when your waterskiing drinking margueritas coors light montain dew ...going on a first date...going to your first dance.....you are not dying... you are living......when yor heart and lungs fail and you wake up with autonomic nervous system failure..you cant breathe....rigidity in the chest the diapraghms night terrors ....etc...then at 2 in the morning ......dark...lonely.....gasping for air...then your dying.....WE ARE NOT ALL DYING......some of us are though....the 2 am crowd....the "last 20 minutes"......"im not afraid of dying im afraid of the last 20 minutes of living".................i have pd im in respiratory failure and cardiac failure...age 54....pd since 33 yr old..........the last 20 minutes............my quote...is this " human beings are in a unique position to ....at will....alleviate the suffering of another living creature".......this is all we have after b supplements. ceylon vs vietnaese cinnamon....ashwagahanda...mucuna etc........mitochondrial studies and weighted triple blind studies..........there is us......how do we do the last 20 minutes....the point when you know...."sometimes they just have to kill you" do we get relief from that and grow despite ill informed dr's..... or do we wither and die....unheard ...like everyone else in history.....dont let people who are healthy tell you "we are all dying"....for some of us are and some not.....dont insult the 2 am crowd............hang tough...until you cant...