Has anyone heard of this? Farnesol - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone heard of this? Farnesol
Farnesol - Wikipedia
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Farnesol is a natural 15-carbon organic compound which is an acyclic sesquiterpene alcohol. Under standard conditions, it is a colorless liquid.
CAS Number: 4602-84-0
PubChem CID: 3327; 445070 (2E,6E)-
Chemical formula: C15H
An alcohol !
Hmmm what is that compound found in red wine?
I watched videos on how to help gain back your sense of smell by sniffing Essential Oils and thought it was interesting. Then I came across a study about Farnesol, a product in essential oils and in perfume. This made me question if the olfactory training was a success by itself or because of the farnesol contained in the essential oils.
Here is part of the article:
A compound that occurs naturally in herbs, berries and other fruits was able to prevent — and even reverse — the effects of Parkinson’s disease in early tests on mice, a new study has found.
The research, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, found that farnesol, a compound commonly used to flavour food and make perfume, prevents the death of dopamine-producing neurons by deactivating PARIS, a different protein that fosters the gradual progression of Parkinson’s. Without the protective effect of these neurons, movement and cognition becomes impaired, giving rise to the tremor, muscle rigidity, confusion and dementia associated with the progressive disorder.
By blocking PARIS, farnesol opens the door to new interventions that target and alter the ability of the protein to do lasting damage. “Our experiments showed that farnesol both significantly prevented the loss of dopamine neurons and reversed behavioural deficits in mice, indicating its promise as a potential drug treatment to prevent Parkinson’s disease,” said Ted Dawson, director of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering and professor of neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Dave Yasvinski
Lemon grass EO has farnesol- I mixed into my husband's hand cream.
Also added berries to our daily diet.