Is anyone aware of Studies involving identical adult twins, where one of them has PD and the other doesn't. Or even if both have PD, it will still give good indication about it's origins
PD in identical twins: Is anyone aware of... - Cure Parkinson's
PD in identical twins

Maybe. If they separated as young adults and led entirely different lifestyles, in different locations, it wouldn't tell us much.
The study I want to see is 2 identical twins with PD living in the same environment where one is limited to pharmaceuticals and the other, devoid of pharmaceuticals, practices a robust regime of nutrition and supplements/anti-inflammatories.
Hmm, this I guess, is so you could know which route slows down PD progression best... couldn't this be done by observing different people with PD, why would you want identical twins for this? Disease is normally observed in Identical twins so as to study the role of genes in causation of the disease
I know two identical twins where one has YOPD and one does not. He has had it about 10 years since mid-30s. I do know the MJFF has studied them. They had very similar environmental conditions.
I don't know exactly what was studied but here is an article on the twins
Discordance in monozygotic Parkinson's disease twins – continuum or dichotomy?
iPSC-Derived Dopamine Neurons Reveal Differences between Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Parkinson’s Disease - 2014 pmc.
iPSC-Derived Dopamine Neurons Reveal Differences between Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Parkinson’s Disease - 2014 pmc.
22 cite Kaut 2016,17: Epigenome-wide DNA methylation analysis in siblings and monozygotic twins discordant for sporadic Parkinson’s disease revealed different epigenetic patterns in peripheral blood mononuclear cells | 2016.
Yes, this is a well know study conducted in Italy:
Ciao, scrivo in italiano perché il mio inglese è pessimo. È in corso uno studio della Fondazione Grigioni, proprio sui gemelli. Non so se sono già stati pubblicati risultati. Buona vita.
I am an identical twin. My twin sister does not have any signs of Parkinsons. I do. We are 73 years young .We were raised by health conscious parents and have both used nutritional supplementation, and essential oils, baked our own bread, raised gardens...and multiple children. We lived fairly close to each other for the first 50 years. Now I live in Florida and she is with her family in Idaho. The only difference I am aware of... she has taken KM for years. I found the taste tooo revoulting and didn[t follow her example.
Hello blogger_7
I'd like to ask, since you are identical to your sister and have fairly similar and healthy lives... what then do you think is the cause of your PD?
And you also mentioned that your sister has taken KM for years.... so what is KM?
You found the taste revolting and your twin sister does not indicates to me that reactions to taste doesn't depend on genes
Grumpy, I suspect my PD is due to my exposure to weedkiller. My sister and I did nearly everything together, including having our tonsils removed on the same day. The only exception is when we were 7, turning eight, She was hospitalized with Polio, and I had Scarlet Fever. Our eating habits have differed since marriage, because we cook to our husband's taste preferences. I do not use near as much fat in our diet, as she does.
KM is a Matol product and is a great source of recommended daily minerals and vitamins, in particular potassium and iodine.
I wonder if detoxing your body of the toxic chemicals in the weedkiller could reduce your PD symptoms. This is my line investigations in many of the recent threads I started on this forum
I even started another thread some few weeks ago titled "Detoxing", but I didn't get too many proper solutions in the replies
Anyway many thanks for your posts