DR. JULIUS HELLENTHAL MD?: This guy... - Cure Parkinson's

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simonasays profile image
20 Replies

This guy definitely seems like a quack and I am having difficulty finding any unbiased information or any pubmed journals, but I promised my father i would find out more information. Anyone heard of this guy's clinic in nicaragua? His friend with parkinson's is going down there for his treatments....




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simonasays profile image
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20 Replies
MBAnderson profile image

Every link in the website you linked to is broken.

Please excuse me for being blunt, but this is the worst idea I've heard so far this year.

I would guess there is an airplane leaving Nicaragua for the United States approximately once every -- four or five months.


Tell his friend to run the guy's name to Google a few times.

Looks like he's purporting to do stem cell therapy in a hotel in Nicaragua. I'd run.

I haven't ever spent one minute doing research on healthcare in Nicaragua, but from what I know of the country, i.e., political turmoil and a mass exodus underway -- it is not possible they are treating Parkinson's with stem cell applications.

Check out his Facebook page. To enhance his credibility he shows pictures of the hotel room where he does the stem cell work - and on a good day looks like a cheap Motel 6.

All of the above aside, traveling round trip to Nicaragua during Covid is not a good move.

The State Department says travelers returning to the US from Nicaragua should expect delays. I interpret that to mean they're not going to let them back in the country.

simonasays profile image
simonasays in reply to MBAnderson

Thank you for taking the time to look into him. Yes, I saw all of the information and the blog post. He sounds like an utter quack, but like i said I promised my dad i'd look into it and this is the best place to confirm these kinds of things.

Warmly, Simona

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to simonasays

You are welcome Simon. I had a lot of spare time this morning, so I enjoyed doing it.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to simonasays

Well I hope you didn't promise your dad you'd also support preposterous ideas. You shouldn't promise everything, he probably desperately needs at least somebody to respond with some sanity and strength of character, even if painful.

simonasays profile image
simonasays in reply to MarionP

oh yes i always am quite honest with him. However, I think he would question my opinion if i didnt do my own factfinding before coming up with a conclusion. I am skeptical though heavily believe in the power of placebo, but this of course sounds like a totally desperate attempt for his friend. (Also TBH he is a friend of a friend and more like an aquantance)

simonasays profile image
simonasays in reply to MBAnderson

And coming back from Nicaragua shouldn't be a problem since he requires three months that you stay there LOL I guess you'll worry about it after the pandemic is over and they allow you to come back

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to simonasays


MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to simonasays

Three months in Nicaragua?? I think he would have a 1 in 10 chance of making it from the airport to the hotel without being beaten and robbed. Living in the country for three months -- no chance.

simonasays profile image
simonasays in reply to MBAnderson

Was hoping it was near the touristy side of things. I translated a review of his book from german and it was not promising.

pdpatient profile image
pdpatient in reply to simonasays

@simonasays, this doctor is a German in Latin America? Alarm bells and fancy bells ring at the same time. Do you know how old he is? If he is 90 +, maybe he knows something that the rest of the world doesn't 👺

Nah! Even if he is German and genuine and has a proven treatment, it would be never worth it.


MarionP profile image

Of course anything's possible. Like, it's also possible the sun won't come up tomorrow. pandering insane ideas is not my idea of helpful. Now, stalling him until he forgets about it is a much better idea.

simonasays profile image
simonasays in reply to MarionP

Im confused, are you saying I am pandering this idea to my father? I don't think I wrote anywhere that my father was considering it. He just forwarded an email saying "What do you think" I replied - "Ill look into it and get back to you" Hardly pandering...

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to MarionP

'Stem cells' is the future. A German-trained neurologist offering such is not too uncommon. Medical tourism can be worthwhile. But a 60 Minutes segment a few years ago showed what a quack that doctor was. A friend went to Mexico for stem cell therapy for severe cardiac disease and essentially was given a new heart. Not literally, but with stem cells he got his life back. If I had the money and was out of conventional options I'd try it. I was born in Germany and being German myself, I'd trust a German.

Trulyhealed profile image
Trulyhealed in reply to kaypeeoh

I went there myself to Dr. Julius' clinic in San Juan del Sur three separate times. He has a separate clinic in town, but his patients stay in one of the 5-star hotels across from the beach and ocean. Dr. J.H. then does "house calls" to check on his patients and to perform certain procedures, advise patients, etc. He does not practice out of a hotel room. Also, when nothing else worked for large benign tumours (i.e. fibroids) in my uterus, Dr. J.H's antibiotic/immunological regime plus the stems cells shrunk these fibroid tumours to 10% of their size, which was the size of a 7-month fetus when I arrived there the first time. Yes, the clinic is not your "normal" North American clinic; and it is true that the doctor is somewhat eccentric, but he is very intelligent and knowledgeable. I went alone the first two times to Nicaragua, and I did not encounter any problems, even though I was an older woman traveling alone. The doctor makes sure that his patients are picked up at the airport: he used to do it himself, but now he sends a safe taxi and taxi driver to pick up his patients at their hotels in Managua. I will admit that I wasn't sure about whether the stem cells would work, or even if this was a safe place to be, but I learned that it can be an amazing healing process. I saw it work instantly for other patients with very serious and obvious diseases, such as skin conditions that were obvious and easy to see with one's own eyes. Don't be afraid: I know that Nicaragua has its issues but then so do other countries now. Patients and people visiting Nicaragua need to be aware of their surroundings, as with any other place or city in the world, but they do not need to fear this clinic, this doctor, or Nicaragua. I would go back in a heartbeat. Many patients fly to Liberia, Costa Rica first, and then there are planes that go back and forth regularly. It is only about an hour's drive from Liberia to San Juan del Sur (or less), which is where the doctor's clinic is located. I haven't been this way myself, but I'm going to try it next time. My experiences were all very positive and I was truly healed by Dr. J.H. and his stem cell/immunological regimens. Miracles do happen, and I have been one of those who has been healed while going to see this doctor. It's okay: you can be skeptical. I was at first, but I had a friend that was healed of a neck injury by Dr. J.H., and he convinced me to come there at the same time he was arriving there from another destination. It works. Just plan and talk to the doctor and others before you go, so that you are taken care of on your journey to the clinic. Be blessed!

kevowpd profile image
kevowpd in reply to Trulyhealed

Welcolme to the forum, Julius.

simonasays profile image
simonasays in reply to Trulyhealed

Fibroids? Neck injuries? you may be in the wrong forum. <cough>....<cough>

simonasays profile image
simonasays in reply to MarionP

Also, it is not possible that the sun will not come up tomorrow. But then we are getting philosophical....

plumenoir profile image

bonjour je vien de le rencontrer depuis peu , ici les gens ont confiance ,si vous voulez en discuter me contacter

Luis_3010 profile image
Luis_3010 in reply to plumenoir


Nica452 profile image

I spent 6.5 months in nica recently and is is completely safe. I walked by his clinic many times almost daily. I have heard great things about what he has done. He himself had Lyme disease from years ago and has helped many people with different conditions. Depending where you search nica from it will give you different opinions about the country. We loved it there and if I was in need of his treatment I would look into it for sure.

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