Don’t know if this was posted yet - 1 Bil... - Cure Parkinson's
Don’t know if this was posted yet - 1 Billion $ deal LRRKR2
LRRK2 is a gene in the brain. Mutations of LRRK2 generally cause what is commonly referred to as "famlilial" PD although it supposedly also causes idiopathic PD based Pitt University study... Five(5) gene mutations including LRRK2 supposedly cause 10-15% of PD, LRRK2 less than 3%.
The collaborative research trials will focus on manipulation of the LRRK2 mutation which is a relatively narrow goal. If they are successful, we might see something in the 2024 time frame.
Basically it is a Denali pharma project using its DNL201 (versus its 151) drug which has successfully completed a non-registered Phase 1a and 1b with healthy participants (no PD in 1a, PD in 1b).
***Phase 1b had several questionable adverse events.
Also, undergoing a trial in the Netherlands.
A large international observational trial related to LRRK2 is in progress.