My mouth is going crazy with dental issues,but also dryness, bad taste that does not leave, burning, tongue irritations. My friends suggested all these are the result of PD. I hope they are wrong. Is anyone else having "mouth issues?"
Mouth affected by PD?: My mouth is going... - Cure Parkinson's
Mouth affected by PD?

Yes....I have this for a long time and just in the last 2 years it has gotten much worse. The tongue problems seem to come and times my tongue is allmwhitevand if you look at it close in a mirror it looks rough and you can see individual buds that are sore and inflamed. The dryness is the worse. I drink water constantly. Because of the severe dryness and lack of saliva, my teeth have worn down below the enamel and into the dentin..and it is hard to eat or drink hot or cold things. You should use an electric toothbrush if you have tremor if you cannot use a regular toothbrush. Use a toothpaste that has fluoride and use Biotine mouthwash several times a day and they make a spray you can carry with you that helps. Also a Biotine gum that helps with the dryness. Without normal amount of saliva you are open to many dental problems. Mine has caused bone lose and my jaw has actually shifted and has caused an overbite. So please see your dentist and use the Biotine or another is Act mouthwash with floride for dry mouth...both are good. Good luck and don't let it go unchecked as I have. In fact I have a dental appt in the morning to start getting back on track. I do not brush teeth well enough or floss well enough because of PD...and several meds cause or add to the severe dryness.
I've had a couple of problems.
One is dry mouth, a side effect of taking Amantadine, an Rx med for treating a different side-effect from another PD med. I've been using Biotene mouthwash and toothpaste, but have not come across the gum. My neurologist recommended sugarless gum over the Biotene gum, saying (if I remember his wording right) that it would be as effective, but at a lower price. The gum works well, especially in circumstances when having a drink/sip is inconvenient. I have not taken the mouthwash nearly as often as Debfrmco does. But, I did buy 2 bottles and brought 1 into work, I'll try to start using it at work too to see how much that helps.
The other ~mouth issue is swallowing. For the last few months, I frequently have something I swallow feel like part of it is partially stuck in the back of my mouth / top of my throat. I know that swallowing difficulty is one of the potential PD symptoms, but I don;t now if that's the cause for me. I'l ask my neurologist at my next appointment,
You're making a serious mistake. Drink and wee all you can. Multiple reasons, that your docs won't tell you. Most PD medications play hell on your kidneys. Keep them flushed. Additionally, as PD progresses, many folks will have trouble completely emptying the bladder (frequently without knowing it) This leads to concentrated, bacteria laden urine, lying in the bladder, which leads to bladder/kidney infections. Additionally, these drugs lead to dehydration, either directly or indirectly through 'tricking' the hypothalamus gland into 'turning off' your thirst urge. I can cite more reasons, but these are enough. If you have PD, DRINK, DRINK AND DRINK H2O. Four-six quarts a day!
Happy - thanks for the advice - i guess i knew about the uriine being a problem if it gets strong but thought i drank enough anyway - about 1 and a half litres aday - which does not equate to 4 - 6 quarts a day i guess
My dentist suggested yogurt because it looked like thrush or a yeast infection (which happens a lot after taking antibiotics). It seems to have helped.
I bite my tongue more often than before PD, does anyone else?
Yes, I do bite my tongue and inside cheeks way to often, I also do not chew gum because I always bite myself. Yogurt is vey good and helps with digestion and tongue problems. The dry mouth is severe and the worst part of PD. Needing to constantly drink water causing bad times with Incontenance. And of course swallowing and choking is an everyday adventure....and thru it all, we Parkies still do our best to smile and keep on going. Lol
Thank you all. I have taken your advice and started using biotene products. Unfortunately, I can't chew gum, because of caps and my temporary bridge. Some of this dental nightmare is a direct or indirect (compulsive eating due to ropinerole) result of pd.