I just read a profile that spoke highly of this device. I have been considering buying/using/making something cheap to try Red Light Therapy. I am now considering this!!!!
PDCare Laser (Red Light) - Any users of t... - Cure Parkinson's
PDCare Laser (Red Light) - Any users of this device? What's your experience with this device?

There are many posts on here about Red light therapy, some people with PD are helped others aren’t so sure. My husband bought the red light hat from the mens shed in Tasmania and has been using it now for a couple of years twice a day. I think it keeps him in a more positive mood, and although he is 6 years plus since dx and on meds, he can still do most things and continues to walk every day. He has cut down on C/L and takes less than a few years ago. He does take other supplements and keeps to a healthy diet. If you look at my posts there are lots about Red lights. If you are electronically minded some people have made their own and its probably a good place to start. The device you mention above seems quite costly, but I have no experience of it.
Thanks, Yes quite costly. More than I want to chance on a whim. I have a hard time believing a light with a red lenses can do anything. And, a clear LED generating a red light just a little more plausible.
I am not sure but think the red light therapy is for the inflammation that some say causes the disease to begin with ....all gut issues. I believe the red light therapy gets rid of inflammation with daily use according to the strength. Don't mind being corrected on that. They are being advertised for a lot of things. Slowboy's wife.
Hi, I’ve been using the laser and coronet for about 10 months after reading about the small trial run in Australia. I feel like it definitely has improved things for me, I have more energy, run faster, feel ‘perkier’ (not sure how else to describe it) and noticed improvements in my hand dexterity. And things have remained the same. I also keep very active use some other supplements, changed my diet etc so hard to know how much each contributes. But I feel it took me up a level! Totally understand it feels like a big investment.
My hwp has been using a Red Coronet for three months now and he feels great. It is programmed for 20 minutes and he does it twice a day. Check out Red Coronet from Australia.
This video is an excellent presentation featuring Dr Catherine Hamilton regarding the redlight coronet. It's 58 minutes long, but well worth watching. My husband has been using the coronet twice daily for about 18 months, and it has had huge positive effects for him, such as return of sense of smell, improved balance, and more motivation. I honestly feel that I have my husband back after having lost him for a few years. He started with the Tasmanian men's shed bucket for about three months, and it definitely made a difference. Then we upgraded to the duo coronet. It is less fiddly because it has automatically timed sessions, and it works off mains power rather than having to change and charge a battery. The coronet is much more comfortable too. We view it as the best investment in PD therapy that we've made. I know everyone is different, but that's what's happened for my husband. From our point of view, the duo coronet is very highly recommended.
I'm hoping to get one sometime soon. Does it do anything for his hair? Is his any thicker or longer. I'm hoping it will do something for my Parkinson's and for my thin hair at the same time.
Oh wow! I have never heard of this and definitely sounds interesting and will check it out! Thank you ! Slowboy's wife
I hope your husband is helped. 🙂
I will surely try to keep your post so I can. I’m always searching. I am beginning to think I need to work on whatever we can do to improve the gut from all info Ive been digging up it sounds like all disease begins in the gut. Add that to our diets and maybe even more improvement. How long have you had this second photo bio module.. bet he uses it daily. My husband has had this disease about 15 years. My name is Jean. Talk again if you like.I will get back to you but heading to bed now. Thanks for your info on this item.
It has been on my list to order the coronet duo for a few months now, to update from the mens shed one. On reading your post, I finally did it this morning! Using the Redlight hat has definitely made a difference to my husband but I think the duo is a little easier to use, a bit more powerful and probably more comfortable. That has been his biggest complaint.
I couldn't agree more! My husband finds the duo coronet much more comfortable and convenient. At first he only did one session in the evening, but now he also does a session in the morning. Two sessions a day seems to have made more positive change, so I would really recommend that.
Thank you for your advice. My husband has persevered with twice a day since he had his red light hat I can tell the difference in him when we ve gone away and not taken it with us. The coronet takes less time I think and we do have a problem remembering to charge up the battery.
Hello, Where do I find it? What, exactly, is it called and approximate cost?Thanks so much! Very interested!!!
Hi, I just started using the Coronet duo for my husband. May I ask how bad was your husbands condition when you started to use the Coronet? I feel like I have definitely lost my husband, he tremors almost constantly, has no energy, very poor balance and is showing signs of early dementia. So far the meds have not helped him. I am now considering getting the SYMBYX laser. I'm willing to try anything.
I’ve had the Coronet a couple of months now and I believe I’m having general improvements throughout all areas
That’s really good news to hear. I felt my husband improved generally in lots of areas too.
hello Zella, thanks for the information and congratulations for the successes with the Coronet. I was wondering if to a small extent it warms the head and if it can be kept for more than an hour. Thank you. gio
Hi Gio we at the moment have the mens shed right light hat. I ve only just ordered the Coronet. My husband uses his Redlight hat for half an hour twice each day, he says it’s slightly warm but not hot!
Thanks Zella, just one more question, does your husband take vitamin D or check it?
I'm happy or that it works so well for him and for others and I can't wait to see his next work of art.gio
Yes he does and gets it checked from blood tests.
He still draws and also enjoys writing poetry!
The researches show vitamin d alone doesn’t help much and infrared light (sunlight exposure) in combo works better. You don’t want to keep it on the head for more than an hour because of biphasic dose response rendering the therapy ineffective over the sweet spot joules dosage.
I am very happy that I found the PDCare a few months ago and have been using it successfully ever since. Mobility of the hands have improved + sense of smell and I have become more relaxed overall.
It doesn’t warm the head too much subjectively, but because of the pathways that it works, I wouldn’t really do it more than 2 regular cycles x a day. Too much heat generated within brain by cytochrome C pathway? Something to that effect
I understand, thanks for the reply. Fumaniron.
Could this slight heating potential be measured by an infrared thermometer? maybe there is already some data in the searches. I am interested for another purpose.
I can’t seem to get my attachment to link. Rescuema was very detailed and informative with his response on another link
I have not watched the video for the product yet and probably shouldn’t be asking until I do. In case it’s not covered in the video, might anyone know if you can wear this red light therapy hat formed product if you have deep brain stimulation. This reply is making me wonder if that would be all right. Slowboy’s wife
I think it’s ok to use this if you’ve had DBS, someone else on here asked the same question.
I’m on the fence. I can’t find the spec’s on the wellred.com duo, but spec’s for their pad indicate 60W (120ea 0.5 watt LED - actual 25W) [Why would actual be different?]. I like the idea of pad because it can be used on other parts of body. Pad less than $250.
The dilemma: I have strips containing 400 ea LED rated at 36W, that I brought for less than $30 which can be set for a music light show and can also set for red. I should build my own. How important is frequency and a program?
“Red light (wavelength 630nm-640nm) penetrates human tissue superficially, with approximately 80% of the energy being absorbed in the first 2cm. Red light energy has a significant effect on mitochondrial stimulation, which increases the production of ATP and in turn boosts fibroblast activity”
i just posted this a minute ago---------------------
We all know that we are struggling to find something... ANYTHING... to relieve our symptoms... let alone cure or reverse them.
I do think that "laboratory-style" red light therapy shows promise. But there are many "pseudo/fakle" red light therapy systems being sold for up to THOUSANDS of dollars that are totally WORTHLESS!
Here's the TEST: ... place your hand over the red lights... do you see that red light shine through and display on the back of your hand?
If it does not shine through your HAND...
how can it possibly shine through your SKULL???
WATCH these two researchers/ scientists (one is an M.D. and the other is a Chiro) --DE-BUNK ... "over-the-counter red light therapy"
Here's the link... watch this very informative video about red light 'penetration' from the 'toys' that are being sold for THOUSANDS of dollars (rip off!)
skip to the 4:57 minute mark to see the experiment that this M.D. and scientist did with a red light and a piece of raw, bisected head of a lamb ... NO penetration!