Has anyone else out there ever heard of "Ghost Pipe?" My neighbor has tons of this plant growing in her woods and has made a tincture for my husband. We need to let it settle first before he tries it. I'm just curious if anyone in the community has tried it.
Tinctures: Has anyone else out there ever... - Cure Parkinson's

I looked it up and here is the link healthbenefitstimes.com/gho... I'm not sure why he would use it based on what I read but I would discuss this with his MDS first.
"The plant contains glycosides and may be toxic to humans.[14]"
Why take a totally unknown??
“Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.
Antibacterial, Antispasmodic, Epilepsy, Febrifuge, Hypnotic, Nervine, Odontalgic, Ophthalmic, Sedative, Tonic, Warts
An infusion of the root is antispasmodic, hypnotic, nervine, sedative, tonic[21, 192, 222]. It is a good remedy for spasms, fainting spells and various nervous conditions[207]. It has been given to children who suffer from fits, epilepsy and convulsions[257]. The plant was used by some native North American Indian tribes to treat eye problems, the stem was bruised and the clear fluid of the stems applied to the eyes[213, 257]. The juice from the stems has also been used to treat nervous irritability, including fits and spasms[192]. It has been suggested in the past as a possible opium substitute[192]. An infusion of the leaves has been used to treat colds and fevers[257]. The crushed plant has been rubbed on bunions and warts in order to destroy them[257]. A poultice of the plant has been applied to sores that are difficult to heal[257]. The flowers have been chewed in order to bring relief from toothache[257]. Water extracts of the plant are bactericidal[222].” pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?La...
Nervines are types of herbs intended to nourish and support the central nervous system. They're reportedly designed to restore balance and restfulness in the body. healthline.com/health/nervi...
I appreciate what you wrote. I knew this plant had a lot of positives. My tincture is vodka based and needs 4 to 6 weeks to mature. It’s a deep purple color. When it’s ready, I will disperse it with dropper. Very carefully, of course. My husband takes no medications, so hopefully this will help a little.
You are hoping this will help? So your husband has symptoms that need treatment yet he takes no medication. I was wondering why?
He told me that he can’t stand the side effects. I’ve told him there are other options, but he won’t try. To say that I am frustrated is an understatement.
Well, if anyone is brave enough to try it (cooking may destroy whatever is active, depending on how hot or how long it is cooked), maybe they can then report. Seems like there is nothing known.
"Glycosides" means nothing in itself, just that it has some substance (s) that use a sugar molecule to link to parts of itself or other parts of molecules. "Gly" just means "sugar." So the phrase about 'glycosides' and 'toxic' in the article is simply an unfortunate meaningless juxtaposition of words.