Letting go of the Coronavirus. Escape fro... - Cure Parkinson's

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Letting go of the Coronavirus. Escape from the lab.

parkie13 profile image
73 Replies


Just in case you missed it, and you are not angry enough.

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parkie13 profile image
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73 Replies
WinnieThePoo profile image

Rubbish - Mercola is a flag for fake moon landing stuff every time

In February 2020, US Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) as well as Francis Boyle, a law professor, suggested that the virus may have been a Chinese bioweapon,[23] while in the opinion of numerous medical experts there is no evidence for this.[24] Conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh said on The Rush Limbaugh Show, the most popular radio show in the US, that the virus was probably "a ChiCom laboratory experiment" and that the Chinese were using the virus and the media hysteria surrounding it, to bring down Donald Trump.[25][26] In February 2020, The Financial Times reported from virus expert and global co-lead coronavirus investigator, Trevor Bedford, who said that "There is no evidence whatsoever of genetic engineering that we can find", and that, "The evidence we have is that the mutations [in the virus] are completely consistent with natural evolution".[27] Bedford further explained, "The most likely scenario, based on genetic analysis, was that the virus was transmitted by a bat to another mammal between 20–70 years ago. This intermediary animal—not yet identified—passed it on to its first human host in the city of Wuhan in late November or early December 2019".[27]


Francis Boyle, is a law professor, who has no expertise in the field.

By contrast, virus expert and global co-lead coronavirus investigator, Trevor Bedford, who said that "There is no evidence whatsoever of genetic engineering that we can find", and that, "The evidence we have is that the mutations [in the virus] are completely consistent with natural evolution".[27

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toWinnieThePoo

I'm going to respectfully disagree with you. It's like believing that there are no bio labs. This is from early February and the funny thing is that Mercola himself doesn't think it's going to be bad,he is an unbeliever also, at that point.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toparkie13

I apologise for "Rubbish". But I am fairly robust on this because the triumph of populist fantasy over scientific expertise is doing substantial real harm. There is no need for a (completely unsubstantiated and incredible) conspiracy theory about China nobbling Trump. He is doing just fine and dandy all on his own.

It probably is true that China's honesty and following of the science, combined with its undemocratic system of government, will allow it to emerge relatively lightly damaged, and much earlier.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

Please tell us more about "China's honesty" and "following of the science". I assume you're referring to their foreign minister's recent claim that the U.S. Army slipped COVID-19 into to the Chinese city of Wuhan(?). I also assume you posted your thoughts after returning from the bar where you had a few too many...

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

No, I just don't subscribe to paranoid (and unproductive) conspiracy theories. China , after an initial attempt to suppress the story, faced up to the problem and implemented a serious heavy lockdown and testing early in the outbreak (17 deaths) and has maintained that for nearly 3 months until the outbreak is brought under control. It followed WHO guidelines on epidemic control, and is restarting its economy. It's had a severe reduction of economic activity for one quarter.

The virus doesn't read tweets, by Trump or anyone else. It doesn't read paranoid conspiracy theories. There is a method to defeat it. China, South Korea, (to an extent)Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan have demonstrated that. It looks like hopefully, Italy has also followed the science, instead of making populist statements, and may be turning the corner.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply toWinnieThePoo

But South Korea and Japan do not implement the lockdown and the distancing unlike China and it seems to be more effective. In Wuhan they experiment with coronaviruses, however authoritative scientists say that COVID19 is different from the one manipulated here, for lovers of the spy genus:


WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toGioc

Hi Gio

I think you were being tongue-in-cheek but even so I think its worth repeating this paragraph from your article

Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this story is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus.

Regarding South Korea, they implemented testing and quarantine . The primary WHO advice is "Test, test, test". Lockdown is a measure to buy time if you are not quick enough off the mark with testing

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply toWinnieThePoo

I certainly know that the editors recently made that note.

To deny fake news, one must find the previous truth whose alteration leads to a lie. This 2015 article brings IMHO closer to the truth and could disprove falsehoods. The fact remains that labs like Wuhan work on Coronaviruses with which intention is unclear.

The WHO test guidelines say that they should only be done to the symptomatic, but they are learning.

I agree with you that testing everyone is the best strategy.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply toGioc

This study demonstrates the likely animal origin of the new corona virus.


parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toGioc

Both South Korea and Japan wear masks religiously. Masks do work. We have no masks.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toWinnieThePoo

Knowledgeable people think it started in September.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toparkie13

Get informed: dailymail.co.uk/news/articl...

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toPDConscience

Again, it is just what I read. There have been reports in the middle of September of a different kind of pneumonia assailing Wuhan , enough of cases to make people notice. Start is very very slow, then it becomes exponential. Right now what I have been hearing and reading is that millions of cell phones in China are not active. Maybe dead?

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toparkie13

You seem to specialize in relaying unsubstantiated rumors. Unless/until you're able to attach a link to the source of your rambling revelations, you're only wasting people's time.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

Your reply is so absurd one's forced to wonder if you could truly be so addled or if you're simply being facetious... or, perhaps China's CCTV is the only available news source in rural France(?).

I see that you "don't subscribe to paranoid conspiracy theories" ...unless, of course, they emanate from China. On their behalf, you gush over how they supposedly "faced up to the problem and implemented a serious heavy lockdown and testing early in the outbreak" then - like other useful tools before you - you recite the CCP's official talking points on the Covid-19 matter. Only a colossal mental misfire could explain your efforts to hoist them up as a model to be emulated for what you laud as their "model to defeat it".

All the while, you appear perfectly fine ignoring inconvenient little details like: the arrest and/or reprimand of several doctors who attempted to alert the public of the new virus as it first began to spread (including one who died of the disease) via Chinese social media WeChat (Twitter is only accessible to Chinese authorities as a means by which to activate their useful tools in the west), the order by authorities in Hubei province for labs to cease their testing and to destroy samples, China's initial rejection of the US offer of cooperation in investigating the virus, and most tragically, China's refusal to even acknowledge human-to-human transmission of the virus until the 20th of January (even the once esteemed WHO - like lesser tools in the CCP propaganda arsenal - lapped up initial misrepresentations and officially announced on 14th of Jan. that Chinese authorities have seen "no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus).

Now - just over two months after their stalled acknowledgement, with over 500,000 cases of human-to-human infection worldwide and over 20,000 deaths, it's clear to all sentient humans that China has been negligent to a catastrophic degree... except to Comrade Poo. To him they are worthy of reverence and emulation.

Compare the following timeline with that of your CCTV/CCP sources: axios.com/timeline-the-earl...

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

The US has the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the world. Johns Hopkins University suggests the US now has more suspected and confirmed cases of Covid-19 than China, with 85,991 reported in the US and 81,872 in China. Italy is third with 80,589.

God bless America

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

Your point?

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

As previously stated, this virus doesn't read tweets or listen to fox news. A xenophobic rant about China offers no protection, but risks a failure to take responsibility since it is habitual to deal with problems by blaming others.

It ain't gonna work.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

Which one of us is going to call Donald a great commie?😂

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

Donald J. Trump


Just finished a very good conversation with President Xi of China. Discussed in great detail the CoronaVirus that is ravaging large parts of our Planet. China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the Virus. We are working closely together. Much respect!

March 27, 2020

I couldn't resist the irony

pdpatient profile image
pdpatient in reply toWinnieThePoo

God help us? !!

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

Spare us the dopey cliches and the go-to label slinging and try to address the actual origins and progression of the Wuhan virus. Creating functional virus-busting therapies and formulating a vaccine to combat it is only possible by first uncovering (and acknowledging) where and how it originated and the mechanics of how it spreads. Do you refute the timeline composed from the reportage of several leading international news outlets (linked above) and the facts outlined therein, Comrade Poo?

Now, I'm fully aware (you mask it poorly) that the looming inevitability of DJT’s second term is an extremely traumatizing experience to the mind of the consummate progressive shill (and you have my deepest sympathies), but going so far as to eagerly lap up - and then propagate - the CCP's official talking points purely out of distain for the man currently in the WH is a clear indication of a raging psychosis.

Furthermore, I recognize the fact that life in rural France could get lonely real quick if your provincial comrades detected any sympathies for DJT and his "racist/xenophobic/homophobic/sexist", etc., etc., "America First" agenda (although an occasional word in favor of the universally recognized concept of "sovereignty" may earn you a degree or two of respect). But, couple this with the daily bombardment of distorted reality from your progressive media mainstays there and any hopes of maintaining cognitive residence within the walls of any semblance of reality can - understandably - become a daunting challenge.

Nevertheless I strongly urge you, Comrade Poo, to fight through the cosmic haze for an expeditious return to planet earth and to ultimate freedom from a miserable life of spouting nonsensical cliches and assigning ridiculous labels.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

I don't rate your chances, or your nations, with that approach to the problem, but I wish you well.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. The coincidence and juxtaposition like with Donnie's tweet, were too much


Btw have you told him he's a commie yet for praising China's response?

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

The Guardian refers to DJT “whose character makes him the last person on the face of the Earth YOU [caps mine] would nominate to be in charge at this moment.”

They are, of course, addressing “you“, the faithful witless shill upon whom they depend to spout their latest talking points.

Meanwhile, more independent minds can be credited for his rocketing ‘job performance’ polls (mid-60s). His imminent reelection will further feed your passion for irony.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

I suspect his reelection is not imminent - it seems more likely the elections will have to be deferred. But its not really about DJT the person. It's about policies. Since I can't figure out how to get just a picture in this response, I'm afraid its going to have to be another link to a Guardian article


Looking at the 2 graphs, I would want my country slavishly copying what the country with the pale blue line did. I'd be a bit spooked to be living in the country with the orange line. We have had our lockdown (which is nationwide - not variable across states) extended by 15 days. Nobody is in any hurry here to have it lifted before proper testing is available and/or there is clear evidence of flattening of the curve. I take it you live somewhere like Ohio and not New York - but it'll come to you soon.

We want to copy the guys with the pale blue line. I presume from the DJT tweet I quoted, he is starting to consider the merits of that too. But sooner rather than later is good

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

Can’t fathom people’s obsession with graphs that depend on unreliable data from numerous unreliable sources...

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

Let's chat about it again next weekend

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

NEWSFLASH: He’s also praised Comrade Putin and Chairman Kim. It’s called diplomacy (that thing effective leaders use to get their way). Fortunately he hasn’t bowed to any Saudi leaders yet tho...

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

I can't get this chart to show as a picture, but I think the link works


That's what Mr Trump and I mean about China having the model to defeat it. Sure the data's not perfect. Here in France our death statistics for Covid19 only include people dying in hospitals. If you include Covid19 deaths in nursing homes its probably double the figure. And for sure the Chinese have similar weaknesses. Given the (relatively) feeble testing in the USA, those figures will be massively understated too.

But those curves are the key. What do you think will be the China case figure next Friday? And how about the USA?

China is less stupid than you hope. At this stage they appreciate that faking it achieves nothing. If their economy is to resume, it needs to be the real deal. What you need is to stop looking for someone else to blame, and to take serious action to control the situation. Sadly, you've probably already left it too late :-(

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

I don't share your faith in the accuracy of China's figures, nor do I share the psychic link you appear to have to CCP's thought processes, Comrade Poo. I expect the facts will emerge in days/weeks ahead...

As for "feeble testing in USA", see: bloomberg.com/news/articles...

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

It's not the individual accuracy of the data that matters. The deaths is the most consistent, not subject to test resources, but even that is inconsistent. France only reports deaths in hospitals, which misses a significant number of deaths in nursing homes. That means the numbers aren't comparable with the UK and USA. But within the line for french (hospital) deaths there is consistency. So, it's the shape of the lines that matters, not the number at the end of the lines.

The USA is a bit confusing because it is a collection of somewhat independent states, at different points in the progress, and implementing different measures to combat the threat. By contrast the UK and France have a federal response. That said, if you follow the curve, when we chat next weekend we may be looking at 1 million cases and nearly 20000 deaths in the USA. It's a logarithmic curve you are looking at. Don't even think about projecting that 2 weeks. Even half those numbers is pretty scary and would imply a need for 60000 ventilators.

As for your link it confirms current testing is woefully inadequate, but about to improve

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

RE Latest Revelations:

“It's not the individual accuracy of the data that matters. The deaths is[sic] the most consistent, not subject to test resources, but even that is inconsistent” “So, it's the shape of the lines that matters, not the number at the end of the lines.” - The Illustrious Comrade Poo

Tightly tucked within the narrow confines of a mere three sentences of your breathless revelations, is such a spectacular display of fractured reasoning that it renders useless all that follows. Your talent for spewing colossal volumes of blather in order to - in the end - say absolutely nothing at all is indeed impressive however, Comrade Poo (from a psychoanalytical point of view)!

Nevertheless, in my legendary benevolence, I will honor you with a gentle and well-intended reiteration of my earlier caution (above) in the (virtually non-existent) hope that it may nudge you and your net-zero existence onto a more productive path: I "can’t fathom people’s obsession with graphs that depend on unreliable data from numerous unreliable sources."

🇨🇳 Details From The Field: "Wuhan Residents Dismiss Official Coronavirus Death Toll: 'The Incinerators Have Been Working Around the Clock"'

"Wuhan residents are increasingly skeptical of the Chinese Communist Party’s reported coronavirus death count of approximately 2,500 deaths in the city to date, with most people believing the actual number is at least 40,000"... "Wuhan residents said the government was paying families 3,000 yuan for 'funeral allowances' in exchange for silence." Source: nationalreview.com/news/wuh...

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

I see Anthony Fauci is now predicting 200,000 US deaths in the first wave, but I think that assumes tougher and more widespread measures than so far. Learning, but way behind the curve.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

turns out we didn't have to wait to the weekend for you to get confirmation of the reliability of my figures. So we can chat now

“if we didn’t do anything 2.2 million people could’ve died. That’s a lot.” DJT

"In a stark shift from two weeks of measured optimism, the president said his guidelines for Americans to practice “social distancing” would remain in place until at least April 30, and he warned that 100,000 or more people may die." Bloomberg.

DJT is due to provide evidence to support his decision Tuesday evening. A fiver says it looks like the graphs you disparaged.


Mind you, whilst the concept has been belatedly grasped, I'm not sure the measures will be enough to keep deaths below 200,000. I hope and pray that they are, but experience in Italy, Spain, France and the UK suggests they are too casual. Much , much too casual. Sadly populations don't take this properly seriously until its enforced, and governments which prioritise personal freedoms, and minimal state intervention are worst placed to respond to a crisis of this sort. Unless like South Korea they have the testing resources, a pandemic plan, and act decisively very early.

Hope that makes better sense to you now PDC.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

Good gawd...

"governments which prioritise personal freedoms, and minimal state intervention are worst placed to respond to a crisis of this sort" - The Illustrious Comrade Poo

Indeed, it makes a LOT of sense, Comrade Poo (of the 'non' variety).

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

You seem a bit obsessed with China and communism, and not too concerned with America and American lives. Take South Korea curve if you prefer. Nice US supported democracy. And a better comparison. After all the virus originated in China (conspiracy theories aside) and spread to the rest of the world. It arrived in South Korea and the USA on the same day- first US case in Washington, direct from Wuhan. The South Korean government with its experience of SARS responded very differently from the US government, under the assurances of your beloved DJT, that it was a very small problem, he had it under control etc. The outcome, curve shape, and current situation are very different. I'm sure you will offer the classic victim response of your idol that it was somebody else's fault, nothing different could be done...

There is a definition of stupidity (usually attributed to Einstein) which is "to keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome".

Anyway Donny seems to have been persuaded by the numbers and is taking some action, so you appear to be on your own with this one.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

It appears your memory fails you once again, Comrade Poo. Shortly after learning of the long-delayed admission (after Wuhan Lunar New Year banquet) that human-to-human transmission WAS in fact occurring, it was DJT who first ordered the travel ban on flights from China. At the same time international leaders, mainstream media, US Democrats, your fellow progressive shills and fellow China-stooges scoffed at his 'foolishness' and decried his actions as "xenophobic". Now, like all useful tools tripped up by inconvenient facts, you revert to condemning him for not acting sooner - a true inhabitant of the lower rung indeed.

*BTW: It's the 'Definition of Insanity' you're trying to quote.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

The virus was already in the USA. Trump banned flights from Europe , which was starting to control the outbreak, but not the UK with an uncontrolled approach and a significant number of infections - on the basis he owns golf courses on the British Isles.

So tell me - how do you see the situation in the USA panning out?

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

Obviously, until we have the absolute highest calibre of intellect orchestrating the efforts (like you and your idealogical soulmate Bruce Aylward perhaps?), we're ALL doomed!!!

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

It's the 'Definition of Insanity' you're trying to quote.

Yup - you said it ;-)

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

Just a word of caution interpreting the latest numbers from the US government. Donny, as usual, is best ignored. Fauci warns deaths could be between 100000 and 200000 if we get our response right. The Italian lesson would suggest it's not right yet. At least Don has been persuaded not to try to reopen prematurely.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply toWinnieThePoo

In this case it seems to me that the idea of mass bio weapons would also have to include Chinese willingness to accept millions of Chinese citizens casualties as part of the release, unless the virus somehow knows the difference between PRC nationals and everybody else...and if a weapon, wouldn't they have developed a vaccine for their own people? Unless they were let out by some rogue, mistake, or Kim Jong Un on their behalf.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toMarionP

I entirely agree. That is just basic common sense, although stand ready for the conspiracy theorists to argue China's apparent success in controlling the outbreak is due to their deployment of the vaccine (in spite of the broad replication of the Chinese control success in South Korea and others). That and the fact that the official view of WHO and all governments is that the probability is it is of animal origin and not engineered

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

"[China] followed WHO guidelines on epidemic control" - The Illustrious Comrade Poo

Meanwhile, WHO followed China's guidelines on population control. Watch as a creature from humanity's lowest rung sells his soul: (starring Comrade Poo's fellow China-stooge, Comrade Bruce Aylward): youtu.be/yKaUnCSGXlw

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

I'm not interested in your China obsession. I'm interested in surviving coronavirus and finding a world as little damaged as possible. All of it. Right now I am more concerned about the prospects for the USA than i am about China. I think we will emerge into a different world if the USA fails to control this pandemic.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

As your praise of the "China Approach" for controlling the outbreak rapidly unravels, am I sensing an attempt to change the subject, Comrade Poo?!?

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

Nope. China is imperfect. It was late reporting / admitting, and for sure has not counted new cases accurately. It has omitted to count asymptomatic cases (although, the rest of the world, and especially the USA , doesnt count them either, because they only test people with serious symptoms)

My case is that by virtue of the differing approaches to the virus, China with a population 6 times the size of the USA will have many fewer deaths, will not overload its health service, and will restore its economy much faster than the USA. And emerge less badly damaged. The basic story of the graph and the flattening of some countries curves remains the same - and I suspect will be part of Trumps explanation for his half-cock, advisory only, variable, unenforced lockdown, which is hoped to cap US deaths at 200,000 - and unlikely to be sufficient to do even that.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

{sigh] Armchair generals are such tedious creatures... US has administered more than one million tests thus far (more than any other country) and will be administering 100,000+ p/day hereafter - have you factored that little detail into into your calculations yet, Comrade Poo?

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

My calculations? DJT and his advisor Anthony Fauci's calculations.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toWinnieThePoo

[yawn] I'm beginning to feel like the RTHK reporter in her efforts to elicit a coherent response from your fellow China-stooge Bruce Aylward (you probably get the same facial tick when attempting a coherent reply)...

A few moments ago, you asserted that, "by virtue of the differing approaches to the virus, China with a population 6 times the size of the USA will have many fewer deaths, will not overload its health service, and will restore its economy much faster than the USA. And emerge less badly damaged."

Those are NOT "DJT and his advisor Anthony Fauci's calculations", they're yours.

You were becoming tedious, now you're simply boring - it's a wrap.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toPDConscience

lets see shall we

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toPDConscience

Sorry, I don't drink, nor do I watch Rush Limbaugh.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply toparkie13

Umm... you're answering my reply to Comrade Poo(?).

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply toWinnieThePoo


Doubt we can agree on anything given our diverse backgrounds, nor do I expect someone without any science background to converse logically about this virus, but here is an interesting, and telling, quote from fellow Chicago alum Trevor Bedford, Ph.D. who you quote out of context.

Note the last sentence of his comment. This virus did not sequenced from an animal or anything close to it! It is man made, and it originated in Wuhan, China's bsl-class 4 highly toxic virology lab because they were "sloppy" in their control protocols like most Chinese scientists/techs are.

"I started following what's now referred to as "novel coronavirus (nCoV)" on Jan 6 when I started to notice reports of a cluster of viral pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan, China. Just 4 days later on Jan 10, a first genome was released on Virological.org only to be followed by five more the following day via GISAID.org. From very early on, it was clear that the nCoV genomes lacked the expected genetic diversity that would occur with repeated zoonotic events from a diverse animal reservoir" Trevor Bedford


WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply tosharoncrayn

Sharon. I think you are correct. We belong in different circles. But we can be civil. In spite of your evident technical familiarity, I have a couple of issues with your reliability. Perhaps issues with your infallibility would be more to the point. Most recently C/L . And hand washing.

I have stated elsewhere my objections to the conspiracy theory idea about bioengineering of this virus. Where is the Twitter in chief ? Is a major one.

But mostly-so what? What use is the idea? What should we do differently?

Your man Bedford thinks we should wash our hands . Silly arse obviously hasn't had a chance to chat with you. Actually he's pretty mainstream WHO.


sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply toWinnieThePoo

WHO = way, way behind the curve. Tied to China for its funding. China no longer reporting any data for last 3 weeks. For obvious reasons.

Trouble with Bedford --- he isn't a virologist. He is a genome guy. Huge difference is many, many respects. So I would take his advice with a grain of salt. We already know much of it is nonsense except for social isolation or social distancing.

Besides, Bedford is too tied to China for his funding, as many of our US scientists are (most of your citation authors are in the same boat). Difficult to remain objective. "don't bite the hand that feeds you" explains a lot of their nonsense.

I'm not infallible, but some things are rather obvious.


MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply tosharoncrayn

Wouldn't it be reasonable to think that an intentional weapon would be more deadly than this one and more deadly across all age\gender\other groups? Unless this one is weakened or still in development?

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply toWinnieThePoo

"But mostly-so what? What use is the idea? What should we do differently?"

This virus isn't Zika, HIV, Ebola, H1N1, etc. which are primarily driven by sanitation issues. You clean up the unclean sanitary conditions allowing the virus to propagate, you stop the spread.

We need to recognize that this is a different kind of virus (a la Bedford and his sequencing findings) and therefore a different situation. Far more virulent, resistant to common drugs and vaccines, and ultimately far more deadly.

Simply washing your hands isn't going to stop the contagion, unfortunately. Nor is the UK's concept of "herd immunity" where you lose almost all of your older generations in a form of generational genocide.

Right now, no one has the answers because it was designed deliberately to kill. Without an antidote.

Not a pretty picture.


WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply tosharoncrayn

Nobody is advocating simply washing your hands. We have a full lockdown where. 2m rule. We cannot visit friends or family. Washing hands is a component of a response which is primarily isolation pending an evolving capability to test and trace.

So what should we do differently if we believe the virus is bioengineered?

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toWinnieThePoo

Masks, masks and more masks. Where are the masks we don't have any. And in U.S. it does not sound like we're making any kind of an effort to start making the masks and Supply the public.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply toparkie13

Actually, masks alone are of limited value. 6ft isolation is best. Or masks with eye shields and hair cover. Infection is often through the eyes, so just covering the nose and mouth helps, but isn't full protection.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toWinnieThePoo

Testing and masks, for everybody

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply tosharoncrayn

If it is a virus designed to kill it is a bad job because it needs a lot of help from other past pathologies.

“18 March 2020

  A complex analysis of the numbers of the Coronavirus epidemic. 355 medical records, out of 2003 received by the Higher Institute of Health (ISS), currently analyzed. And according to the first findings, 3 out of 355 patients who "had zero pathologies". All other patients affected by the epidemic, according to the ISS, suffer other serious illnesses. Almost 50 percent of the deceased had 3 previous pathologies, and the average of the 352 deaths from secondary causes is 2.7 pathologies per person.

  On average 8 days between symptoms and deaths

 In people who died positive for Covid-19, antibiotic therapy was the most used (83% of cases), the least used antiviral therapy (52%), more rarely steroid therapy (27%) says the Report published on the Epicentro website, updated to March 17th. The document also shows the median times, in days, from the onset of symptoms to death (8 days), from the onset of symptoms to hospitalization (4 days) and from hospitalization to death (4 days).”


parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply tosharoncrayn

Not a pretty picture. Did anybody else wonder why China took those harsh measures to try to stop it? They knew something that the rest of us did not. Not being reported in the regular media right now they are in the mids of a second wave of coronavirus,.

chartist profile image

It's beginning to look like we will be down to herd immunity whether we wanted to or not! I guess I will try to prepare as best as possible as given the world wide demand for the drugs that appear to be working so far against Covid-19, it seems highly likely that everyday people such as myself will not have access to those drugs!


parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply tochartist

Herd immunity for covid-19 is in the 80%, it's a long long way off.

MarionP profile image

Mercola is well-known for making a great living hiring lots of writers to inflame the already very flammable psychotic stupid crowd. He was born one of triplets...his two triplet brothers are broadcasters Larry King and Art Bell. Just thought you should know. Got it from a scientific survey of two guys I know.

ladyaudree profile image

Here is a fact based version of where this virus originated from Dr. Michael Greger's blog. The scariest part is that this is a repeat of a video he made 10 years ago. Read it for a look at what's happening in our world and think about the changes that will have to come.

Gioc profile image

From what I understand from this article by Trevor Bedford is that the study of virus spread is based on the fact that with every replication the virus could have a very small mutation of a gene or two, but soon it will not substantially change the deadly capabilities of the virus.This happens very gradually and the study of these small consequent variations give a trace of the path of the virus and its movements in "airplane" from one continent to another. It seems that if the change of genes affects too large a section of genes it is not a natural thing and therefore evidence of artificial human manipulation. This evidence has not been found by the bat to man even though the intermediate animal that allowed the passage is missing.

However, this type of research based on gradual mutations of genes says that they occur about twice a month, this also allows us to establish from where the epidemic started when and in what way (natural or sustained) and here some perplexed there have been in the scientific world, but we can safely disregard shrimp sellers who are always sold alive. :-)

This is just an imprecise example of what I have understood, certainly those who have more understanding of me could explain it much better than me instead of simply mentioning it. Sharon, Winnie, the message is for you. :-)



Still, very interesting. Thank to you two. :-)

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toGioc

PD is such a dull disease.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply toparkie13

I agree


parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply toGioc

Lovely, thank you.

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