Have y'all seen this? Sounds like first round of studies is soon to be underway. Your thoughts?
New drug?: Have y'all seen this? Sounds... - Cure Parkinson's
New drug?

There is another thread by PD conscience about the same news which has stirred a little controversy. A precis would probably be
Interesting, good to have promising new therapies in development. The headline tends towards hype. Early days. Not yet started human trials. Long time (maybe 10 years) before it is available. If it works. Many promising trials have started. None so far have produced a result.
Whoever was behind this PR is a real champ because this only has been posted here about five times. This drug is preclinical. The chance of a preclinical drug making it to approval is about 1 in 30. On the average it takes about 10 years to get approved, for those that get there. I hope that this works but let us not hold our breath.
Yikes! I'm sorry, folks. I should have researched this more before posting.
Hope THIS IS IT, Beckey. So many trials and nothing concrete yet. Fingers crossed.
Sounds hopeful.
It is treating PD as inflammation in the brain, so I am trying anti inflammatories just in case . Some improvement so far but too early to tell if just placebo.
Yah, me too. I had been taking turmeric caps, but my daughter convinced me I'd have to swallow a jarful every day for it to have any effect, and I stopped. But I just started up again.
I've volunteered as a control on other PD studies. They cannot move forward unless people volunteer. My cousin just passed away from mesothelioma. He worked as a cancer researcher and helped bring several drugs to completion to help cure cancer. After his diagnosis, he volunteered for every study that became available.
Imagine they find a cure for PD ever?What will happen to the drug companies that are making Billions of Pounds out of this demonic disease?
We must not give up hope, no matter how slim the margin may seem!
I agree never give in and lose hope
If the stage one trials prove overwhelmingly successful, they just need to find a way of shortening the remaining process. I am sure a lot of people are at a point where they are prepared to accept a degree of risk if there is the chance of a positive outcome, and should be allowed early access.
I just listened to a podcast yesterday which said what many of you stated: any new clinical trial of a new drug is 10 years from market. This speaker, whose name I can't recall, said repurposing of already available drugs would be 2-3 years from market as has already been declared safe by FDA (in the US).
The Fox Foundations's response: michaeljfox.org/foundation/...
Go to inflazome.com for an explanation by the pharmaceutical company
As we will have a long wait for the drug try natural suppressors of NLRP3 inflammasome such as aloe Vera and curcumin. This link describes the problem in detail and in section 4 suggests a good list off natural remedies. It can hurt to add a few to our diet while we're waiting 🤔
Yes sounds awesome my husband posted this info a couple of weeks ago