My mom has a problem with being low with Magnesium and Potassium. When these get low she has alot of problems with her Parkinson and get's weak. She generally winds up at the ER or in the hospital when this happens. Does anyone else have this problem? She takes these daily but still has a problem with it.
Problem with being low on Magnesium - Cure Parkinson's
Problem with being low on Magnesium

I was in the hospital in September with low magnesium, sodium and potassium. My understanding is that Sinemet can cause these abnormalities in electrolytes. I had also experienced a lot of nausea and vomiting with Sinemet. Is this the case with your mother? After consulting with my doctor, we decided to take the Sinemet with food even though that is not recommended due to absorption but it has helped with the nausea and vomiting.
Yes she also has the same problem you had. She's not vomiting but sick to her stomach. Thank you!
I take 600mg per day (150mg, 4 times per day) of elemental magnesium. I've learned that certain forms of these metals are not absorbed efficiently by the body. Benefits include regularity and no headaches (Mg is a vasorelaxer). I'm on Azilect and Amantadine for PD.
This is interesting. The same thing is happening to me. I was admitted to the hospital on Christmas Day with double pneumonia and congestive heart failure. While in the hospital, bloodwork was done that showed low potassium, magnesium, and phosphrous levels. I take Stalevo 100 and Requip XL. I was given supplements by IV and in liquid/pill form to replace the electrolyte deficiencies. Strangely, my Parkinson's has improved. The Parkinson's had gotten so bad that my meds were wearing off 1 1/2 hours early. My options are limited because I have extremely low blood pressure. My neurologist prescribed a "rescue" drug call Apokyn. It is an injectible drug, and I can inject up to 3 times daily as long as the injections are 2 hours apart. Most days I inject 3 times; but since I had my electrolytes replaced, I have only had to inject 1 time in 4 days.
Thank you for posting this question. I plan to discuss with my neurologist. I hope your Mom feels better soon.
Since I"m on Stalevo I thought I"d better find out if I'm at risk for Magnesium Deficiency. So I googled Stalevo Magnesium Deficiency and this came up among others:
eHealthMe - a cloud computing service for drugs
Healthcare big data for ordinary people
Review: Magnesium deficiency in Stalevo 100
It reported a study that showed that Magnesium Deficiency only occured in men on Stalevo.No women.
Just came across these posts . My husband is quite poorly most of the time especially after taking his Sinemet he is also on Roprinirole ex in place of neupro patch . he seemed to be worse and very very sleepy switching off . started to see people and confuses . He doesn't have dementia or so they tell me . I don't think he has .
I asked to have his urine tested and and the same time did some blood tests . there was no infection but tests came back low Potassium . I have been considering it might be a water problem . I had a similar thing happen when I was put on water tablets a number of years ago . I felt like a very old woman and very trembly . As soon as I stopped the water tablets I was back to normal . He will have another blood test next week .. He had been on amlodopine for quite a few years and had a lot of bloating I took his B pressure regularly myself and asked to take him of the Amlodopine because the reading were mostly low or normal .
It usually is low with Parkinson's I believe .
It's been interesting reading your posts and reaffirms what I had been thinking .
I could throw all the tablets down the drain for the good they do