"LL-37, a natural antimicrobial molecule present in the brain and gut, selectively binds to harmful clumps of the alpha-synuclein protein — a hallmark of Parkinson’s disease — and prevents their further aggregation and toxic effects in lab-grown nerve cells, a study shows."
LL-37, a natural antimicrobial molecule p... - Cure Parkinson's
LL-37, a natural antimicrobial molecule present in the brain and gut, Suppresses Alpha-synuclein Clumping in Parkinson’s
not sure if relevant to this
"Short-term treatment with 2000 IU/day vitD significantly increased 25(OH)D levels in CD patients in remission and it was associated with increased LL-37 concentrations and maintenance of IP. Achieving 25(OH)D ≥ 75 nmol/l was accompanied by higher circulating LL-37, higher QoL scores and reduced CRP. Registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01792388)."

That looks relevant! So what is the best vitamin D on Amazon!
Hi. I use Life Extension D3 + K2 from iHerb. I started on 2x per day for two weeks to ramp up plasma levels. And reverted to 1x per day thereafter. A Magnesium supplement may be advised as D3 & Mg are involved in calcitonin production. A lack of the latter and it will be sequestered from other sources to achieve calcitonin production.
where and when can we buy the priduct?
Michael Lustgarten's book Microbial Burden has a section on LL-37 (costs $5):
Also has a lot on LPS and references some PD related studies.
Any critical remarks? Lemmings and little birds abound, and as a fan I seem to feel in the position of educating doctors, but what do the more informed have to say?