I have had pain in the joint near the big toe on my left foot for some time. Being a possible symptom of gout, I just had a blood test and the results were flagged for being low. The standard range for uric acid is 3.8 - 8.4 mg/dL and my level is 3.6 mg/dL. Not so low as to be alarmed, but it does leave me to wonder what causes the joint pain. That is the only place where I'm having pain.
Low uric acid: I have had pain in the joint... - Cure Parkinson's
Low uric acid

I have had the same pain above my big toe on my right foot for years and years. I have not had any tests done.
Gout is very unlikely with low uric acid. See my writings here: healthunlocked.com/cure-par....
And here:
Our findings supported that lots of clinical and epidemiological data observed lower UA levels in PD patients. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
How can Parkinson’s affect your feet? parkinsons.org.uk/informati...
Try tart Montmorency cherry concentrate from Cherry Bay Orchards. It helps you sleep like a rock too.
A blood uric acid test may not be a reliable test in terms of gout :
Here is a quote from the article :
' The blood uric acid test isn’t considered a definitive test for gout. Only testing a person’s joint fluid for monosodium urate can conclusively confirm the presence of gout. '
It may be more useful to try the supplements that have shown potential to improve gout to see if they help alleviate the gout symptoms. Here is a link to a partial list :
I have had pain at the base of my big toe for years. Bunions.
A chiropractor told me to grab the toe and move it aggressively away from the foot, on same plane and hold for 30 seconds every day. It worked. Pain is very infrequent now. Friends who have had bunion surgery have found it debilitating.