well quick update.....the 10th +-, home healthcare agency has not been able to show up for 2 days even for out of pocket 31$ an hour. hang tough.....
home healthcare: well quick update.....the... - Cure Parkinson's
home healthcare

Have you tried or given any thought to hiring someone directly? If you could find a dependable person sincerely interested in caregiving that would make a world of difference.
oh yes have done that......if thier licensed and bonded....still working that angle i figure im at 1 in 200 that can actually clean a bathroom sink.......2 weeks ago i had a person in here who had never used a can opener ...electric or manual....never mind a boy scout pocket knife hahahahah no kidding ...he didnt know how........thanks though parkbear....hang tough.
Is there a senior center in your area? maybe you could get some references to helpers that might be more appropriate through a senior center
We’re not having trouble getting nursing or therapy from home health, but getting a caregiver has been impossible!
We’ve emailed or had resumes from at least 50 people over the last couple of months and most stop returning your calls or quit after they meet us.
I ran an ad on Craigslist and got lucky with a medical student who needed part time work for a month or two, but that’s over now. Anyway, you could try that? I’m hoping we’ll be at least able to get a student this summer but it’s a very difficult labor market.
yes i have no trouble staffing my hospice in home care RN but your correst the CNA types are just not available. thank you for your response! youtube.com/watch?v=JKxi8Ps...
Oh good grief. I’m so sorry. Is the website caring.com any help? You probably have tried it or maybe it’s not online anymore. It’s crazy how hard it is or can be to cobble together what you need. It’s hard also when you feel super bad and you’re the one having to do basically the legwork also. You hang tough too.
yes ....charlie brown..."ggod grief".....no i havent tried it i will right now....thank you! several eyes are better then 2 ! cheers! im on nightinggale home health but they have called in 2 hrs ahead to cancel....no replacement....firtst 2 days of work...hahahha ohhhh crud! they get paid out of pocket 30$ an hour and cant even show up.....im trying to laugh.....i think ill listen to simon and garfunkle......hang tough....
ok i have #11 home health 28$ an hour supposedly showing up tomorrow, they have canceled/called in the first 2 days so far...cheers!
Oh my gosh. So sorry. I guess they can’t get employees now maybe? But that’s shouldn’t have to be your concern but as it is. Well dang I’ll keep thinking. It gets to the point where you probably contemplate going into one of those places and just sitting down in the middle on the floor and saying “I’m ready for my care.”
I hope they show up or showed up. Or did they cancel totally?
cancelled, no show, the dog ate my homework...31$ an hour is not enough to clean a sink... same old excuses #12 on agencies.....bt thank you for your options....your a gem....cheers! hahahah yes sitting on the floor that made me laugh....haha.....im not going into a nursing home at 54....
Pardon me while I scream in frustration on your behalf. You sit on the floor at the homecare place and I'll yelp from here!
Argh. And that noise too.
You are young. Shoot.
I've been no help so far, but I'll be happy to research further -- I can message you for your home care list so far, if that would be useful.
Again, all together .... ARGH.
Well darn. I thought they listed individuals also. This is just agency stuff sort of. You hang tough too. Dang it. I’ll snoop around on the Internet a bit more and see if I can see anything else that is comparable.
thekey.com? Lots of lovely nice marketing language! Which means absolutely nothing.