On a ventilator : Hi, I was diagnosed with... - Cure Parkinson's

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On a ventilator

ppvanruit profile image
69 Replies

Hi, I was diagnosed with PD 5 years ago and doing just fine. But what happens if I would end up at a ventilator because Covid-19? How do I the het my medication in my stomach?

Thank you Pieter

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ppvanruit profile image
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69 Replies
Gioc profile image

they will probably administer a drip with other medications too.

Keep a colored folder with your meds. In it instructions for medical staff.

MBAnderson profile image

If you are on a ventilator, that will be the least of your troubles.

The New York Times and Washington Post had several good articles the past 2 days written by pulmonary specialist about what it means to be on a ventilator. The take away; being on a ventilator more than a few days may well cause kidney failure, heart damage and/or dementia. Many people died a few days after being discharged from hospital who had been on a ventilator more than a week.

Instead of trying to figure out how to get our PD pharmaceuticals, my wife and I have written up End of Life instructions which we carry on us which say, essentially, if the doctors believe are going to be on a ventilator more than 3 or 4 days our instructions are to disconnect us, put us in a coma and let us die.

If you're over 70 and a PWP and you get put on a ventilator, it's over. (If you want happy news/advice, turn on TV.)

find the articles.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toMBAnderson


LoveSunflowers profile image
LoveSunflowers in reply toMBAnderson

Hi, it’s not being on a ventilator that causes your organs to fail. The ventilator just supports your breathing while your body tries to fight the virus. The virus triggers an autoimmune reaction in the body which causes damage to our organs. An overwhelming infection in the body can cause sepsis and your body to go into septic shock, so this is what causes the problems, not being on a ventilator as such.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toLoveSunflowers

True enough, but as per the article, too much or too little oxygen is damaging and being put into a coma to use the ventilator can be damaging, too.

dcpambrose profile image

Reàd Psalm 91 often

rescuema profile image

Marc, check out the video on the post by bepo below if you haven't yet. If I end up with shortness of breath or any sure symptom, a nebulizer with h202 is what I'm going to try first, especially after reading an article about ventilators noting "With all the coronavirus patients, we’ve had to restrain them...you’ll try to rip the breathing tube out because you feel it is choking you, but you are drowning. "



MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply torescuema

Excellent article. The video link in the HU link did not work for me, but instead brought me to YouTube. If you know the name of the video, I'll look it up on YouTube.

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply toMBAnderson

That video direct link wasn't functioning so I posted a search result link in response. Read the rest of the post replies there - good tidbits.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply torescuema

Thank you for this.

I have a 41-year-old daughter who began showing symptoms 20 days ago. She went to the hospital a few days ago and they met her in the parking lot, declined to test her and declined to let her in. Told her to go home and quarantine. She told them she has a 2-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter who are both showing symptoms and they told her to keep them at home and in quarantine.

This fit this video may save their life.

I get so furious when I realize that we have a completely dysfunctional federal government and a dysfunctional healthcare system.

In most places in the US if you show up at the emergency room, especially in Florida, or most places in the South you you are going to be told, essentially, go home and die.

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply toMBAnderson

Even a food grade h202 is in a limited supply right now and lots of price gouging going on. Nebulizers seem all sold out on Amazon, but you can find some on google search.

If in an emergency, you may try a very fine mist bottle with diluted h202 and lugol's iodine, inhale fine spray mist while you breath in deep. If you have a disinfected diffuser or mist humidifier, that just might work as well.

The inefficiency of the current system is unbelievable.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply torescuema

What is the ratio of h202 to water?

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply toparkie13

Anywhere up to 1.5% (MAX!) h202 or less seems ok. Best diluted around 0.5% or less to avoid irritation, and should use food-grade h202, not the commonly available brown bottled products with included stabilizers such as acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate, sodium stanate, sodium pyrophosphate, tetrasodium phosphate, and tin.

See the below for more detail and related video.


parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toMBAnderson

I'm so sorry, how are theyl doing right now?

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toparkie13

They are out of danger thank you for asking.

The daughter has recovered from Covid 19, but the doctor who checked her in the parking lot said He thinks it left her with a mild pneumonia. Her 2 children are showing minor symptoms and minimal fever, so they'll be okay. She appreciated the video about the nebulizer.

If only my adult children would take their father's advice.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toMBAnderson

Thank God

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toparkie13


chartist profile image
chartist in reply toMBAnderson


At the first symptom of CV-19, my intent is to use the silver nanoparticles (AGNPs) that I have mentioned previously on this forum. Hydrogen peroxide is a fairly potent oxidizer and I already know that when I have experimented with one and a half percent HP via the Bill Munro spray method, it irritated my throat and back of my mouth for days. I am a bit concerned what that would be like for the interior of my lungs. Using a small room cool mist vaporizer to deliver AGNPs directly into my lungs to treat flu and colds, I have never had any irritation or other problems using this method and I have been using it for many years. I do this 4 times per day for 10 minutes each time and I put about two ounces of fresh AGNPs in the vaporizer and dump out whatever is left in the vaporizer after each use because the ultrasonic action of the vaporizer applies enough force to the AGNPs in the vaporizer to knock some of the silver nanoparticles out of suspension which means that what remains in the vaporizer after each use is going to be a lower parts per million than what I started with .

A nebulizer has a relatively low output and will take much longer than 10 minutes to deliver a similar amount of AGNPs and that is the reason for the vaporizer over a nebulizer. I always take the AGNPs orally at the same time also as the virus is found in the lungs and many other parts of the body. I breathe in the vapor directly from the output port of the vaporizer, alternating between breathing in through my mouth and nose.

The virus particles are larger, but similar in size ( 70~90 nm) to AGNPS which are 1 to 100 nm. My thinking is that the similarity in size may mean that AGNPs that are inhaled may follow the same path as the virus which if true would be great to find and destroy the particles by following it into the body via the same route.

Obviously I can not recommend that anyone else try this untested method or the AGNPs. I am willing to experiment on myself, should the occasion arise. There are no studies to show that AGNPs can neutralize the virus, but given the viral testing that has been done so far using AGNPs, I think there is a good chance that it can destroy the virus particles and in my experience I have had no issues with using AGNPs in this way over the years. If my choice is to stay at home with symptoms and wait until I am having a hard time breathing, I think I will experiment with this method while waiting!

The other consideration is that it is now known that this virus has the ability to retard the bodies natural immune response and this allows it to get a foothold and ahead of the immune response. I think the AGNPs may augment the delayed immune response so that a cytokine storm is not generated as an over response by the immune system to compensate for the delayed start. Many people who develop this cytokine storm end up succumbing to the disease and the same situation once pneumonia sets in.


MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply tochartist

Art, thanks much for this. I have sent it to my children and my wife. We are assembling the ingredients.

The more I read about ventilators, the more I think for somebody in my situation, it would be a last choice.


chartist profile image
chartist in reply toMBAnderson


I am not recommending that anyone do this, this is just me having an experimenting nature on myself, which is hardly safe by any means and definitely unproven!

The only two resale suppliers that I think are actually offering AGNPs as opposed to the clear colorless ionic silver is Mesosilver and Medisilver and of the two I would probably choose the first product. AGNPs have color in the apple juice yellow to amber to dark brown like coffee range. The difference being, the darker the AGNP solution the higher the parts per million with some exceptions like the capping agent used can make the AGNPs look darker. Most studies use AGNPs, not ionic silver. They are different from each other.


MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply tochartist


I consider you a one man, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 clinical trial

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply toMBAnderson

I’ve used colloidal silver for many years and know of its efficacy but I have a strong reservations about breathing in the metal particles and lodging it in the lungs during the period of breathing difficulties, and many advise against this practice.

1.5% food grade h2o2 mixed with saline (soothing) should be the max concentration to avoid irritation but the effective concentration can be as low as .5% or much lower (as mentioned on other post) based on several MD and anecdotal reports. Using food grade h2o2 and iodine will leave no trace of harmful residues in the long run but the same can’t be said for nano silver metal particles. I’ve ran hair mineral analysis and metals from your rings even end up in your hair over time.

See the below thread for opinions over nebulizing colloidal silver.

"The effects of using this substance can be deadly. No research as been carried out as it is considered highly dangerous. I looked into it a few years ago and the only research that had been done was by the CDC. However that was only looking at the autopsy results of people who had used it. Which should speak volumes without further comment."


"The available literature data strongly suggest that silver nanomaterials are a potential health hazard. ..In vivo studies have revealed the inflammatory potential of AgNPs in the lungs and that prolonged exposures could lead to the development of pulmonary function abnormalities. Following inhalation, AgNPs were discovered to translocate to the blood circulation and were subsequently distributed throughout the main organs. Meanwhile, evidence of genotoxicity has also been reported. Moreover, the toxicity of AgNPs has been demonstrated in vitro for several different types of alveolar cells (e.g., epithelial and macrophages). The toxicological outcomes upon exposure to Ag nanomaterials include oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, inhibition of mitochondrial activity, damage to DNA, and cell apoptosis."


chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


If you are saying that AGNPs can be deadly, can you please site the studies?


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

That is a quote from a post under UK lung foundation forum. It is to note that many advise against nebulizing silver, especially by people with lung conditions.

If I felt colloidal silver was deadly, I would not have mentioned that I personally use it (I have the amber 20 ppm AgNP) though I have never ingested it nor nebulized it.

chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


this is a quote from the study you sited :

'A 28-day inhalation toxicity study of AgNPs on rats by Ji et al., showed no significant changes in the haematology and blood biochemistry in either the male or female rats [62]. In contrast, in a 28-day inhalation exposure performed by Hyun et al., histopathological examination showed that the nasal cavity and lungs from the AgNP-exposed groups exhibited no “remarkable” changes compared to the control group [63].


The study you linked to shows that a "28 day" exposure showed "no remarkable changes" compared to the control group! That may be the case, but I never have or ever would do a 28 day continuous exposure of AGNPs to my lungs. My use is in minutes of exposure per day for a week of inhalation. I have experienced zero side effects in years of use of AGNP. Total exposure for me for that week is less than 5 hours total! I do not see where this study says that AGNPs are deadly, in fact it says just the opposite! I can not think of any reason why anyone would ever even consider inhaling AGNPs for 28 days and this study that you linked to says that it did nothing to the lungs or nasal cavity after those 28 days of continuous exposure! Please link to the studies that states that AGNPs are "deadly"!


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

The study quote I posted earlier is straight from the conclusion of the AgNPs study. The fact that it stated "could lead to the development of pulmonary function abnormalities" is a major concern in the least and I hope that it causes an alarm. Right after the mention of the 28 days study, here's the quote -

"To further evaluate these findings [28 days study], a sub-chronic 90-day inhalation study was performed by the same group [56]. Among the lung function test measurements, the tidal volume and minute volume showed a statistically significant decrease during the 90 days of AgNP exposure. Moreover, histopathological examinations indicated dose-dependent increases in lesions related to AgNP exposure, such as mixed cell infiltrate and chronic alveolar inflammation, including thickened alveolar walls and small granulomatous lesions...

In contrast, Lee et al., found that a 14-day inhalation exposure of mice to AgNPs led to alterations in brain gene expression "

One relatively or seemingly harmless experiment and follow-up use may lead to another, then another, and eventually you could have years of use and accumulation of the metal particles.

I am open to alternative therapies as long as there's no toxic potential.

I am careful about avoiding metal accumulation - aluminum in antipersipirants (dimensia, alzheimer's), toxic metals in paint pigments (cadmium, lead, arsenic, etc), mercury in tooth amalgam, thallium, barium, and so on. Detoxing metal is not an easy task, and some individuals may be genetically more compromised with the exposure toxicity and oxidative stress.

I'm definitely not the one to try a delicacy meal of fruit bat if ever offered by Guam natives simply because they've been ingesting into their adulthood and assumed to be safe. It is now known that BMAA accumulation from such diet can lead to devastating diseases such as ALS and parkinsonism.

chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


You said : 'could lead to the development of pulmonary function abnormalities'.

That statement is 100% true at the dosing they used, which was high by any standard. The 90 day inhalation study showed this, as it should have. You can not inhale AGNPs for 6 hours a day everyday for 90 days and not expect problems! Nobody does that in their right mind! Even the two 28 day studies, which showed no difference between the treatment group and the control group were still a tremendous amount of AGNPs everyday for 28 days and again, nobody does this in real life. My total inhalation time over 7 days or less is less than 5 hours in total. In the 90 day study you quote, they gave the inhalation for 6 hours a day for 90 days continuous. Of course there is going to be some damage after such dosing for 90 days straight!

You said the following :

'I am open to alternative therapies as long as there's no toxic potential.'


"Every alternative remedy has toxic potential" when the dose is too high, yet you quote from studies where the dosing is not only too high, it is ridiculously high! The quote you give regarding a 90 day study that showed toxic effects is what I am talking about. Nobody inhales AGNPs everyday for 90 days for 6 hours a day and expects that everything will be fine! My total inhalation time for a complete cycle is only 5 hours over a 7 day treatment period!

You go on to try and somehow relate silver to known toxic heavy metals. Silver is not a heavy metal and there is zero comparison to lead, mercury cadmium and the like! Your study confirms that the inhaled AGNPs eventually go to the blood. If you swallow AGNPs they will go to the blood also and will eventually mainly be excreted through the feces and a minor amount through the urine. They do not build up as heavy metals do, yet you infer that it is possible in what you said and this is wrong at normal dosing. This is just plain wrong based on the available science. Yes, heavy metals can accumulate and cause plenty of damage, but AGNPs are not a heavy metal and they are not comparable to the damage which heavy metals can do and they do not accumulate at reasonable dosing, they are excreted naturally without having to resort to chelation therapies.

Your efforts to demonize AGNPs at dosing that is way beyond what science shows is safe for humans makes no sense. Of course if you take too much of "any treatment", including the treatments you have recommended on this forum, it can have adverse effects, that is a known fact of life. I use minuscule amounts of AGNPs compared to the studies within the study that you referenced and have never had an issue with it, only benefit, at these low dose levels.

For forum members who would like a very simple explanation by a doctor of how simple AGNPs can be used for inhalation, this very short and informative video will explain :



rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

Art, you and I can agree to disagree, just as in your high dosage long-term melatonin use. If you want to ignore the warnings provided by the existing studies, that's totally up to you. AgNPs are silver nanoparticles and the metal does not get metabolized by the body as harmlessly as in vitamins/H202 and will accumulate in the body tissues/organs/brain as well as in aquatic organisms. If you feel comfortable with that idea, proceed with caution. The choice of option is quite clear for me between H202 and AgNP.

The people on this forum certainly should be aware of the potential risk.

"Silver nanoparticles have lethal and sublethal adverse effects on development and longevity by inducing ROS-mediated stress responses...Our results showed that lethal and sublethal doses of AgNPs have acute and chronic effects, respectively, on development and longevity by inducing ROS-mediated stress responses"


"Silver Nanoparticles in the Lung: Toxic Effects and Focal Accumulation of Silver in Remote Organs...Thus, nanoparticles with a primary size of far less than 100 nm, agglomerates thereof, but also Ag ion species seem to contribute to focal Ag accumulation. The latter was suggested by massive Ag depots located behind the renal filter barrier. Given the cytotoxic and genotoxic properties of silver ions in high concentrations, focal accumulations in remote organs are a matter of concern, and further studies are needed to unravel the effects up cell populations exposed to high local concentrations of silver species."


"A systematic review on silver nanoparticles-induced cytotoxicity: Physicochemical properties and perspectives... less particle size is responsible for high toxicity. Aggregation and sedimentation lead to a decrease in the activity of biologically active particles...Finally, Ag-NPs can induce cytotoxicity through oxidative stress by the generation of ROS. ROS generation initiate a pro-inflammatory protease, caspase-1 activation that regulates apoptosis or cell death."


"Accumulation of silver nanoparticles in mammalian brain and effects on cognitive functions...It can be concluded that accumulation of nanosilver in mammalian brain leads to cognitive and behavioral impairments."


"Silver nanoparticle accumulation by aquatic organisms - Neutron activation as a tool for the environmental fate of nanoparticles tracing...Water environments have been identifi ed as one of the most exposed to the influence of toxic nanoparticles...accumulation of AgNPs clearly depends on the concentration of nanostructures and exposition time...Finally, it should be noted that the applied analytical strategy, including neutron activation of nanoparticles, is very useful for tracing the uptake and accumulation of nanoparticles in organisms."


"Accumulation of silver nanoparticles by cultured primary brain astrocytes...These data demonstrate that viable cultured brain astrocytes efficiently accumulate PVP-coated AgNP in a temperature-dependent process that most likely involves endocytotic pathways."


chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


Again you are using studies using much higher dosing than is known to neutralize pathogens while not being harmful to humans cells in your attempt to demonize AGNPs. In your first study, it wasn't until they dosed at 20 ug/ml that they started to see any problem. That is ten times the dose shown to be able to neutralize pathogens! To put that in perspective, if you take two tylenol, the label recommended adult dose, it may lower fever or reduce pain with no major adverse events. If you take twenty tylenol at once, it will likely put you in the emergency room and could cause liver damage or failure! Even with that already high dosing, they took their test up to 30 ug/ml, 40 ug /ml and finally 50 ug/ml! It's hard to imagine what even prompted this study at such high dosing.

Even at 10 ug/ml there was little if any damage shown in their study and that is still five times the dose needed to neutralize pathogens.

Your second study discusses fish that were exposed to food that was contaminated with AGNPs which would be very difficult to know how evenly mixed the AGNPs were in that contaminated feed and even more difficult to know exactly how much AGNPs were in what they actually ate. I'm not sure how this study relates to what we are discussing, but you put it up anyway. Here is a quote from that study:


'During the studies no negative effects, i.e. reduced vitality, weight or enhanced mortality, were observed so it was concluded that larvae of Chironomus are tolerant to the applied, relatively high concentrations of AgNPs.'


So if you put this study in as some form of AGNPs deterrent, the authors of the study appear to disagree with you.

Your third study used AGNPs and AgNo3 or silver nitrate. The silver nitrate form of silver is toxic to humans as is so it looks like they used it to establish a comparison to AGNPs.

Here is a quote from the abstract :


The incubation of cultured astrocytes with micromolar concentrations of AgNP for up to 24 h resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent accumulation of silver, but did not compromise the cell viability nor lower the cellular glutathione content.


So again, if you were trying to illustrate that AGNPs are toxic at what are known to be safe but effective dosing, you failed to do so.


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

You keep asserting "in your attempt to demonize AGNPs."

How is quoting studies verbatim an attempt to demonize a view?

You're clearly not understanding the intention of my post to warn people of potential toxicity and complications of casual repeated use, and keep minimizing the risks by cherry picking portions of the studies out of context as usual so we'll drop it here. I'm sure people can read the studies for accurate comprehension themselves.

chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


What you are not understanding is that you are attempting to demonize AGNPs with studies that either do not prove your point, are using dosing that is so ridiculously high that of course they are going to encounter adverse effects or the studies you put up, actually prove my point. Either way you seem to not understand that dosing matters as I pointed out clearly in my comparison to tylenol dosing. This same point about dosing applies to everything you recommend on this forum. If you take 10 times or more of the recommended dose of most things, you are going to have problems. This is exactly what some of the studies you put up have shown.


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

The fact is that the particle accumulates to critical organs and contribute to oxidative stress, and that's what the studies demonstrate. You're somehow missing the point.

chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


You are once again wrong in your attempt to prove that silver accumulates in the body in any meaningful or dangerous amount as illustrated by this study which gives the following conclusion summary :


Ingestion of properly prepared CS does not result in silver accumulating in the body.

There is no evidence that silver deposits significantly in hair or fingernails and, in fact,

the data support the conclusion that after taking more than 2 mg of CS per day for several

months, silver seems to be purged from the body (mostly through urine) at about the

same rate at which it is consumed. Furthermore, upon terminating CS intake, it appears

that as much as half the silver residing in body tissue will be purged (through urine and

feces, but more and more through feces as time goes on) in less than a month. Even this

relatively short residence time could be reduced substantially if several liters of water

were consumed daily.




rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

An old study from 1999 on colloidal silver that gave rise to the current use.

Read the newer studies.

chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema

Please link me to the newer studies you are referring to.


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

One of many from the above.



chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


This first study is once again using dosing that is very high to extremely high and not amounts that humans would consume. It also used it for 90 consecutive days! The lowest dose is 37.5 ug into a rat lung, but even at that high dose there was almost no change in the parameters tested. They took the dosing all the way up to 300 ug/ml and of course encountered problems as would be expected at these extremely high doses.

This quote from the study shows that toxicity was observed at 75 ug and above.

'Concerning the toxic effects, our experiments revealed two concentration windows. The first one ranged between 75 and 150 µg per rat lung, where an initial, though reversible inflammation occurred, indicated by increased numbers of PMN and alveolar macrophages in BALF, accompanied by elevated protein concentrations. Compared to what was observed upon inhalation of Ag-NP, the low observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) of 75 µg found here appears comparatively high. Thus, the lung burden measured after a 90-day inhalation period was 23.54 µg per lung, as calculated from published values for the female rat study group [10]. This lower LOAEL concentration may be explained, however, by a partial dissolution of Ag-NP and the ongoing lung clearance.


Your second study link is once again another very high dose study in mice at 50 ug per day for 30, 60, 90 or 120 days! Very high dosing for long periods like this are of course going to have adverse effects! These type of studies that you keep referring to do not prove your point about toxicity because they start out using dosing that is already known to be toxic. As far as accumulation at this high dosing for long periods, of course they are going to show accumulation as other studies like this have because they decapitated the mice at the end of each study so there was insufficient time for the rats to excrete the large amounts of AGNPs in their bodies naturally.


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

There seems no point in spending my time. I get it that you simply don’t get it.

Do you really think that these scientists spend their valuable time and effort running these various studies to painstakingly document organ migrations/accumulations through microscopy and enjoy cutting off mice heads prematurely before acceptable excretion could occur? If you were concerned with the toxic effects of substances such as glyphosate and other pesticides/herbicides for the mass, how would you conduct your study as applicable to silver? Remember DDT? What about bromine, bpa, and myriad other toxic chemicals and additives that have been deemed safe for decades of harmful use for an analogy? You're providing myopic incoherent arguments akin to what the executives at Monsanto have been.

The people on this forum are already suffering oxidative stress, and they need all the glutathione and metabolic effort they can spare. Think very hard before recommending your underresearched controversial ideas, which is when I step in out of major concern. Why in the world would you risk it?

This recent post comes to my mind.


chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


What is apparent and you don't get, is that you have turned a blind eye to dosing as all you have shown me in your effort to demonize AGNPs are studies that are using dosing that is astronomical and would not apply to humans. You know as well as anyone that it is the dose that makes the difference as to whether something has benefit or acts as poison. You failed to prove your point so now you are telling me that I need to think long and hard before recommending AGNPs to any forum members and that statement just shows me that you did not even read my post because if you had, you would know that I specifically said "that I am not recommending that anyone else try what I am doing as it is untested" and that I was only going to try it since I had success with AGNPs for years of use. Yes, you did not read my post in its entirety, yet you felt compelled to mistakenly comment on it and incorrectly I might add.

You say that AGNPs are oxidative, yet you suggest the use of hydrogen peroxide, a potent oxidant itself and much more so than AGNPs!

As far as researchers and studies, there are many low quality studies that are done strictly to get funding for people who do studies for a living. This is not the majority of studies, but there are studies of this nature and you should be well aware of that fact. There is no useful reason to use already known toxic dosing of AGNPs in mice or rats, yet most of the studies you brought up in failing to prove your point did exactly that over and over again!

Your attempt to change the subject by mentioning glyphosphate, DDT and Monsanto is off point and irrelevant to this conversation. It neither proves your point or supports your argument. We were talking about silver, please learn how to stay on point as the topic is silver and Monsanto has nothing to do with silver.

rescuema, If you don't really read what you are commenting on, how do you expect to be believable? When you put up studies that do not prove what you are saying, how do you expect to be believable? Some of the studies you linked to actually proved you wrong. You referred to my "controversial ideas" as though that is a bad thing when much of what is discussed on this forum is controversial ideas and that completely adds to the uniqueness of this forum and its members! If everyone comes on this forum and only discusses Sinemet or Rytary, it wouldn't last, but this forum only grows because of the unique and controversial conversations that exists here. This forum has over 17,000 members and that is no accident!


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

Shall we leave it up to the readers to read the studies and decide for themselves?

Good lord.

chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema

Good Lord is right, rescuema!

It has always been up to the readers on this forum to decide what they will consider or not consider and I wouldn't want to change that in anyway!

On the good side, rescuema, you made me focus on something that I just take for granted as part of life and in this state of lock down that we are in here, that is a very good thing and I thank you for that! Even mental exercise is good exercise!😊😊😊


rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply tochartist

If you consider this is a good mental exercise, you have a problem..

chartist profile image
chartist in reply torescuema


If you felt the need to give such a negative reply to our ongoing discussion, I think the problem lies elsewhere.


Sapeye2020 profile image
Sapeye2020 in reply toMBAnderson

Up here ( Canada) she would get the same advice ! But they should have told her when/iff she has trouble breathing to come back pronto, your condition is an Emergency now!. That was a lesson from Italy and why their numbers of dead skyrocketed. They mixed the aged with the sicko's.

Part of the expulsion is keeping the "infecters'' away from the critically ill ie needing a respirator, and those that are in hospital for operations/surgery.

The reason to go home and stay there is to minimize others getting the virus from you or your kids or ?

We are in the same boat as our Hospitals are well staffed for the number of beds but not for a contagion like the COVID-19 Virus.

As I see it the issue is there are not any, maybe a few , of the , now, temporary wards to hold the people with the virus only. these are needed or prepared/planned for now, so when the "SLIPPERY" virus , according to John Hopkins U. it has mutated twice already and there are 2 strains of the virus S and L. we are sitting ducks.

Today there is discussion about not letting your pets lick your face!!!

Is your daughter on the mend now? if she was showing flu like symptoms for 20 days that should be near the end of the virus attack, infection would have been from 7 to 14 days before that . Hope they are on the mend.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toSapeye2020

We are confident now that she has beat it.

It is far beyond terrible to have one of your children get it and not be able to go visit them to help out.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply torescuema

These instructions and article references are getting confusing. Can you re-post anew, clean, and delete the ones with the difficulties, or just edit off the problematic parts? Helps too to precede each with a "this ( or here follows) is the article about..." and "here follows the video about".

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply toMarionP

I was hoping that people would visit bepo's orignal thread to see the additional detail along with the videos. I added some more info. Let me know if any part is still confusing.

Here's the link to the h202 dilution detail again. I assumed people wouldn't simply jump to using 1.5% higher strength.


Here is another shorter video demonstrating the therapy. Gathered from many sources, I would personally start round 70 to 80 parts saline to 1 part 3% food grade h202.


Jalia profile image

Without wanting to sound heartless, that would be the least of your worries.

Grumpy77 profile image

Reads brutal, mean and sad but probably the right thing to do for advanced PD elderly PwP.

Would you describe your PD as advanced?

And a note of caution... with severe shortages of ventilators, doctors might read that as a license to terminate without even trying

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply toGrumpy77

certainly, Dr. Josef Mengele, but no other doctor.😀

Grumpy77 profile image
Grumpy77 in reply toGrumpy77

For me what I fear the most if I get covid19 is... shortness of breath triggering run-away anxiety causing a cardiac arrest

bepo profile image
bepo in reply toGrumpy77

You're young! I saw a video of a man who was hospitalized and who survived. He was 94 and had heart trouble. Reframe your thinking. Dwell on how you are going to do well. Take vitamin D and vitamin C.

ppvanruit profile image
ppvanruit in reply toGrumpy77

On a scale from 1-200 I have only 11 points. Forgot name of scale. I am doing great and feel 100 percent good as long as I take my carbidopa levadopa

I am stonger and fitter than ever.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toGrumpy77


I'm 74 and even though I exercise daily and eat right, I doubt my immune system is all that strong, so yes, I would consider going on a ventilator to be the end of the road.

I'm not worried about a doctor taking that as a license because I don't believe A doctor would do that and because I Would have a family member with me and they will be making the decision, not the doctor.

Even so, I'm okay with that. I've lived a rich, full life. Parkinson's is bad enough. I don't want to have Parkinson's, heart trouble, dementia, and going for kidney dialysis 3 times a week.. I'll take a pass on that, thank you.

Juliegrace profile image
Juliegrace in reply toMBAnderson

The problem is, you won't have a family member with you. You will be in isolation

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toJuliegrace

True. That's why we printed our statement and keep it on us.

MBAnderson profile image


7 employees of a nearby Walmart have died. I believe food delivery will be interrupted, soon.

jujulini profile image
jujulini in reply toMBAnderson

While people are opting to have their groceries delivered I feel safer going to the store myself. Then I am the only one touching my stuff and my reusable bags. I bring in paper towels saturated with alcohol and wipe down the cart and the self check out scanner and keypad. The store has hand sanitizer everywhere and they are strict about distancing. And I do get out as quickly as possible.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply tojujulini

I'm going to disagree with you. I think you're much safer having food delivered.

When we have food delivered, we soak it with disinfectant or Lysol and then we let it sit outside our front door for several hours-- often over night..

I think you forgot about the part that you are not the only one touching your stuff. Other grocery shoppers routinely pick up food, Especially fruits and vegetables, inspect them, then put them back. The 'safe shopping' videos on YouTube show that as the primary problem.

Check 'em out. They formulate protocols from beginning to end.


bubee profile image

Possibly they would put a feeding tube in to your stomach and temporarily give your medications and feeding that way. Bubee

Astra7 profile image

Once you’re on a ventilator for Covid 19 apparently you only have a 50% chance of survival.

What a nightmare this whole thing is.

MBAnderson profile image

short video how the coronavirus attacks the body


bepo profile image
bepo in reply toMBAnderson

Thank you for posting this. Very interesting.

Maybe a late, but important lesson for COVID-19 health providers. Tweaking ventilator protocols may decrease morbidity.


MarionP profile image

I think you take your zinc and vitamin C and D and try to hold out for as long as you can. Seems like there is some genetic matching that selects for those who will get that over-reaction in their immune systems in their lungs. Maybe if you are on a ACE inhibitor that might help.

Immunization in a year might be on the way:

(do a search using the following search phrase {take out all the " - " dashes} :

reuters chinese-scientists-seeking-potential-covid-19-treatment-find-effective-antibodies

bepo profile image

The main course all of us need to follow is to build up the immune system. Cut the sugar waaay down, don't drink a lot o alcohol, eat mostly vegetables and and take vitamin C several times a day, and high doses of vitamin D3. You don't want to have to be treated with a ventilator.

MBAnderson profile image

Strengthen your breathing before or during


qazwsx11 profile image

My thinking is that being on a ventilator for days on days for COVID-19 sedated and intubated is already damaging enough. Being a Parkie is not helping. Probably the progression of PD will be accelerated by the prolonged inflammation and reduced body function. I am not sure though whether people need L-Dopa when sedated.

Stay safe everyone. Keep your distance, Wear a mask. And keep moving!

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