ChrisWF and all Forum Members,
To be clear, I am one of the people who complained about two of your replies, because I felt you were using sarcasm and negativity with some posters because you did not like what they had to say when you could have just ignored them or made your point without the sarcasm and negativity. In the years since I have been on this forum, I have probably only complained 5 times about another poster, but one of those 5 complaints was on behalf of another poster who asked me to make that complaint, otherwise I would never had made that complaint, because to me that type of complaint rarely produces the best outcome and in your case, I see no difference in terms of an outcome. Two other complaints were recent in I complained about the guy with Gulf War Illness who was trying to scam members of the forum twice and I complained each time.
I do not have a problem with any talk about PD meds or alternatives, they have always been spoken about on this forum since I started posting here years ago, on pretty much a daily basis and I really like that about this forum, the high tolerance level to most ideas, but what I do have a problem with is when negativity and sarcasm is used as a tool against one or the other, by one poster to another poster. It pushes some posters away and then they just stop posting. Although this forum has over 18,000 members, the actual number of members who post regularly is very small (less than 100?) compared to that number and I don't like to see members leave because they don't like the negativity and sarcasm.
I do not spend time trying to talk badly about people who promote prescription drugs as I know they are needed in order for most PwP to have some semblance of a life. I do not speak about them much because I read very little about them, but if a member is asking about a drug, I will link to articles that discuss side effects if I think that that drug has some significant side effects such as Ciproflxacin and that family of antibiotics as an example. Perhaps that can be construed as negativity, but I think of it as more of a full disclosure about the drug that a patient deserves to be aware of.
I do speak about supplements almost exclusively for the simple reason that they are what I read about. I consider them as adjunctive treatment to the meds for the shear purpose of trying to improve the quality of life of PwP. There are plenty of prescription med discussions on this forum and I rarely if ever drop any negativity or sarcasm on those discussions or try to single out individual posters with negative comments or sarcasm.
I try to be polite in forum conversations with other members and I only minimally try to interject humor because there is always the chance that humor, in this cyber context can be misunderstood and taken the wrong way.
I care about the people on this forum and try to be respectful even in disagreement. I made a mistake one time in an extended discussion with Rescuema and I have always regretted how that conversation ended. After it was done, I could not undo it even though I felt bad. I have been on plenty of open forums such as this one and that experience has shown me how good this forum is by comparison and I would truly like to keep it that way because in a sense this conglomeration of active members doubles as a support group for all of us. I think of it as family of another type and I try to respect that quality in all that I say and do here. I am not here to promote supplements, but rather to try and find things that may offer quality of life improvement if possible. No entity is behind me trying to get me to promote anything. I am trying to do my best on this forum and am definitely not trying to hurt anyone, at least not with the intent to do so.
I do not have PD and I do not know what it is to live that life and I do not ever suggest that I do. I have explained multiple times why I am here and I do not have a hidden agenda. I write about what I hope might be helpful for the members and I try to put myself in the position of others to try and understand what they may be feeling. I'm not always successful in that endeavor, but it is not for lack of trying. Sometimes I cry when people talk about what they are going through and I just feel helpless to help them. I do what I feel I can for the betterment of this forum and its members.
I apologize Chris if I offended you with my complaint, I just didn't know what else to do other than a post like this which I am doing anyway. In hindsight, I should have just done it this way, directly to you and the forum and been straight up about it.
To all of the forum members, I apologize to you if you feel my complaining about Chris was out of line. I am not trying to alienate anyone on this forum, even those who I rarely talk to. This is a good place and a safe place where the members know they can come and gain knowledge and support from other members and the last thing I want or intend to do is detract from that in anyway and if I have, I apologize to anyone I have offended through my actions regarding this matter. This is all from my heart and as honest as I know how to be. This is who I am and I will roll with what the forum wants.
Sincerely ,