My state opens (totally) on Monday per re... - Cure Parkinson's

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My state opens (totally) on Monday per revised CDC Guidance

sharoncrayn profile image
46 Replies

My state opens (totally) on Monday, May 17, 2021 per revised CDC Guidance

After a year and a half of a lot of “Zoom” work, I am very fortunate that the medical center where I have our cancer clinical trial will reopen completely per revised CDC mask guidance. After much internal debate, the medical center will not require verification of vaccination for entrance nor a mask for employees, patients, or visitors (the local county has a very high vaccination rate of 67+%).

Back in late March, I had to reverse course on recruiting for the next phase of the CT when CDC director Walensky came out with a dire warning about her growing concerns about possible further “waves’’. Then, as data indicated a decline in cases. hospitalizations, and deaths, she relented starting April 27th and then last week and announced her additional revised guidance allowing the fully vaccinated to go without a mask both indoors or outdoors.

I realize debate exists on whether not this revised CDC guidance is appropriate at this time (especially in comparison to other countries). Some states and cities don’t agree with the new guidance. Some states are demanding a specific vaccination rate (as high as 70%) to re-open totally. Other states will review the situation but have no plans for a total re-opening. Some chain stores, like Target and Home Depot, will still require masks and social distancing,

For me and my staff, it means back to work in person and full speed ahead. Hopefully the trial’s results will be successful.


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sharoncrayn profile image
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46 Replies
Despe profile image


Inevitably all states will follow yours. We, the people. . .

"I'm absolutely terrified that the combination of vaccine passports and top-up vaccines is going to lead to mass depopulation, deliberate execution, potentially of billions of people. ~ Michael Yeadon, Ph.D."

slimweiss profile image
slimweiss in reply to Despe

I completely agree with you! The Great Reset. Ugh

Parkinsonjisung profile image
Parkinsonjisung in reply to slimweiss

Whats the great reset?

slimweiss profile image
slimweiss in reply to Parkinsonjisung

If you go on to and search his articles on Covid and the Great Reset, he explains it better than I can. Also I don’t want to turn this sight into a heated debate over the truth of it. Best that you read it yourself!

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to Parkinsonjisung

Hope this helps. Many interpretations exist of the GR, pro and con. on WEF GR web site on GR

What is GR?

The World Economic Forum initiated the Great Reset, which is a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. It also is intended to reset the world's markets, overhaul divisions of wealth and set up a new system of government that would work from a world system to control health, economics, education, industry .........

"“The Great Reset” is a commitment to jointly and urgently build the foundations of our economic and social system for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future." from WEF website

The WEF's GR "partners" cover the globe from the Mayo clinic to Morgan Stanley to Mastercard to Metronic to Microsoft in the USA to China's 360 DigiTeach.


Parkinsonjisung profile image
Parkinsonjisung in reply to sharoncrayn

I know what it is. I was trolling a bit cause I think its idiotic. But each to their own. People can believe what they want.

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to Parkinsonjisung

I thought you didn't. Most people don't.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

That's the great reset then, huh. So then what they say about Bill Gates and his little injectable chip is true, correct? And wondering then why he didn't use it on Linda, could have saved him some serious bucks.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Despe

Ok, in other words, maximum Chinese-style monitoring then, i.e., more spy cameras per person than currently the U.S. has in lawyers per person. 1984, only a few years late.

So I presume then, given the literal content of this reset and long solution by 'we the people,' against the actual situation, that the folks Despe refers to, this particular "we the people," is all those "semi"-homo-sapiens and lower simian primates who refuse vaccination on pre-prehensile grounds. In other words, returning to worldwide domination by paranoid lemmings, by which I mean most of us, as per usual. Careful Sharon, they're comin' for ya.

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to MarionP

I have no opinion one way or the other. As I usually do, I gave both sides. Interestingly, the WEF cancelled its meeting for 2021 in Singapore. Wonder why?

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

Politics and issues about autonomy always retard large accord efforts. Has to do with the inherent tendency toward dualities in our own psyches, and in politics and economics. Been around since we've been a species. Right now there is a great deal unsettled the world over about many things. We'll get a new meeting next year, right now the pot is really kind of bubbly over energy, environment, the rise of china, Eastern Europe's return to authoritarianism, refugee and ethnic issues everywhere, tin pots, our mistrust of everything around, just a lot of jiggle on the plate right now. This has been a very animated, agitated year. If we could all recognize that a good way around all that is to pay people to cooperate see now that becomes motivation and incentive, rather than having to worry about competition and controls and wars that one normally has to take into account as a hostile environment. Evolution by incentive rather than by overcoming a hostile environment that our evolutionary programming used as a major species growth strategy. Cooperation, the other major evolutionary programmed strategy is the proper way to evolve these days, but we haven't outgrown competition, so competition and cooperation still compete with each other. If we could figure out how to get off of those old models, and Skip right to"so just pay me to cooperate and I will, make it worth my while, make my pay in terms of benefits and freedoms and choices, then we won't have to extract it from each other and the environment, and we can give conflict, and individuality versus collectivism obstacles the boot." But we have yet to figure out that that will work better, or at least as well as, our inbred traditional Darwinist programming. We still got to worry about the other guy, and overcome our fears and concerns that over history has proved those fears and concerns necessary. Until we do figure that out and realize we can skip over that old "prevail against a hostile environment" evolution programming, only an extreme worldwide crisis will get that to change and only for that moment's duration. It's in our genes (or, in our jeans, I often think that we'd also get a better result if we just put women in charge of everything).

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to MarionP

Texas history tells us Sam Houston dealt with the Apaches by paying them to keep the peace; Lamar created an army to fight them and put Texas into BK.

The human species only goes back some 2.5 million years, so changing our programming should be snap. A sure thing.

" if we just put women in charge of everything)." Please don't promote that idea. Women in positions of power (Merkel, Pelosi, etc.) have yet to be proven great leaders.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

Put women at the head of evey nation state. Every company, every political party, every tribe. Every court. Every military.

After a year, and then 5, how many wars? How many new ones start? Speculate. Then speculate why?

My only requirement: that they've had at least one kid.

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to MarionP

sample size is far too small of female leaders for statistical significance let alone an assumption. However looking at global homicide rates and murder rates by gender it might be worth a try. Same goes for incarceration rates (about 12:1 in US).

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to MarionP

Whats with needing to have a child?

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Hikoi

Think about it. Once you have a few ideas, get back to me with them.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to MarionP

I havent the vaguest idea.

Is it to do with development of maternal behaviours or that the desire for a child might somehow compromise leadership ?

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Hikoi

Keep going...except you would be wrong on the specific piece that maternal would somehow compromise leadership, more correct to say it would inform leadership...keep going...

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to MarionP

If parenting informs leadership it must do for men as well as women and if that is your arguement what do women gain in parenting that is so special. Why do you not require this of men?

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Hikoi

I didn't say parenting, I said mothering. You changed what I said because you are not honest. Mothering, not parenting Nice try. You're still not trying, instead your effort is going into not looking, changing what I say, and resisting. Because of that you're not worth the effort, because you won't put in any of your own. So this is not an honest conversation on your part, you are trying to be contrary to have something to say, but you're very transparent. So I can't take you at your word. Will remember that about you, too, for the future. Bye.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to MarionP

the impulse towards freedom is innate in man and therefore unbreakable as well as the fact that the person has the ability to understand themselves and others and to feel empathy and love, this differentiates them from darvin's animals and brings them closer to the spiritual nature of a Supreme Being. (with some very rare exceptions). 😂

redhawk1 profile image

Hi Sharon. Glad to hear the Clinical Trial in which you are involved is up and running again! How is medical knowledge to be advanced unless there is a way to test and retest possible new, groundbreaking, medications to determine if they are ready for prime time!

Hats off to you, Sharon, and your staff for forging ahead. The Pasadena clinical trial I am in, despite taking place in the hard hit state of Michigan, was not interrupted.

GymBag profile image

Keep your eye on India and surrounding countries . This is not over yet. Every one has had enough of lock downs etc and the governments know this and are under much pressure to re-open. That does not mean it is without great risk.

alexask profile image
alexask in reply to GymBag

India's cases seem to be declining rapidly where they are using Ivermectin. The number of adverse events relating to the vaccines in the UK (especially blood clots with the AZ virus) seems to be alarming. Including one of the few people I follow on twitter and also Princess Michael of Kent. In fact it is my belief that a sudden "shortage" of the AZ vaccine was caused by a realisation that the hospitals would be overwhelmed by the number of adverse events. Anyway the UK is at herd immunity - at least until the winter flu season.

ConnieD profile image
ConnieD in reply to alexask

Thank you for sharing this information, I feel it’s important for us to know what’s going on around the globe with this pandemic, having PD may make some of us more vulnerable.

Gioc profile image

I dont smoking. :-)

Gioc profile image

I'm sorry, my fault I explained myself badly. what I have not explained and what escapes is the message of that drawing by Michelangelo, that is the closeness between the human being and the Creator of things and the spiritual values ​​that do not originate in matter such as empathy, love, but also others such as the sense of justice, the evaluation of good and evil with responsibility and many others. VS the materlistic culture, where everything is a chemical reaction and which has given us the H bomb. If they continue to nullify the spiritual part by saying that man is simply an animal, rest assured that it will be used against man.If we want progress this must be in the humanities which should keep up with the physical sciences, otherwise sooner or later there will be an irresponsible madman who will crush one of those buttons. The animal man, the man god, in which direction will the research go? one leads to the hell of the extinction of nuclear war, the other to conquer a civilization worthy of the name. The answer lies in the ability to advance the humanities on a par with the physical sciences. Even today I heard on TV say the phrase "men are all equal ..." instead of "men have the same rights and are all equal before the law ..." Small change, but wrong direction, for example. I'm sorry nothing to do with nationalism or women, and I have no anti-American consideration, but as I said I explaine myself badly. Maybe…

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MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Gioc

Ah, OK. Yes, translation problems.


God created scientists too. See, you can't have it both ways. Thus, God did indeed create the materialistic culture, where everything is a chemical reaction and which has given us the H bomb. That's why so many people have a problem with God. They are not wrong.

The most horrible things have been done to humans in the name of religion, many many many times and many, many, many people. When people behave like devils (animals generally do not take things personally nor do they kill or torture or both for sport or power or pleasure the way people do) then those people are behaving like animals and God created those people and their propensity, sometimes clear preference, to behave like devils.

If you don't recognize it because you don't wish to, because you want to just gaze upon the first picture, then all of the second picture goes unrestrained, because you look away. That sort of turning away is hardly moral, and hardly Spiritual, to say the least, unless you also can accept that people have evil spirits, not just good...and turning away because it is uncomfortable to believe is part of the evil, not the which case all the good and potential in the first picture is spoilt because we now learn to treat it like the second, as a nice piece of property to be bought and owned.

So look at that first picture and think how nice it is. Then look at the second picture, and tell yourself that if I prefer the first picture and exclude the second, I am part of the second, thus God created me to be the second by abandoning those hurt by it, so that I can spend my time gazing upon the first.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to MarionP

I can tell you that no one created you, everyone is responsible for their actions, for better or for worse. sorry 😁

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Gioc

That's my point in fact. Yes, exactly! We agree, absolutely we do. We created God, not the reverse.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to MarionP

The Creator of things is a concept that indicates the primary cause / causes external to the physical universe and therefore to space, matter, time. Just a creator of things is a conscious and capable external primary cause. A very practical philosophical concept to describe a spiritual soul, and this One here has an innate impulse towards freedom, just like you and me.😀

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Gioc

I prefer Einstein's definition.

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to MarionP

"too vast for our limited minds." I believe he said as much.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

What he said was: if there is a God, it is in the order in the universe.

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to MarionP


MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

What he said was: "if there is a God, it is in the order in the universe.

I believe in Spinoza's God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all that exists, but not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind."

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to MarionP

"We created God" ???

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

yep. but i wouldn't let it bother me.

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to MarionP

it isn't. far from it.

Besides Einstein pictured everything as a astrophysicist (the order of nature as part of his comic religion).

Might as well start quoting Maxwell or Newton.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

Yes, but in doing so he was deterministic, to the quantum level.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to sharoncrayn

Didn't God create biochemists as well as physicists? As well as matter, which via chemistry, and physics, demonstrate that it follows pretty well determinable laws? Within which both chemistry and physics must conform, relate and interact consistently and in consistent, systematic overlaps? Or did I miss something? How would you like it if physicists said, "Oh, that's just biochemists, what do they know?"

CPT_Helen profile image

Please take this discussion off line. Sharon fantastic that your trial restarts.

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to CPT_Helen

ended it as of now

GymBag profile image

Awww it was getting interesting

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply to GymBag

But not very popular. Powerful slave makers don't like the message: "a human being who understands himself is a free man", this understanding comes from the advancement of the humanities and they are not very popular.


MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Gioc

Evidently not with this administrator. Must be a nurse.

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