I have been diagnosed with PD since 2013. I started medication in 2021. For the most part I do ok. Last August I got covid for the first time. I was up to date with the vaccines. I was sick for a week but it was not a very asevere case. Soon after I noticed my voice was croaky and nasal. I had a dry cough and felt some congestion.
I figured it would go away soon. It hasn’t. Instead I developed thick mucus that seemed to be lodged in my throat and I felt the need to constantly clear my throat. Very annoying. My primary doctor said it was allergies and we followed that diagnosis with the usual over the counter meds, environment adjustment,etc.
in February of 2023 I visited my daughter while they were remodeling an older house with visible mold. I know my body doesn’t deal well with mold so i was apprehensive.
While I know I have allergies my condition was not improving but instead a much worse symptom appeared.
When I was in the process of clearing my throat my body would get into an involuntary rhythm that seemed like an asthmatic attack were I kept inhaling and attempting to clear my throat at the same time.
These attacks seem to get worse with stress and can go on for 8 hours or more on an off. The seem to start and stop with no discernible reason. If they happen at night they can keep me awake for most of the night.
I did see an ear, nose and throat doctor who did not find anything amiss. My lungs were clear. She recommended some allergy tests that didn’t show anything helpful. No mold was present in my blood. I also been taking NAC for several months. It was recommended as a mucus thinner. That has not happened.
Any ideas? I have tried to describe my problem to the experts and they have either dismissed it as not too serious or insisted they are allergies.
Could this condition be caused by covid or PD? Any help is greatly appreciated