New Dr randomly stopped Diazepam? - Cure Parkinson's

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New Dr randomly stopped Diazepam?

DameenC profile image
9 Replies

A new Dr of mine has been quite rude and, said I'm an addict, and that is why I was on Diazepam. Even though I did try to explain to her, I was given diazepam (5mg) by a specialist at a hospital as I was having panic attacks after my panic attacks had stopped I explained to my old GP it also has had a positive impact on muscle spasms and cramps, and he was quite happy about that, as we were trying a lot of different medications to stop the muscle spasms and cramps due to having Ulcerative Colitis.

However, this new GP has said to my face and written in my notes that I was taking 2mg of diazepam to be eventually taken off it (stopped) which isn't true and she seemed to lack the understanding that it helped me my muscle spasms and cramps, I used to take 3 to 6 tablets of 2mg a day and it helped worked wonders.

But apparently, she thinks I'm a healthy young adult who just needs to get a job and/or do exercise and don't need this medication, I am quite a timid person and I feel she's taken advantage of that and has said some quite strange things at times, such as: "oh your just taken them to relax at home with them and not get a job, you're using diazepam and co-codomal to sit at home" I had a very successful business selling silver and gold jewellery, which my previous GP knew about, but due to my young age of being in my mid-30s she thinks, I need to exercise, and she is also planning on stopping my pain killers too.

In any case, to cut the long story short, today after about a week and a half she stopped my diazepam, not only am I getting really bad and painful cramps and muscle spasms, yesterday I ended up having two seizures, luckily my wife spotted it.

So I've had to get an ambulance to the hospital, and they've put me back on 5mg reluctantly of Diazepam, and they observed me and I've not had another fit/seizure since, and also they've put me on 75mg of Pregabalin, and again she's been rude to my wife and threatened to stop it again, saying "basically, in a roundabout way that I am lying" and that and if or not I am abusive toward my wife, which shocked my wife that she even asked this question, and tried to insult her saying she can get help and support, my wife has said she's going to get a piece of mind when we see her in the morning, and I've been stressing about all this, that my wife is going to argue with her and she's going to end up stopping my painkillers and take the medication off us.

It's the closest GP and now I am worried that since she's written I need to do work etc, and I'm taking diazepam for fun essentially.

So my wife's had my old GPs WhatsApp and he has told us not to worry about it, that she's only there temporarily and he will sort everything out for us.

I can't believe why she's been so rude and evil and basically feels like she's a bully and has some kind of issue with men, or she is confusing me for someone else on a personal level.

She has also been asking questions like, why I stopped my business which I told her it was due to Ulcerative Colitis as it's very competitive and the stress from that can cause a flare-up and she kind of was dismissive of that too, saying: "Everyone my age as a young healthy adult who does not want to work makes an excuse" and that: "I just want to sit at home and relax on using my medication" and that: "maybe I need to get back to that again" I just don't get her attitude problem, she seems to think "maybe I'm exaggerating how successfully I was" and that: "men tend to do that." she's said all this in like a jokingly and casual way, not to seem like she was saying it to me directly than when she stopped my medication my wife was like no wonder she was joking like that with me.

She really doesn't know how hard I used to work, and how successful I really was, my previous GP knows about my personal life and history, and how my Ulcerative Colitis has caused me to lose a lot of wealth.

I just think she assumes I'm making things up I suppose.

Sorry about the long post.

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DameenC profile image
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9 Replies
park_bear profile image

Top priority - get yourself a different doctor. You cannot afford to to allow such a terribly destructive individual into your life.

rebtar profile image

Fire her. Immediately. And if there's somewhere to write a letter to complain, please do so. She should not be a doctor.

NellieH profile image

What the previous 2 posters said. And do you also have PD?

Pelley profile image

too many Drs. to put up with one that sets you backwards! Go shopping for a new one.

sharoncrayn profile image

I hesitate to throw a wet towel on the previous advice given you to ditch your physician, nor do I really wish to comment on your personal situation.

Just try to understand that Valium is addictive (or easily can be) and that we have very good evidence that long term use of Valium increases your odds of ending up with ALZ quite dramatically. Very dramatically in fact. Add in the additional fact that PD quite often leads to ALZ or a lewy body form of it.

Something to seriously think about for ANY Parkinson's patient on this class of drugs on a continuous basis. A serious issue to to recognize and be aware of.


SpiritualT profile image
SpiritualT in reply to sharoncrayn

How long was you on the medication for?

sharoncrayn profile image
sharoncrayn in reply to SpiritualT

check my profile

chartist profile image


I just saw this post or I would have responded sooner.

Yes, it sounds like this doctor could do much better for you, but that also sounds like a road filled with negativity which will likely be counter productive or could possibly exacerbate your UC/IBD. You need a doctor who is more informed about all of your potential options for UC!

Instead of trying to deal with the problems associated with UC and to avoid the long term use of Valium and all of the potential negatives associated with its long term use, please do some research into Low Dose Naltrexone(LDN). This is a prescription medication that a good doctor will prescribe for you that has a very good long term safety profile and has put many UC/IBD/Crohn's Disease patients into remission and could potentially allow you to dump the Valium for good! Why take it along with the associated long term risks if you don't have to? This information is readily available to any doctor who is willing to look for it or is already well informed regarding LDN. If your doctor won't prescribe it, then you can find one that will by searching on the many LDN websites that will help you find a doctor in your area who will prescribe it for you. Here is a link to a human study showing the effectiveness of LDN for the purpose at hand. This will be a good starting point for you and you can also print it and other studies for pre-emailing a copy to your doctors so they can be informed before your next visit :

This is just one human study, but further research on your part should fully enlighten you and hopefully your doctor. For UC/IBD/Crohn's, this seems like one of the least invasive drugs for your doctor to consider for you. You can ask specifically about LDN on this forum as at least several members are using or have used it, but there are many LDN specialized sites that are very informative.

LDN has shown usefulness in multiple health conditions, but it has the best research and results in the UC/IBD/Crohn's complex of diseases.

Another consideration that you can also research is one of my favorite supplements, melatonin which you can also discuss with your doctor as some doctors will consider prescribing it and monitoring you.

Btw, please keep us posted on how it does for you. Sharing this type of information is a major part of what this forum is about!

Good luck and better health to you going forward!


DameenC profile image

Thank you guys for the replies, my GP who owns multiple practices said she was just sitting in as we didn't have any Asian/Indian female doctors, he said I can't believe why she has put so many red notes on my profile, and not to mention suggested that I was a hypochondriac - he sat me down and changed/revised the notes and has reported her and also sacked her from his own practices.

My GP has said, she has a point about the Diazepam, but the risks for you and many other patients are so low it makes no sense to stop it, when it clearly helps, otherwise, he have to look at powerful opiate-based painkillers.

So my GP has put me back on 2mg of Diazepam, my UC medication and increased my Pregabalin to 600mg a day i.e. 200mg 3 times a day, he actually brought in another GP to also go over it, as a 2nd opinion and he suggested as opposed to taking the Diazepam every day, I can instead use it as and when needed.

He was also surprised, at her actions and notes, and suggested I should have spoken up, she has no clue about Ulcerative Colitis, he also said he agreed with 600mg a day and see how I tolerate it, and I've been really good with it, I've been more social and less secluded away and it as also lowered my timidness I am more outspoken now, and friendly too.

The old GP she nearly destroyed my life, I can't believe because of her, I thought about committing suicide, something which in the past I never thought of, and haven't since she just put me in such a harsh situation her GP licence needs to be stripped from her, she isn't fit to be a GP she's just a GP only to make money and just sees it as a stable job, the other GP joked and said seems like she sits around and all day and passes her time.


In the comments, I'm reading "PD" sorry I don't know the acronym and also, what is this information about Alzheimer's and that Diazepam increases it?

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