Are you experiencing these side effects fom your meds? How are you dealing with it?
Hallucinations and Vivid Dreams - Cure Parkinson's
Hallucinations and Vivid Dreams

Used to have both while taking Pramipexole. Had alergic reaction to the med, switched to Ropinirole, now have neither. Almost miss them sometimes.
yes i had those, reduced Requip and all gone now !!!!!
The 3 previous answers show how differently we can each react to various meds & how our general experiences of PD differ. I've always had fabulous vivid dreams (in colour). I've had bouts of 'night terrors' when I was clinically depressed 20 yrs ago (pre dx). I take RequipXl 16mg daily. I still have fabulous vivid dreams. I twice tried reducing Requip for other reasons & my PD symptoms got worse.
No hallucinations but some great vivid dreams ... wish I could tape them for later viewing. Only taking C/L and Azilect for the time being.
I do when I take melatonin. Had nightmares about my late ex. Then I decided this person was some angry aspect of myself and since then I only have pleasant action filled dreams of my younger self doing stuff I never could. Even had a nice chat with my late son Tim who died of bad drug interaction 2002.
If I dream I have no recollection-----stopped dreaming after my divorcce in 1996. It wasn't until 5 months ago when I met and moved in with a wonderful gentleman that I was made aware that 3 or 4 times a month I wake him up yelling out------frightening him & my dog. 2 weeks ago I actually woke myself yelling out--'call 9-1-1'---and have absolutely no idea why. Diagnosed 6 yrs just prior to 60th birthday----current PD meds---REQUIP XL 6mg down from 12mg, SINEMET 25-100mg 2tabs 3x/day and SINEMET CR 50-200mg at bedtime.
I would just like to say its the pd also the med.
For dreaming is the best part of having pd because I know i am dream you can do what ever you like. STOP fighting it . and just enjoy it . you can do what ever
you like.
yours EXPORT.
Export, I also have vivid dreams. The problem is I sometimes act them out. I have dreamed I was at work using the computer and woke my husband typing on his side. After visiting my granddaughter, I again woke him while I was dreaming that I was feeding her- using my finger as a spoon and saying in a baby voice " c'mon, c'mon and poking his mouth with my finger (spoon). When he told me, I asked why he didn't wake me. He said he wanted to see what I would do next. I'm just glad I wasn't dreaming about changing a diaper! haha. I also talk a lot! I've woke him up several times yelling obscenities ( I do not act this way while awake). I even woke him one time yelling "loser, loser, loser!). Never a dull moment!
I had visual hallucinations before I was diagnosed and started on meds. Since that time I have only had one, so I don't think my meds caused them. My neuro said it was the affect PD can have on the optic nerve. Though he also told me my vision would return to normal with the meds, that has not happened!
i do have vivid dreams but no hallucinations. im on requip and azilect..
I have had and have visual hallucinations and dreams, etc both day and night both awake and sleeping and both negative and positive. They are so real that I reach for the person or animal (dog) to determine by touch if it is real or not. Neuro says it is both PD and meds. ~~ Dennis
Dennis I am in the same boat as you although the hallucinations seem to be controlled by seroquell. Night terrors are somewhat controlled by Minipress but do get worse at times waking me, yelling out. Also would grab, etc in deep sleep so physc added clonazipam at bed. Sinimet ER and comtam also at bed. Even with this cocktail there are times where the night terrors break through. Ropinirole was the worst for me it sent me totally crazy, literally my wife nearly had to have put into care when I was 34 I was so nuts. Cheers Dylan