On Hope: I want to be very respectful of... - Cure Parkinson's

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artinson profile image
18 Replies

I want to be very respectful of all of our experiences so I don't want to dismiss how hard living with PD can be.

I came across this video and when reflecting what helps me keep threading in the water…one of the answers was seeing the success stories in all areas shared on this forum. Thank you ALL for instilling hope!


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artinson profile image
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18 Replies
JohnPepper profile image

Hi Artinson. Let me back up your video. I was diagnosed with Pd in 1992, although my first symptom had started in 1963. In 1992 I started taking Levodopa. I stopped taking the Levodopa in 1994, when I started taking Selegiline, because it was the only medicine that had been proved to SLOW DOW N the proogression of Pd. I also started a FAST WALKING program and within 4 months I had shown signs of IMPROVEMENT. By 2002 I was able to come off my Pd medication and have lived a good life, Pd-medication-free since 2002. I am now nearly 87. Remember what the guy in the video said, You have got to believe. You might think you are unable to walk fast, but that is not true. I have taken Pd patients out of their wheelchairs and immediately showed them how to walk NORMALLY. Not one of them was unable to do so.

If you would like to know how I did this and what you can do to ytake control of your life then contact me at johnpepper@telkomsa.net. It will cost you NOTHING

eschneid profile image
eschneid in reply to JohnPepper

Not doubting you John, would love to see video of some of these wheelchair walkers for inspiration. I did read Norman Doidges book, The Brain That Changes Itself and he was very positive on your self-healing.


kevowpd profile image
kevowpd in reply to eschneid

Most PWP in wheelchairs are not incapable of walking. They are incapable of walking long distances or for long amounts of time due to fatigue or other endurance challenges. Which is why they use wheelchairs when they leave the home. That they are able to be coaxed out of their wheelchairs to walk a short distance is to be expected.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to eschneid

Contact me Eric at johnpepper@telkomsa.net. it costs nothing!

Tribselyov profile image
Tribselyov in reply to JohnPepper

The EverReady bunny

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to Tribselyov

What is that supposed to mean?

Tribselyov profile image
Tribselyov in reply to JohnPepper


JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to Tribselyov

If you need help with Pd that actually works and costs nothing then you know where to look for it

Kt088 profile image
Kt088 in reply to JohnPepper

Are you sure you had Parkinson’s or a Parkinsonism? I’ve never read of anyone else who has had PD and been able to come off their meds. I question if you truly had PD.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to Kt088

Yes I am sure, 4 different neurilogists hav eexamined me and have confirmed that I do have Pd.The gfact that the medical profession has made no attempt to take an interest in what I do and what I have achievedm, which tells me they are not interested. In addition, many of their members tell their patients that I do not have Pd, withour even examining me. That is mpost unprofessional and should ne reported to their governing body!

If I did not have Pd then I would not have nbeen able to help so many other Pd sufferers as I have. I do not charge for what I do, so what reason would I possibly have for going all over the world to help other Pd patients to reverse their symptoms?

SilentEchoes profile image

Thank you for sharing this video. First, we need to reframe the narrative of neurodegenerative illness - it is traumatic brain injury. Second, the brain can heal. Every organ in the body has some capacity to heal itself when given the proper support. Third, you will not achieve recovery from TBI through pharmaceutical interventions. They alleviate symptoms but do not address the underlying cause of brain inflammation. Fourth, to heal your body you need to heal your mind. Emotional trauma is like a smoldering fire in our nervous system (chronic activation) when coupled with an environmental trigger (chemical exposure) it's like dousing the fire with gasoline. Fifth, become familiar with the concept of cognitive reserve. We all have a different starting point based upon genetics, epigenetics and lifestyle. When our reserve is depleted we tip over into a diseased state. You can recover and part of recovery is believing it is possible.


Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to SilentEchoes

Thank you SilentEchoes. I like the idea that this is TBI and can be stopped.

Godiv profile image
Godiv in reply to SilentEchoes

But how? I know this sounds silly but I wish I had someone to hold my hand and walk me through step-by-step what I should be doing. I find myself overwhelmed and puzzled. I’ve tried to find a neurologist or movement disorder specialist who tends to practice more holistic medicine, but haven’t had much luck. But like I said at the moment it just seems overwhelming.

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to Godiv

I like your zebra avatar.

I was DXed with parkinsonism due to the toxic effects of pesticides, later changed to motor neuron disease/ALS. I have an atypical form called ALS plus syndrome with cerebellar ataxia. My poisoning is documented at my state dept. of agriculture.

My mom died from classic idiopathic PD, which at the end looked like my ALS. There is significant overlap of symptoms in neurodegenerative syndromes. I believe they are related varients, not separate diseases. Think of it like ice cream, it comes in different flavors, but the basic ingredients are the same.

We are all unique in our genetic makeup, this is a variable (flavor) that expresses our individual vulnerability to environmental influences on our health.

Our genes are our tendancy not our destiny. The genetic form of PD is very rare. The idiopathic form of (acquired) PD is common - we all are exposed to environmental pollutants in our daily lives. Some are more susceptible to injury than others.

In my case vulnerability isn't a factor - I was poisoned and my neurological injury was inescapable. I inhaled a chemical mixture that included Roundup when it was misused during a crop application and drifted. The cows adjacent to the field died. By the grace of God, I didn't. Not right away, it still threatens to end my life prematurely.

There are universal biological processes among all living things from single cell organisms to complex humanbeings. There are also common biological pathways between neurological syndromes, cancer and viral/bacterial illness.

Organophosphate pesticides (OPP) kill EVERYTHING - bacteria, plants, insects, birds, fish, animals and people.

GlyPHOSate, the active ingredient in Roundup is an organoPHOSphate. The point I'm making is that just because a product is labeled to kill plants doesn't mean it can't also kill other living beings.

Ataxia is a hallmark of organophosphate poisoning. There are genetic forms of ataxia. There are genetic forms of PD and ALS too, they are called familial - the genes are not completely penetrant and still require a trigger.

What is common to families is their living environment and the foods they eat. Are they farmers, do they live in rural communities or on a military base, or next to a golf course? Are insecticides used in their home? Do they play golf, football, soccer or baseball? Are the lawns and gardens treated with pesticices? As a society we are very naive about chemicals, how and when they are used and the safety profile or lack thereof. There is no such thing as a safe pesticide. Less toxic, maybe.

My theory is that Parkinson's is a result of small doses of poison over long periods of time. Whereas, ALS is the result of an acute or subacute level poisoning event, that a person may not have been aware of. Many OPPs are odorless, colorless and tasteless. Paraquat is a prime example, it needs to be adulterated and includes an emetic in case if ingestion. Paraquat lawsuits for ppl with PD are underway.

Nothing protects you from poisoning if the air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink, the clothes you wear, the products you buy to clean your home and bathe with, and used for hygiene and beauty are saturated with harmful chemicals.

When you have reached the point of being diagnosed with a neurological syndrome, you have reached the threshold of poisoning, your body no longer has the ability to neutralize the toxic burden. Neurodegenerative syndromes are the end result of brain injury due to overexposure to toxic chemicals. I painted this with a broad brush, there can be compound reasons for the brain injury, like emotional trauma or concussion and other head injury along with chemical exposure.

The first step is to understand causation - cleanup your lifestyle. This is a process that not everyone will embrace and you might get resistance from family.

I think everyone should buy Dr. Terry Wahls book and follow her protocol. Later you can expand it with your own supplements.

There is so much more to this, I need to write a book.


Godiv profile image
Godiv in reply to SilentEchoes

Thank you, SE. I'm glad you like my zebra :). It's a Health Unlocked icon that I liked too. I am so sorry about what you're going through. Yes, indeed, we are being poisoned and it makes sense that the poisoning would cause these awful results. I grew up on a farm and also have pretty much all my life been drinking well water. :(

But wow, if what you were exposed to killed cattle -- that's horrible and obviously, extremely toxic.

You do need to write a book!! Help others like you just helped me. Have you tried the Wahls diet for even any small improvement? Thanks again for your thoughtful answer. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make all of us better.

ddmagee1 profile image

I’m inclined to agree with your statements, concerning toxic poisoning by chemical agents. I used to use round-up, a number of years ago, for a large garden, on a regular basis! I started getting PD symptoms, during that time. I haven’t touched round up, in the last 7 years, but the damage has been done! I have been diagnosed with PD, and Ataxia, and am on Sinemet! PD has affected nearly every system, in my body! I’ve had rapid heart beats, a result, I was told, of damage to my involuntary nerve system. Additionally, I have eye problems, attributed to PD! Add on cogwheel rigidity. in all limbs, resting tremor, a slow digestive system, and other problems, and I believe I have been poisoned, by round up! When several falls and concussions, are added to the mix, which I’ve had, the result is many symptoms, diagnosed as PD, but, I feel there is much more than just PD. Thanks for sharing!

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to ddmagee1

Ataxia is a Hallmark of organophosphate poisoning. Hugs.

I tried to be heard in Minnesota. This is a horribly corrupt state, no lawyer would take my case. I have a medico-legal letter from an environmental medicine physician.


ddmagee1 profile image
ddmagee1 in reply to SilentEchoes


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