Which drug would compliment carbidopa-levodopa to make it last long with the least side effects
Advise on drug s: Which drug would... - Cure Parkinson's
Advise on drug s

I've been taking Gocovri, which is basically Amantadine at a higher dose and works pretty well but it gives me vivid dreams. I've tried Entacapone and it worked pretty well but it made my dyskinesia worse, it's supposed to help, in addition to extending time. A friend tried Entacapone and he had zero side effects.
I take amantide for dyskenesia and selegiline for extending car/lev time
Hikoi I just got informed by the chemist that they are discontinuing Selegeline in NZ, we have to sort an alternative
Hi grower, yes I first noticed this a couple of weeks ago. I will pm you
I’d suggest rasagiline, a newer MAOB inhibitor than selegiline.
Hi Alaskan girlfriend! I used to take Selegiline. Took it for years with no apparent benefit. My. Neuro prescribed Ongentys, a new drug approved by the FDA in April 2020. I needed something - L-dopa was wearing off an hour before my next dose. Also I literally would shut down within seconds and with no warning. Yes there are side effects, worsening dyskenesia is my main problem. So now I'm taking Gocovri for that with some success.I wish you the best. Take care, stay safe and God bless. Both drugs are expensive, hope you have a good drug plan.
My advice to anybody taking drugs that do nothing to slow down the proghression of the Pd, is to start doing something that DOES SLOW DOWN THE PROGRESSION OF PD! Contact me, as many others have, and I will tell you all you need to know about something that costs you NOTHING and I charge nothing to tell you everything you need to know!
My husband has added in Rasagaline , which he did slowly as it increased dyskinesia. Then added in Amantadine which helped with that also allowed him to reduce C/L over time. Seems to be a good combination but like any of them they take a little time for your system to get used to.
I am on a levodopa, carbidopa and entacapone combined medication. I have no side effects from it and it comes as Stalevo or the generic Sastravi that I now take - having started on Stalevo.
CT wise, entacapone is certainly one drug that has shown the ability to enhance c/l. Gocovri also had excellent effects in the CTs, but it is very expensive with "limited distribution" (i.e. special pharmacy).
Stalevo costs about $125 retail (lower 48) for 120 tabs @ 50/200/200, $105 retail for 120 @ 25/100/200. I would try entacapone alone with sinemet or drop the sinemet and go to the stalevo. I wouldn't mix stalevo and sinemet.
Ongentys (Opicapone) is a COMT INHIBITOR but also VERY expensive. Retail cost is approximately $600 for 30 capsules or $$7,200 per year. I AM not a big fan of THIS DRUG. One phase 3 CT was somewhat bizarre ... being conducted at 104 sites using patient "diaries". It has a very short half life, but when compared to entacapone, both 50 and 75 mg Opicapone showed a significant increase for the levodopa AUC (it increases levodopa's bioavailability). Dyskinesia was the most frequently reported adverse event in all the CTs.