Does anyone experience night sweats? Actually I don't perspire anymore, so my body just gets hotter and hotter with no sweating too hlep cool it. It's often accompanied by palpitations, always accompanied by cramp and sometimes causes vomiting. I've been told it's caused by Parkinson's. I 'manage' it to some degree with spray bottles of water, always sleeping with windows open and using layered bedding rather than a duvet but it's rather unpleasant and I'm usually awake for hours. What I'd like to find is a supplement which stops it happening! Google hasn't been much help as it assumes the cause is the menopause! I just wondered whether anyone had experienced this and found a solutiion.
Night sweats, palpitations and cramp - Cure Parkinson's
Night sweats, palpitations and cramp

Searching on something like "body temperature regulation problems" might get past the menopause results...?

Thank you it does but doesn’t come up with anyway of treating it beyond increasing ldopa meds which otherwise I don’t need to do.
Hmm. I didn't investigate them, but I could see hits that included low vitamin D levels (have you had yours checked?) and a bunch of other stuff. That was with yahoo search.
eta: I wasn't searching on treatment though, only the phrase that I posted

Thanks. I take vitamin D so wouldn’t think that was low.
There is no way to tell without testing. Keeping vitamin D within the normal range is a struggle for me, and I rely on testing to know if I'm on target with supplement dosage.

I used to have bloods done regularly but after moving eight months ago and Covid restrictions, they haven’t been done for twenty months! Thanks for reminding me

Ah just found an article saying magnesium and potassium help body regulation. I am taking both but will increase dosages.
I had night sweats for 5 weeks post first Moderna shot. Luckily ok now.
I had read a post here on this forum in which it was mentioned that vitamin B3 fixes the sweating related disorders
I have similar hot sweats and always with a blocked nose. I found taking 1000mg (1gm) of Vit C before bed stopped them - and if I do wake up hot I take another Vit C which always does the job. Timing seemed important and this seems consistent with the high-dose half life (but I am no expert!). I also take a standard H&B Mg tablet 250mg which insures against cramps.
I know when my c/l dose is about to wear off (during the day) when I get hot flashes. It lasts for about 10 - 15 min. Its one of the cues that its time for my next dose. Its not menapause. I used to get hot flashes at night without sweating, but I dont anymore. I attribute it to either HDT or homeopathy.
Sorry, you’re blaming B1 or homeopathy?...
Atrributing the rectification, rather.
No, either the HDT or the homeopathy eliminated the night sweats.
Sweat and body temperature regulation (and other functions) are controlled by autonomous nervous system that is disturbed more and more by excess of levodopa especially if it is taken during night to sleep. It seems that during REM phase of sleep neurons “open” their gates to discharge toxins in the lymphatic system. If dopamine is too much it disturbs this process.
How much levodopa/carbidopa do you take and when?
Very little! 100mg at 9am, 50mg at 1pm and 50 mg at 5 pm.
Agree it is very little but body tolerance is individual. Have you tried to reduce l/c snd see if sweating decreases?
My tremor would return so it’s not even worth a trial. And I’ve been on that dose for seven years and only had the night flushes in the last year or so. I have increased magnesium and I’m hoping that will help without causing any other problems. Thank you for your thoughts though.
I haven’t a lot of experience with night sweats but no solution. Dr. Ahlskog at Mayo would, ihink, say to take more Levadopa at night.
i have heard that sage balances night sweats...can try a sage tea, maybe?
A cooling mattress cover will certainly help the symptoms of body temperature dysregulation (but not the cause)