Hi All,
I posted a few weeks back and was fortunate enough to receive numerous informative replies with suggested alternative ways of managing PD symptoms. Having put in place an exercise regime and having commenced B1 HDT to see if I can try and positively influence my present symptoms, I have also been considering the longer term goal of ‘recovery’ and I am particularly interested in the Qigong/Meditation route.
I have been researching, reading and watching video clips relating to Qigong – Bianca Molle, Howard Shifke; Meditation - Joe Dispenza; Foot injury/dissociation/Tui Na - Janice Walton Hadlock etc.
They all make sense to me, in so much as that I easily fit the categories they highlight from being out of balance (work/life, emotional etc.) through living in the past and revisiting old hurtful events over and over again, to experiencing a foot injury and having an attitude of ‘show no pain’.
I clearly feel that I potentially have a lot to learn, but most importantly I potentially have a lot to gain from exploring these alternative therapies.
The issue for me now is that having tried to get ‘up to speed’ on these therapies I feel swamped and confused as to where to start.
Do I sign up for coaching with Howard Shifke or Bianca Molle; buy Joe Dispenza’s DVDs/CDs and try self-learnng from these; try to find someone who does Tui Na (not easy in rural England) etc. etc.
Hence I am reaching out to the HU community again, in particular to those who have maybe tried or are still using one of the above therapies, to see if anyone is willing to share advice for a ‘real beginner’ with poor breathing control and a wandering mind.
Questions like:
•How did you get started?
•What useful resources have you found?
•What did you find helpful or seems to work as a PWP? etc.
Basically any advice, guidance and feedback, good or bad, on the above would be appreciated as I look to try and move forward.
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes time to reply again.