Does anyone have fluctuating blood pressure from very high to very low?
Blood pressure issues: Does anyone have... - Cure Parkinson's
Blood pressure issues

I don't, but many of the PD meds can definitely cause high or low blood pressure problems or both. To know for sure, read the side effect warnings that come with your meds. The antibiotic, Cipro, should not be taken if you're on Requip or Azilect. If you're on Azilect, you should avoid foods rich in Tyramine, esp. anything aged or fermented & some red wines. These things can cause blood pressure problems.
Thanks! My husband has PD and BPoften goes low, but recently has been running high. He had anesthesia last week for some back procedures. Wondering if maybe it might be combination of that and stress. Also PD meds got a little off schedule. He is consulting with Cardiologist.
Recently I have had sudden and significant drops in blood pressure episodes that had resulted in me passing out with little warning four times within a 4 month period. My doctors and neurologists think that it was likely caused by the high dosage of the PD drugs, the interactions between drugs, and/or PD itself in its advanced stage. They had me cut back on the dosage of my C/L and that has so ended my passing out episodes for now.
My husband has experienced the same thing, but recently it also spikes very high. Cardiologist put him back on BP meds and it is starting to stabilize. Thanks for the reply. It so helps to talk with someone who has experienced the same. His neurologist also cut back his c/l.
PD progressions are unannounced and often overlooked. Take your pressure frequently and at different times of the day. Even a "normie" has many fluctuations. The key is learning when and attributing it to why or what. The old adage "it hurts when I do that" sooo..... Don't do that! comes to mind. it can be simple progressions, drug interactions, or even food intake triggering it. I went through a bout of unexplained high pressure and have seemed to regulate it with my herbologist's assistance.
I've been diagnosed aged 48 now 52 and this year I've had a number of instances where if I stand up too quickly I have what is called gravitational blood pressure drop. It makes me feel as if I'm going to collapse. Been to the doctor had bloods done but other than needing vitamin b12 every month for the next three months I haven't been told anything.
Are you on blood pressure medicine? When my husband learned he "could" have gravitational blood pressure he stopped taking bp meds (have to do this slowly). Blood pressure good - like 120/70 and he's 79yo - but when went on Carbidopa blood pressure has dropped to 102/68. He checks pressure regularly. No going on ladders!!!
A nurse told me to drink more water. Two glasses before getting out of bed. Also, warm baths drop blood pressure. When my pressure is too low, I always use cooler water. Sounds too simple, but staying hydrated is so important. Drinking lots of water helps me. I hope it helps you.