Any suggestions for a safe and effective medication for a pretty severe mold allergy? I'm going to see an allergist, but I need some PD-safe relief ASAP.
Safe med for mold allergy?: Any suggestions... - Cure Parkinson's
Safe med for mold allergy?

You can use ozone to get rid of mold. You have to close off the space being treated, though.
Thanks! It's going to be a while before we can get the problem resolved. We had a roof leak we didn't know about, and the roofers (we've had 4 of them here to look at it) still can't figure out where the water is coming from.
If you have access to the underside of the roof, like in the attic, have someone get on the roof with a hose, and run water starting opposite where the leak is showing on the inside. The person with the hose works their way uphill until the leak shows up.
One of the roofers tried that to no avail. I've been up in the attic, and even though I measured off of the chimney and know where the leak is located, I couldn't find anything. It isn't visible (no dampness, no staining). I even pulled all of the insulation back all around to look. We think it may somehow be backing up under the eave, but the gutters are clear. In addition to the steep pitch, it's a 2-story, so it's not easily accessible. SO frustrating!
Olive Leaf Extract (OLE) would be a consideration in fighting mold toxicity as would NAC, Oregano essential oil, Thyme essential oil Grapefruit Seed Extract and AgNPs, but getting rid of the source first would be the first consideration imo.
Those are great remedies, Art!!!! I think there is mold where i am now but very soon im moving to a lil place with eco insulation, new ill useolive leaf and oregano oil which i have...its all bit by bit...
Thank you! I actually prefer "natural" remedies to pharmaceuticals.
If lung involvement issues are present, you can also consider Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (FGHP) at 1% to no more than 1 .5% via a nebulizer or small cold process ultrasonic vaporizer. It kills virus, bacteria, mold spores and fungi. Don't go over 1.5% as FGHP is a potent oxidant and the goal is to kill pathogens without damaging the lung tissue. This will require dilution with distilled water.