I am so angry. I just wanted to live my life out peacefully, even with Parkinson's and diabetes. We have been isolating, can't do anything with our daughter or the grandkids. People are suffering horribly. All because, some people want to play God.
Proof that covid 19 is a men made virus. ... - Cure Parkinson's
Proof that covid 19 is a men made virus. A video by Epoch times.

I'm not clear on why you would take this as absolute truth. I certainly didn't get that from it nor from the source, The Epoch Times is well known for its biases and conspiracy theories.
Sometimes getting mad is beneficial and protective so, good on you.
Parkie, take a deep breath. I'm not going to watch the video.
It is a false conspiracy theory.
MB, it's fine, we are all entitled to our opinions would never tell you what to do.. The Views in this video are supported by virologist who were in the business for decades.
Parkie13, if only you had managed to dig up a documentary that labeled the Wuhan Virus "The Trump Virus" - and claimed that it was unleashed onto the world from an underground bunker in Mar-a-Lago - you would be so much more popular! Unfortunately, the HU PD forum currently has a malicious TDS virus raging through its ranks that appears even more rampant than Covid-19. Even more disheartening is the tragic toll it exacts on its victims' faculties of reason.
The chronological presentation of the evolution of SARS CoV2 in the Wuhan P4 labs along with the key people and events involved - meticulously supported through published research papers, official docs, and whistleblower leaks - persuasively floats the possibility that the virus (inadvertently or otherwise) leaked from a Wuhan lab. It does NOT (as one of your TDS-ravaged detractors contends) purport that the CCP "did this on purpose". *Note: Reflexive condemnation (vs reasoned deliberation) is a classic TDS indicator.
If any of your TDS-compromised commentators were able to tune in and actually listen for 10-12 minutes starting at about minute 18 of the clip, the background and pivotal role of Shi Zhengli (for one example) would be very tough to discount.
In order to distinguish quality investigative journalism from the daily mainstream gruel to which they are accustomed, however, the forum's unfortunate TDS victims would first need the capacity to process fact and information that sometimes runs contrary to their deep seated biases. Unfortunately, this would require them to pack up and move their entire center of operation from their mammalian brain (emotional center) all the way up into their severely atrophied neocortex (intellectual center) - an insurmountable challenge.
Gosh that charm school of yours was money down the drain. Are you always this bitter and twisted, or just when making an exhibition of yourself on a public forum? In your yearning to establish a man-made weapon, (although, to what benefit isnt apparent) you deride the reasoning of others, and just ignore science. Presumably you found the article MB linked to a bit long, so I'll repeat the key part from a scientist who properly understands
“These two features of the virus — the mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct backbone — rule out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for SARS-CoV-2,” explains Andersen.
What they probably don't tell you on the spaceship where you develop your theories, is that outside your bubble, in the big world, most of the conspiracy theories are devised and disseminated by the Russians. They too ignore the inconvenient nuisance of the science, and tell that the virus was made in a laboratory in the USA and planted in Wuhan by the CIA (apparently James Bond was tied up with something more important).
Once again, we are left with a so-what? The virus was made in an American lab and planted by the CIA, even though leading experts in the field state that's impossible,and we are going to do what precisely different from if we just accept it was zootic, and a product of some gruesome and inappropriate Chinese dietary practices? What do you do differently? Nuke Beijing? Apart from creating a shortage of iphones and 4K big screen TV's, and bombing Apples share price, what does that achieve? It wouldn't stop a single US death from the virus.
Mind you, there is little doubt that by virtue of the 2 countries differing response to the virus, China is benefitting. It's reputation is enhanced by gifts of test kits, and PPE to Europe (somewhat tarnished by a large chunk of them being defective, but as my Mum always said about Christmas presents - "it's the thought that counts". They also sent a team of specialists to Italy to assist with getting the outbreak under control. By contrast the USA has pursued "America first" and hijacked medicines, PPE and ventilators from consignments due to ship elsewhere in the world. How to make friends and influence people.
And beyond reputation, China has restarted its economy after a couple of months and may become the worlds largest economy in nominal GDP terms (it already is in PPP terms).
Remind me, what exactly is the benefit of believing the virus was man made?
Illustrious Comrade Poo... in all due respect (of which none is due), I invite you to point out - in either my comments or in the referred Youtube commentary itself - any statement claiming the virus to be man made.
If somewhere deep within the mist of your TDS haze you were capable of processing incoming signals (vs pre-existing scripts), my simple statement (above) that the documentary, "...persuasively floats the possibility that the virus (inadvertently or otherwise) leaked from a Wuhan lab" might have registered. I claimed nothing more, nothing less.
I fully recognize the futility of such expectations from the hapless victim of stage-4 TDS however. In consideration of the challenges that confront you, and in full awareness of the likelihood that you are tapping your way through the usual layer of foam and sputter, I must forego any further attempts to decipher your latest failed effort at coherent thought.
You often make good points, a discussion of which would be illuminating and fun, but, in my opinion, you undermine your own credibility by attacking the intelligence of people who disagree with you.
Why not let it be a discussion of the issue?
I anxiously await a coherent reply from the illustrious Comrade Poo regarding his previous ill-conceived claims. If/when that ever were to arrive, I would of course reconsider my approach.
But, you don't need to wait for his reply to reconsider your approach.
Hereto for, I have found all of your comments to be tightly focused on details, science, and evidence. Why not leave it at that?
There is a lot of blame to go around and no doubt when this is all over and a nonpartisan (Warren type) commission, which will eventually be appointed, pics through the ashes and debris with a fine tooth comb, China will receive its fair share -- as will the US.
MBA, as you may know, there are certain mindsets, i.e., those based firmly within the mammalian brain, where factors such as "details, science, and evidence" simply don't compute. The Illustrious Comrade Poo (as is typical of those caught deep within the throes of late-stage TDS) consistently exhibits all telltale signs of an individual hopelessly trapped within that unfortunate category. I sincerely welcome, of course, any indications that I am mistaken in this regard.
Remind me of the title of this thread we are all commenting on? And while you're at it answer my question of what difference it makes to our response to the threat posed by this virus
I invite you to point out - in either my comments or in the referred Youtube commentary itself - any statement claiming the virus to be man made.
Now answer my "so what?" question
Yet another glaring FAIL, Comrade Poo - no claim/s that the virus is "man made" to be found. I'm becoming VERY concerned for you, Comrade Poo! Is your TDS causing hallucinations now?!?
Rubbish (like most of your comments Con). Let me make it real easy for you. I'm typing this reply slowly cos I see you can't read fast.
"Yet another glaring FAIL, Comrade Poo - no claim/s that the virus is "man made" to be found."
Well, as I pointed out first, the first case for there being a claim that the virus is "man made" is in the title of the thread we are all commenting on. The video you refer to was offered by the author as "Proof that covid 19 is a men made virus. A video by Epoch times." If you weren't straying off topic that would be a pretty solid indicator
But - since you specifically asked where in your typing, OR THE VIDEO - I pointed you to one example - that is i gave you the start and end time points- 14 minutes 13 seconds to 15 minutes 19 seconds. As you appear to be challenged finding that video section, and/or lack the attention span to watch it, allow me to type a partial transcript for you
Judy A Mikovits says “because the spike proteins of the natural evolutionary strains, don’t infect human cells at all. … and clearly if that spike protein from SARS weren’t on the covid , the new covid 19 SARS-2 (sic) it wouldn’t be able to enter human cells. So again this is evidence that it couldn’t go through the Wuhan seafood market because “how did you get that spike protein off the original SARS from bats or any other way? It’s lab derived””
I grant you it’s a bit rambling – but in context “Lab derived” means “Man made”. The context is an explanation of how it (the particular spike protein) can’t arise naturally, and a question of how you get such a feature onto covid 19
Simples ! 😊
Good gawd, Comrade Poo! Struggling to extract an occasional fragment of sense from your latest eruption of nonsense is challenging enough, but once your stage-4 TDS reaches the point where you start seeing things that aren't really there... or you begin redefining words to fit your preferred narrative, any further resuscitation efforts must be redirected towards more viable victims of this diabolical TDS affliction.
*Note: The definition of the term "lab derived" includes a virus being 'leaked from a lab' (the entire point of the Epoch Times piece). See today's WaPo: washingtonpost.com/opinions...
And one more reply. The issue here is that all this quest for comic book conspiracy theories and easy fixes, helps take peoples eye off the ball of what can be done.
I think another video would be helpful. Trump has said recently "nobody could have predicted this virus" as he seeks to avoid responsibility. I'm not sure thats true. The whole video makes the point, but 1.06 in particular
Pity his preparations were dismantled by the next POTUS.
Yeah, it’s well established - BHO was a good talker, but an abysmal doer. And yet you contend that... despite having control over both House and Senate, and despite two terms in office, BHO didn’t get it done because DJT got elected?
You REALLY need to snap out of your TDS stupor, Comrade Poo. I’d be amazed if you’re still able to tie your shoes…
One last question.
Are you satisfied with the way the federal government is handling the pandemic?
As the Covid-19 realities continue to evolve, I prefer to err on the side of long-established constitutional rights versus moving towards an authoritarian/Chinese-styled regimen. And what 'improvements' (from the comfort of your Lazy Boy recliner) would you suggest?
It's a yes or no question
That would have to be a 'yes' - thus far they're doing the best they can in respect to existing constitutional structures granting the governors of individual states the power to decide what is best for their people/state (i.e., those of condensed populations like more metropolitan NY, New Jersey, MD.... vs sprawling expanses like farm-country Wyoming, Utah, Idaho...).
*Keep in mind that, as DJT continues to defer to the Constitution and leave the power in the hands of state governors, we still have ideologically confused members of the TDS contingent deeming him "authoritarian, dictator, Hitlerian" etc...
Now, your improvements?
Now you're resorting to Comrade Poo's tactics of shoveling waste from tilted 'sources'? I hope you're tuned in to today's Task Form briefing for some balance.
*Remember the TDS contingent was still calling DJT "xenophobic" well into February for declaring a travel ban... sense any hypocrisy at all?
PD, now, be honest, aren't you even a little embarrassed that the president thinks Jared Kushner and his daughter should be on the Council that decides how to restart the economy?
This, too, is a yes or no question.
The council will comprise at least a couple dozen "heavy hitters" - primarily government insiders representing every major sector of the economy. The idea that DJT would want to include among these ranks a couple people of unquestionable loyalty (after several incidents of 'backstabbing' from other members of the administration and staff), should come as little surprise - at least to minds still capable of objective thought. Are you suggesting conspiracy or some other form of impropriety... perhaps Russia is back in the equation?!?
Now, you inferred some skepticism about the way "the federal government" was handling the pandemic. I indulged your yes/no question on the matter. Before I indulge further snark, bless us with your armchair expertise on possible improvements.
PD, please read the New York Times article of April 11, that I link to above, then we'll talk.
If you want me to suggest improvements 1) Trump follow the advice of his own people which would have resulted in his taking action a month sooner than he did.
The 2nd improvement would be that he should have had testing scaled up by now so that the economy could be safely restarted, which will now not happen.
The 3rd and perhaps most important improvement would be for him to stay away from the cameras and let the doctors and scientists explain to the people what the status is, but he can't/won't do that because of his addiction -- to attention.
MBA, I'm REALLY starting too worry about you... you're exhibiting more and more of the telltale indicators of the dreaded, brain-wasting TDS malady each day!!! The reflexive mouthing of the ever unsourced/unsupported, regurgitated swill slurped up from the trough of the TDS afflicted shill's preferred 'news' sources (i.e., "the advice of his own people which would have resulted in his taking action a month sooner than he did", and supposed warning signs that any "People Capable of Reading" would have caught), bears all the hallmarks of the pitiable TDS minion's behavior.
In order to dispel the possibility of you having succumbed to such an evil fate, pls tell us what/where - specifically - is this elusive "advice of his own people" to which you allude? And, what/where - specifically - is the warning/s that "People Capable of Reading" would have caught?
Assuming you are still among those people "Capable of Reading" (vs regurgitating), I'm assuming you're also capable of providing a source/link to that of which you refer... that which you've (supposedly) "read" with your own eyes. Surely if a hint of intellectual honesty still remains, you're limiting your commentary to assertions that you can actually back up. Anxiously awaiting...
I"m not going to do the homework assignment for you.
It's all laid out in the Times article. Also read the Red Dawn emails, also published by the Times.
You haven't posted a comment which hasn't included an attack on me personally. That's OK, I don't need to be the smartest person in the room, so I'm unaffected by your insults.
You and your leader share a common trait, and that is, when confronted with substance you don't know how to talk about, you launch into personal insults.
Have you noticed that the 2 of you have that in common?
Weak, but predictable. The only verifiable pre-travel ban advice/warning in the referred NYT piece is a Jan. 29 memo produced by his trade adviser, Peter Navarro, and a Jan. 30 phone call from the HHS secretary informing DJT of "the possibility of a pandemic". He implemented the China travel ban the next day.
And yet, a creative spin on such benign events succeeds in animating the useful tool contingent in order to amplify their 'resistance' warp on reality. It's clear that you remain oblivious. I'm embarrassed for you...
MBA, it comes as a great disappointment to find an otherwise adequately sensible individual so unsuspecting, so impressionable, and so willing to be manipulated by resistance media. In the hopes of returning you to the Realm of Independent Thought, I recommend that you try your best to focus for a few moments on a few established, irrefutable, spin-free truths (as painful and inconvenient as they may be):
The WHO continued to deny human-to-human transmission thru mid-January (and insisted, "it has not yet become a global health emergency" thru the remainder of the month): “At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission." Source: nytimes.com/2020/04/08/worl...
Dr. Anthony Fauci Feb. 17, 2020: “Risk of coronavirus in USA is 'minuscule'; skip mask and wash hands.” Source: usatoday.com/story/news/hea...
Dr. Anthony Fauci Feb. 29, 2020: “No need to change anything that you’re doing on a day to day basis, the risk is still low.” Source: today.com/video/dr-fauci-on...
Throughout February, the resistance media had deemed DJT "racist" and "xenophobic" for instituting a travel-ban on China (yes, that same media that now condemns him for acting "too slow").
Bless us all with your immanent wisdom - what would the armchair expert have done, and when would he have done it?
I don't have to account for people who I don't vote for. The World Health Organization wasn't elected president, nor was Dr. Fauci. The buck stops with the president. The pattern here is to blame everybody except the person who is most responsible.
Trump brings in his heavy hitters to make the most important decision of his presidency, that being , when and how to restart the economy.
Ivanka and Jared
Yes, this particular ideologically confused members of the TDS contingent insists he has the powers (although I think you are correct and the tangerine one is, once more, wrong)
....It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue. A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 13, 2020
Fortunately that means that whatever Ivanka and Jared decide for the USA is irrelevant, and the peoples safety is in the hands of the state governers
A thousand times no. It has been a comedy of errors. No tests, to this day . No PPE materials. Outbidding each other for needed materials. Of course no masks or endorsements to wear them to help stop the spread of the virus. Tepid mitigation after the
horse has been let out of the barn. No clear and forceful leadership, for a while it was blind leading the blind. The so-called screenings at the airports were laughable, if you wanted to get into the US, even after it was closed you could still come here. That is just a start.......
Well said.
The single most important thing for all PWP who are over 50 and especially over 60 to keep in mind, IMO, is that if the federal government ends the stay-at-home requirement, whenever that is, it will cause lots of people to resume their previous lifestyle and the problem that that presents us is that many more of them will be contagious and not know it. In other words, it will be MORE dangerous for us to go to, for example, restaurants than it is now because a higher percentage of the population will be contagious.
I am 74 and am going to conduct my life as though contracting Covid 19 is a death sentence. Unless there is mass antibody testing in place before the isolation restriction is lifted, which there won't be, it will trigger a 2nd wave.
If the government ends the self isolation policy May 1 as they are saying they want to do, one month later, my rule of thumb is that 5% to 10% of the population will be contagious.
That means if you going to a grocery store and there's a 100 people in it, 10 of them are likely contagious. That's bad odds that you will avoid all 10.
It is only fitting the Jared Kushner play a major role in figuring out when and how to reopen the economy because, after all, he was in charge of reorganizing the VA and the criminal justice system and formulating a Mideast peace plan, so obviously he's well-qualified.
Not as much as a Ivanka, tho, because heretofore, she spent her life designing high-end women's accessories.
What a freak'n nightmare.
I was busy last night watching our president, President Macron, explaining how France would ease lockdown on 11 May, and what would happen after that. And acknowledging mistakes had been made at the start, that France was insufficiently prepared, and too slow to act. He recognised there were lessons that had to be learned from this, and would be learned.
So I missed the chance to chat, and missed your president, Gump, having the most spectacular toddler tantrum yet seen, or ever likely to be seen. The gist of his message, which i see you repeat below, was that he acted with a perfect genius to do exactly what was best at any time - a performance which couldnt be improved on. So no lessons to learn, and you do it the same again next time round. Good luck!
I know you love Guardian articles. This one was written BEFORE the toddler tantrum
Excellent, but then the Guardian always is.
“The Trump administration’s self-centred, haphazard, and tone-deaf response [to Covid-19] will end up costing Americans trillions of dollars and thousands of otherwise preventable deaths,” wrote Stephen Walt, professor of international relations at Harvard.
“But that’s not the only damage the United States will suffer. Far from ‘making America great again’, this epic policy failure will further tarnish [its] reputation as a country that knows how to do things effectively. This adverse shift could be permanent, Walt warned."
"Trump’s surreal televised Covid-19 briefings are further undermining respect for US leadership. Trump regularly propagates false or misleading information, bets on hunches, argues with reporters and contradicts scientific and medical experts."
Check this NY Times exhaustive examination of when he was briefed, by who and what the briefer said.
This should be required reading.
Unbelievable - this conspiracy theory and that anyone would believe it! As is often said - only in America!
Did you listen to the video?
Are you saying this doesn't happen in your or other countries?
There are a few influenced but I challenge you to listen to the accents and the funders of such videos and sites. Conspiracy theories are strongly linked to the USA by the rest of the world. ( Its one of your exports)
What concerns me more is reading the overall youtube comments. Propaganda films are political weapons that have been used by many nations for over a century and it surely happens even in New Zealand.
Our society is far from perfect and yes we do have political parties using propoganda but our voting system (Mixed member proportional representation) means just about all people can feel represented in parliament. Our current government is made up of 3 coalition partners including the greens.
the PM at a briefing last week.
That video. lol
I would love a president with the sensibilities of PM Ms. Ardern. She, obviously, is happy and willing to talk to children. What a nice quality.
She had her first child last year whilst a Prime Minister. It was widely publicised internationally as was her response to the Christchurch mosque tragedy. (The shooter came here from Australia expressly to carry out this attack. At the time the gun laws in Aussie were tougher than in NZ)
Our Easter bunny is practicing social distancing this year, consequently, with the latest distancing standards, the bunny is skipping Easter this year! I was so looking forward to some Reese's peanut butter cups too!
A propaganda documentary like this will cause racism and unjustified hatred by the naive.
Here is a good read about the appeal of conspiracy theories.
I too went to the Lancet. I think this is the original article the video refers to. Did you read it Parkie13? It seems there is a lot read into it that is inaccurate.
The film makers give the impression that the director of a hospital is giving his opinion but it is Sean Lin who is a tienamen square survivor and already anti China. Judy Mikovits who makēs comments is a highly controversial figure.
I have not read the above links yet. and yes Judy is very controversial however to me she makes a lot of sense, she was forced to be quiet. Again, it would mean money calamity.
May I respectfully suggest you don't take things on face value but rather check out things. In this instance like the article in the Lancet they reference. Blind acceptance plays right into conspiracy theorists agenda. You are in the state you are in due to decisions made late, no amount of blaming others will change that.
What is money calamity?
It has been a while since I have read her book. She talks about contamination in the vaccinations and other products. Parkinson's and other neurological diseases are due to the stealth bacteria, viruses. It would take a lot of money to do something about it.
The video that I have posted in the very beginning, combines all the articles that I have read from the beginning supporting the idea that it is a man-made virus. Again, they were reported by the mainstream media.
I am old, I'm a woman, I am poor, nobody would listen to me, I am not able to do a thing. I am not an alarmist or do I support of the wall ideas.
Hopefully we will survive this and see a new day. My heart bleeds for all affected..
Mary have you travelled outside the US?
Just a little taste of biological warfare and what is coming. . .if you believe it was all accidental, have a good night's sleep. . .
Evidently, comments are politicized and better avoided.
There is another possibility. Some lone wolf bio tech person could have been experimenting on the side and had an accident or decided to take over population of the world into their own hands to save the planet. Now that I could believe.
Has the US gone completely bonkers?
Why don't you keep your petty politics out of a health related site
Meanwhile, anyone see the latest about Ivermectin? Early of course but in an emergency such as having to go on a ventillator...?
I watched the video it easy to see that this virus is a plague that was made in a lab. Nothing would really surprise me without
extensive research I would feel comfortable saying most countries have some similar programs. China wants to replace the USA
as world leader just as the US replaced the UK and Europe.How did the USA accomplish this aside from the loss of American soldiers in
conventional war it used the Atomic bomb. The bomb had to be tested and the Marshall islands was the lab today it is still the most radio-active
place on earth.The point is to create a atmosphere that China is aspiring to run the world and has no competition is one sided and bad journalism.
It appears fake news is a common tactic that is used internationally for the benefit of the a country to gain support for what lie is being promoted.
I would like to see China pay for what it has done weather is was on purpose or a mistake. The loss of lives has no price tag but money and power
can be made to be accountable.
I am curious why with all this information about what was developed in the lab a counter response can not be developed in the lab?
Why are politicians saying we have no defense when a drug that is proven to fight against the virus is being suppressed?
I have heard it said this virus will go away and than come back with this outlook what is the future?
The world must change its direction new leaders must be found and a period of enlightenment must emerge and recognize mankind was created to improve the world and fix what is wrong and G-d is in control and is giving a very clear message.
What countries have you travelled to outside the US Routine?
I traveled to most states in the US. Latin America, Europe, Middle East and I live in Israel.
I also read and learn as much as I can about the world. The people of Tonga are very obese because their diet is composed of animal fat imported from Australia, a diet for a poor country that is not by choice. China has birth control girls are aborted families are limited to 2 children. I have never traveled to the China or Tonga.
Why would anyone engineer a virus mostly deadly only for grandma and grandpa, and already sick people? And, with the ability to cause immunity after infection (as it already appears this one does?)
It would COMPLETELY stupid, and a huge waste of evil-laboratory resources.
Do not allow pseudo-science-babble to frighten you. There are new viruses every few years that pop up naturally, usually from animals. It is not that surprising that one finally had the characteristics that would make it able to spread--in this case, a long, pre-symptomatic yet infectious period, as well as a whole lot of virus-positive folks who do not get symptoms at all.
See comment below.
Check this link it explains how people with virus were cured israelnationalnews.com/News...
But why getting so complicated when solving vitamin D deficiency and having a good diet of zinc rich foods could be enough to solve the problem with zinc related to its assimilation and nobody will get hurt. Maybe.☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️🌈
Yikes! Epoch Times scares me with their hatred and divisive rhetoric.
not man-made.
references: medical & genetic sciences -
see 2 minute section starting at 8.28 , of this video - science.org.au/curious/peop...