Many of us participate online in book clubs, social groups and stay connected with family and friends thru Zoom and find it satisfying.
I posted this idea in a previous thread. So far, 15 people have indicated interest in participating.
I’ve gotten a few private messages pointing out that Zoom groups above 8 or 10 people become unwieldy, limiting participation. The only thing that can be done about that is to break it into 2 groups, perhaps one in the US and one in Europe which would allow each group to pick a time more convenient. (Any time zone we choose to try to cover 2 continents for one group is not going to be convenient for everyone.)
However, there is no way to know how many people are interested in this until 1) everyone knows about it and everyone who checks in on the forum after this thread was posted will have no way of knowing about it unless it is re-posted, and, 2) actually hold at least one and possibly more meetings and see how many people plug-in.
Therefore, just to get the ball rolling, I will initiate a HU PWP support group via Zoom video-conference Sunday, September 20, at 5 PM, UTC -2h. (Between now and the 20th, we can change this time if you all so choose.)
ZOOM TUTORIAL 2020 | How To Use Zoom STEP BY STEP For Beginners!
(There are many other tutorials on YouTube.)
Time Zone Map
Warning - this 1st meeting will not likely go as smoothly as we would all envision or hope. I will commit to launching/initiating a Zoom group meeting every Sunday at a time to be chosen until some of the logistics gets sorted out.
For a support group to be effective, like any group activity, it requires structure and rules. To start with, we adopt the same code of behavior as does HU, i.e., no rude or disrespectful comments, no politics, no conspiracy theories, etc.
8 Characteristics to Look For in a Good Online Support Community
Multiple Sclerosis Society’s description of their online support group.
This will evolve. Over the course of the 1st few meetings, it will get reshaped as needed so that it functions as a satisfying support group.
In this 1st meeting, we can just provide people an opportunity to introduce themselves, say little bit about their journey with PD, what’s important to them and what they would like to get out of the support group/how they would like to see the support group structured.
Many of you have a lot more familiarity with this than I do, so please feel welcome to step up and register your suggestions.
I’m going to re-post this thread a few times so that everybody knows about it.