I have a theory after suffering for a couple of years from annoying inner ear fullness and weird head sensations that these are caused by misalignment of my neck. Doctors have sent me for mri, cat scan, and told me I am suffering from anxiety so have prescribed anti anxiety meds (which I declined to take because I was sure there was a physical cause).
I have been doing these neck exercises along with the diaphragm release technique I have mentioned before and I am please to say my symptoms have all but gone. My ears and sinuses feel clear and I no longer have the feeling my head is filling up with liquid and that there is a big mass in the back of my head!
Bit by bit I feel that the series of tissue bands holding my neck stiff have been snapping and I am able to move my neck freely! I suggest you try these if you have ear fullness, blocked sinuses, tinnitus, head that feels under Pressure or you feel like you can’t breathe deeply.
Here’s the link to the last exercises too. If you haven’t already tried them