Is there anyone who suffers from pain in their arm from PD? It feels like a muscle kink and tightness. My neurologist did not think it was associated with PD, however tests all came up negative. Just wondering.
Pain and Weakest on side affected by PD - Cure Parkinson's
Pain and Weakest on side affected by PD

Sure - pain from muscle tightness - dystonia - on the affected side - seems like an obvious Parkinson's symptom.
Of course you can have pain or discomfort in your arm. I have had it for years in my right forearm near the elbow end of my muscle on top. Sorry I don’t know my anatomy. Also pain in my right inner thigh. It improved greatly after DBS, but I still have. Does your neurologist specialize in movement disorders?
That is exactly where my pain is, R forearm. What if anything do you do for it? My doctor is a neurologist not a movement disorder specialist. The closest movement disorder is in Houston, 65 miles of 6 lane traffic. I just can’t drive it.
Perhaps a Telemedicine visit. Understand the driving limitation. I mentioned the gabapentin above, and noticed someone else suggested exercise. I ride a stationary bike at a high heart rate regularly and this helps my overall movement a lot.
Hi Darcy, my total left side has muscle locking, cramps ect, Dystonia. My neck and face included. Do you take any carbadopa/levodopa? My PD started with the dystonia. . It is very painful. My dr had prescribed muscle relaxers too but I don’t do well with those or pain pills. Make sure to try and exercise and stretch. The cd/ld helps some too. Take care. Karen
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my query. Now that I think about it, the pain in my FOREMAN, ELBOW AND SHOULDER, started before I was DX with PD. It is more painful as time goes on. I was given muscle relaxers by the orthopedic doctor who looked and couldn’t find any Skelton issues. I will try taking one tonight before going to bed. Thank you again. This site has been so very helpful in so many ways. Also very supportive. I don’t feel as though I am fighting this alone anymore. Thank you all.
I take gabapentin at night to ease the pain that i have. It seems to work well for nerve pain.
I, too, am on Gabapentin for neuropathy. I don’t find that it is helping the R arm pain….
Yes, I have pain and cramps in my affected side, arm. My hand cramps up, and ratcheting with my elbow, and my shoulder has pain most of the time. I’ve had a dislocated shoulder several times, fallen on that side, and have curled toes in my affected foot, along with disabling cramps. Much of this is definitely due to my PD diagnosis! I would agree with others, that it might help you, to find a way to see a movement disorders specialist! That, at least, would give you peace of mind!
I. Have right side weakness. I can't sit for more than 10min without cramping of my quadriceps so I spend most of my day standing or laying down. I'm being checked for hip and back issues. No one has targeted the issues to pd although it is a possibility. It's very painful. My shoulder and hand are weak. The leg issues make it difficult to get in and out of the car,,bed and off the toilet. I hope you get some relief and I hope our issues aren't pd related and can get resolved. I'm not on any meds yet for pd but I may have to start.
I'm sorry you have to put up with such an ill-informed neurologist. Pain with Parkinson's is one of the most common symptoms affecting up to 80% of the people with PD.C/L has been the only thing that has helped with my pain and it has been very effective.
Since you don't have a movement disorder specialist or a neurologist that is well informed I would encourage you to read everything you can (from reliable sources!} about PD. It's very important for us to be our own doctors.
I totally with your statement. We have to be our own advocate. I read everything and mull it over and digest it before trying it. I have learned so much since reading the statements on this website. Thank you all.
I second Enidah's recommendation for C/L. Are you taking any levodopa medications?
My husband has this and finally started on c/l as the nurse said it would help but actually he thinks it made it worse.
I use a spray or roll on called stop pain. I get it at cvs. It helps.
I have had a pain in my right shoulder and arm for years with PD until recently when I started red light therapy .. I have a post with a lot of comments about it on here. Could not get a nights sleep without the paiin waking me.. pain is almost a thing of the past now
Great. I am glad for you. I will look up Red light therapy..never heard of it. Thank you for responding.
Besides levodopa carbidopa magnesium hydroxide is very helpful for muscle cramping. As a spray and oral.
My main symptom is a painful left neck snd shoulder. That’s been there for at least 4 years before my diagnosis and has been getting slowly but solidly worse since Pd diagnosis 5 years ago.
Lately however I’ve been getting muscle pains in my right arm. Just as if you’ve been working hard the day before and get stiff muscles the day after.
I’m sure it is down to PD.
Best wishes
yes, I have shoulder nerve pain (or did) on my weakest tremor (left) side. Ambroxol has entirely resolved that for me, no more nerve pain (it's an extremely potent sodium channel (pain) blocker, 12x more potent than lidocaine, and not habit forming), not to mention its greater PD benefits for me with regard to maintaining my mental clarity and slowing progression. Just search on Ambroxol here for a lot more info on those latter benefits.
Pain science:
"The compound is an approximately 12-fold stronger inhibitor of Nav1.8 than lidocaine and 40-fold stronger if neuronal sodium channels in general are considered."
I used to have a lot of pain in my right arm. I take 400mg gabapentin at night, get medical massage every 2 weeks, use one of those pulsating massage guns, and do physical therapy. I was dx with PD in February and been taking c/l since then. I also take B1 thiamine hcl and mannitol
I also take PEA which is supposed to help with nerve pain. Over time my pain has resolved.
What is PEA please?
PEA is palmitoylethanolamide. I am currently taking the Life Extension Comfort Max version of it.
For B1, I started off low dose and increased slowly every week. I just increased to 900mg twice a day. My symptoms are mild right now so not too sure what I am looking for. I still slight walking gait issues with my right leg and slightly decreased dexterity in my right hand. I started c/l, mannitol and B1 all at the same time plus a bunch of other supplements plus diet changes so hard to know which things work best. I feel a thousand times better than I did in February. I have more energy, more strength and better balance.
Yes, I have pain in my affected (left) hand and forearm and occasionally in my shoulder. It is definitely PD-related, but I don't have a solution. It's a bit better when I exercise it.
Yes, I have it too.
It is a very common of my first. A frozen shoulder. It responded to very gentle exercise and levodopa. Its dystonia probably