My husband keeps telling me he sees shiny specks in the air and waves in the sky. Do you experience anything like this?
I know vision is affected by by Parkinson's. - Cure Parkinson's
I know vision is affected by by Parkinson's.

No, not yet. However I was only diagnosed July, 2010.
It is probably his medication. Read all of the info on what he is taking and you will find the culprit.
My husband (Drew) sees a water effect down the walls etc and has been told that it is not the medication. He says that all the surfaces seem to be running with water. Specsavers did a good test and wrote to GP who then contacted specialist but he had no answers. Drew says he can put up with it as it is not as bad as his other symptoms! All I can say is that your husband should get his eyes checked to rule out other problems and see the GP. Hopefully your optometrist will write to GP with his conclusions. Best of luck.
i dont get any weird things but i do have dredful double vision which is so bad when watching tele that i cant watch it sometimes -
Have you considered macular degeneration as the cause?
There are a number of eye issues with PD! I went to see a Neuro-Opthomologist and I was told four things that I have and one was Cataracts, Convergence of the eye,Vitreous Gel Degeneration and Distortion of the retina surface. The cataracts is the only one that anything can be done about! And I have had cataract surgery on one eye so far and I now have 20/20 vision in that eye, and am waiting to get on the schedule for the other eye in the next two weeks! I have all four of these things! They all are caused by PD and aging! The other three get worse with age and can cause blindness! You can go to and read about all of them! I have worn glasses since I was 8 years old and now with the surgery on just one eye I do not need glasses anymore, other than readers! And when the other one is done I hope to have 20/20 in that eye also and just need readers! And drive again! If you have cataracts and can have the surgery, do it! Pain free, and takes a few hours out of your day! So worth it! I know the other issues can harm me, but I refuse to worry about any of that! I'm so thankful that I can see now! Live for today!!! Have a great weekend all!

He has had cataract surgery on both eyes already. This is new. With macular degeneration he would only have peripheral vision and this is not what he is experiencing. We have an appointment coming up with our ophthalmologist so we will address it there and with the MDS. I asked if they were floaters but he says no.
Opthamologist will try to sort it.
Wet Macular Degeneration (rare) can cause vision distortion waves.
Dry Macular Degeneration (common) does not.
If it is not the eyes themselves wonky optic nerves happen - due to Rx side effect or PD or age.
Be well. Carry on strong.

hI I HAV E psp and myh eyes rnot closing /not blinking and thsu v dry
i hav ehad short sight since age 8 and have worn specs then contacts but i cannotg nwo wear contacs anyh more
i can hav e botox when thee eye s r staying close d nmore but nto ye t the neuro says
lol JIll
Monday I go to have cataracts removed Left eye first than right eye 2 weeks later Affect my vision when I drive Can correct by closing left eye. Same with TV or computer Should have 20/20 vision after operation Sent Bill to VA to see if they will pay it $2400 @ eye if Ipay for operation