.
One reason Glyphosate is hard to avoid is that it is used world wide to spray out broad acre crops like wheat, maize, barley, sorghum etc etc, prior to harvesting. The reason being it makes a crop dry out uniformally ready for harvest. This means if you eat bread or consume meat from animals that have been fed these grains you are going to have Glyphosate in your system no matter where you live.
“There is strong scientific evidence linking the herbicide to Parkinson's, including one study that found people exposed to paraquat at a younger age — in their teen or young adult years — had an increased Parkinson's risk of 200 to 600 percent, depending on the overall number of years of exposure.Feb 6, 2019”
Effects of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides like Roundup™ on the mammalian nervous system: A review☆
Ingesting glyphosate?!
Possible link to living on a golf course and PD (which we did for several years). Article is somewhat general but does give links to pesticide research ... and suggests doing a search in PubMed (AKA known as Medline back in the day), which will yield more references than anything mentioned in this post.
Good luck - we've also lived in HOA properties for over 20 years so know they can be difficult.