I officially will loose my work healthcare later next month. I was paying $120 month for excellent familycare that $60 now individual, included everything and was shocked at the prices when you no longer work. 600=1400 / month? Really!! Where should I look in Pa. ?
Any input in choosing healthcare - Cure Parkinson's
Any input in choosing healthcare

Mutual of Omaha?
Do you have another source of income? If not, or if it is inadequate, you should qualify for Obamacare. That program literally saved my life! I lost my job -- and with it, my health coverage. I had recently been diagnosed with leukemia, and without insurance, I could not pay for the life-saving meds.
In California, we have an insurance exchange called Covered California. I don't know what it would be in Pennsylvania, but I'm sure the state Health and Human Services would know. Call and ask if you qualify, and what kind of documentation you need to apply.
If you are philosophically opposed to Obamacare, I apologize.
Are you Medicare eligible? If not, Your reduced income for 2017 might qualify you for the Medicaid expansion program.
Pray and continue praying that our elected officials put down the gloves and work together. Trump dos not care about healthcare he just wants something good to sign his name to, he has much bigger fish to fry.
There always COBRA and It will be the same coverage I have now and extended for 36 months for those on disability Mine would be 550-650 month still a lot cheaper then what the unaffordable act has offered me. And on disability you have to wait 2 years then your eligible I'm one year in but don't think my doctors take it or new treatments are on it. Don't you also have to take out supplements too? I can take full retirement at 62 in 2 years with my PSERS union and they cover some type of retirement healthcare. But I would rather let it sit there for now. My long term disability prorates. So who in with me on robbing a few banks for a year or two?