Does anyone suffer with burning mouth due to Parkinson’s? If so, what do you do to remedy the situation? I have been using coconut oil without much success.
Burning Mouth due to Parkinson’s - Cure Parkinson's
Burning Mouth due to Parkinson’s
Yes, yes, yes and I dont have any solutions but it is most unpleasant. Food has lost much of its taste.
I have had this problem a long time ago but it was horrible. Nobody knew what to do about it. But a friend told me that he has had the same thing and one day it was over - he just advised me to brush my teeth with Zendium , that's what he had done. Just to know that it could disappear was such a relieve. I used Zendium toothpaste and in my case the pain also dissapeared. It took a long time, several months if I am not mistaken. So I wish you all the best mister Darcy and excuse me for the faults i have certainly made in English ( I am dutch).
I have this and don’t have PD. I am tending towards the idea that it is eating too many oxalates as it gets worse if I eat eg spinach and lately it came back after I had fejoas. Check food you are eating a lot of on a list of high oxalates foods and try reducing or eliminating them for a while to let them clear out of your system.
I also feel like it is coming from stale liquid in my sinuses and saliva glands and is foul first thing in the morning. I do neck exercises stretching in all directions while breathing deeply and it seems to wash it out and not taste as bad later in the day once all the juices have been flowing a bit after eating etc.
Massage your scalp very firmly, rub your forehead side to side vigorously to move the skin over the bone . Move jaw side to side even pushing slightly with your hands to free it up. Do your biggest grin stretching your mouth up at the corners as hard as you can. Pull your ears outwards, open your eyes as wide as you can. Open your mouth as wide as you can and massage the back of the roof of your mouth over your soft palate. This all breaks up the fascia in your face a little and helps free up your glymphatic system.
I think the foul taste is the brains build up of waste products that needs to drain so get it moving so fresh liquids can get in there.
Note this is just my experience and not based on any science that I have seen.