I volunteered for a PD-related research study but was excluded because of a low eGFR (58 and then 43). I’ve never had this before (it was 68 five months ago), but I wondered if it was possibly related to the Magnesium L-Threonate I take? I take two in the morning and two at night. Anyone have experience with this? Magnesium L Threonate Capsules (Magtein) – High Absorption Supplement – Bioavailable Form for Cognitive Function Support – 2,000 mg – 100 Capsules a.co/d/e70yham
Low eGFR: I volunteered for a PD-related... - Cure Parkinson's
Low eGFR
This is not good: "If your eGFR number is low, your kidneys may not be working as well as they should. People with a lower eGFR are at increased risk of having chronic kidney disease (CKD) progress to kidney failure. The sooner that kidney disease is found, the better the chance of slowing or stopping it from getting worse."
Definitely need to review all of your supplements. You are seeing a doctor about this, right?
Good luck. I am praying for you.
My egfr has yo yoed in the past and a Dr explained sometimes what you eat the night before the blood test for example a steak dinner could effect the result. However in my case diabetes has effected my kidneys and im stage 3 kidney disease plenty of info on the net re foods to avoid with kidney problems
That’s helpful. Thanks. So sorry about your situation.
Doctors use creatinine and creatinine clearance tests to check how well your kidneys work. This is called renal function. Testing the rate of creatinine clearance shows the kidneys' ability to filter the blood. As renal function gets worse, creatinine clearance also goes down. always asked for renal and hepatic panels on yor yearly cbc imo. order a creatinine test if you have symptoms of kidney disease....hang tough
check to see if the mag your taking is metabolized in the kidneys or liver then go from there...hang tough.
Thanks for the response. The only symptom I have of a problem with my kidneys is this low test result. I had a full metabolic panel test about 5 months ago, and the eGFR was 68, so my doctor and I didn’t discuss it. What puzzles me about the possible relevance of the magnesium is that I’ve been taking it for months and months.
How would I know where the magnesium is metabolized?
Magnesium homeostasis is maintained by the intestine, the bone and the kidneys. Magnesium—just like calcium—is absorbed in the gut and stored in bone mineral, and excess magnesium is excreted by the kidneys and the faeces (Figure 4).
Magnesium basics | Clinical Kidney Journal | Oxford Academic
hang tough