I have had a really bad month,tremor much worse, dropping cups. balance too, falling all over the place when I walk, immense tiredness, brain fog, unable to read a story aloud because I am too slow to read ahead so as to read with proper emphasis, tears because I felt that this was dementia gripping me. And worst of all a kind of blank despair, a giving up. I couldn't gather energy enough to care.
And then my husband suggested that I go back to the dose of HDT which made so much difference before. I have been cutting back because I know there is a shortage in South Africa and I have am afraid of being without it.
So I did that and hallelujah! All the difficulties seemed to melt away. I had energy again, walked nearly easily and further, found I could read better. But most of all, the depression had lifted. The world was beautiful again. I felt hopeful. It was worth trying.
BUT I can't get thiamine hcl any where. Amazon won't deliver to South Africa and I believe there is none in the country.. Could thiamine nitrate do instead? Can anyone advise me?