Before I fall faint. What to do please.
Dizzy low blood pressure,l fall - Cure Parkinson's
Dizzy low blood pressure,l fall

The good doctor Dr. Ahlskog covers this topic extensively in Chapter 21 of his book which I highly recommend:
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Or better yet, ask your doctor's advice...

Thank you for your help . I will download the book
It sounds like you have orthostatic hypotension, loss of blood pressure upon standing. The symptom would be feeling lightheaded upon standing up from a sitting position. This problem can be caused by dopamine agonists. Which Parkinson's meds are you taking?
Thank you ParkER 25/100 + 1/2 25/100 L/C (4 times a day)
1 mg Rasagiline
0.25 mg Ropinirole
10 mg Escitalopram
The ropinirole may be at fault here. Consider tapering off of it and increasing your L/C dosage a bit to compensate if necessary. In consultation with your doctor of course. It took me a month to recover from dopamine agonist induced orthostatic hypotension.
It would be helpful to get a blood pressure cuff to monitor your situation. Orthostatic hypotension can be accompanied by supine hypertension - high blood pressure upon lying down, particularly in the evening. Before attempting to raise your blood pressure it is in order to check on this to make sure you are not suffering excessively high blood pressure when lying down. Also, any measure to raise blood pressure should be undertaken only in the morning, preferably first thing.
Many thanks bear. I had lower BP for a while. But this time it does not give a chance to hurry and sit . It is sharp and fast. I don’t remember my fall.
About one year
I suffered with low blood pressure and blacking out. This was one of my first symptoms that sent me to the neurologist. He prescribe fludrocort 0.1 MG 3x daily along with potassium chloride 10MEQ.
My husband had orthostatic hypotension before the PD diagnosis. His blood pressure would drop dramatically when he stood up. If he stood still for any period, as in at the urinal, he could fall without any warning. I assume he fainted. It’s not uncommon with PD apparently. He was put on Florinef, which worked well, but it did have side effects after a period.
I should tell you the rest of the story in case it helps. He developed a bladder problem after a few years on Florinef. He had trouble urinating and therefore stood at the toilet for quite awhile. Consequently he went down. Then suddenly he had high blood pressure as well as low blood pressure. He had to come off the Florinef and his bladder problem instantly disappeared!
He has a wonderful specialist who monitors his blood pressure. He takes a blood pressure tablet at 4.30 pm when his blood pressure starts to go up, which keeps it down overnight. By morning it’s worn off and his blood pressure starts to drop. He started on mannitol about 18 months ago and it doesn’t drop as much as it used to. It now rarely drops below 100/70. He also sits on the toilet instead of standing.
We are on a roller coaster with PD, but it would be much much worse without this site and the wonderful people on it. I’d hate to think where we’d be without it.
Good luck,
I see a Cardiologist and he prescribed Flecanide for me? It helps my OH. Otherwise, I was on the ground and living in a fog most of the day, miserable.