Unexpected Findings in Parkinsons Research Show Cells May Not Be Dead: Researchers found neurons may shut down without dying and these undead neurons release molecules that shut down neighboring brain cells which leads to the common Parkinsons symptoms.
Research Show Cells May Not Be Dead - Cure Parkinson's
Research Show Cells May Not Be Dead

I agree..why else would my body suddenly become near normal, every now and then. I developed PD over10+ yrs ago, only on supplements.
Please can you tell me what supplements you have been using.
Dr. Berg(man), don't remember his last name, says neurons don't die, they hibernate!!
This sounds a lot like what Dr. Costantini thought and he felt that thiamine was able to restore some of these "undead cells" to working order through cellular repair. On this point, I think, Gio is the one who understood Dr. C's theory fairly well.
This is interesting since I recently read a blog that a gentleman wrote about his journey with Parkinson's and claims to have healed himself.
He says this on his page: I do not believe that the dopamine is depleted or gone. I believe that the body has been working in adrenaline mode and dopamine has taken a back seat, essentially, it has mostly closed the faucet and is not flowing at full capacity.
Also: By listening to my body, talking to my body and examining my electrical impulses, I was able to re-open the dopamine faucet. The result was full recovery with 100% pre-Parkinson’s controlled movement.
Interesting he and the researchers are both looking at a similar type of circumstance, even though he does not really have any concrete validation for his thoughts unlike the Researchers. A little different view point, but similar conclusions, that the dopamine cells are there.
He had PD for merely 9 months...? hardly enough time to establish anything
Yes, but he had a very severe full blown case of it and was getting worse by the day. What’s important is he has been PD free for 10 years. We have been following his method and find it very helpful.
Although I think Howard may not have is information completely correct as concerns certain of his methods, I think he has very useful and effective exercises, especially for those PWP who are at more advanced progression status of PD and are unable to do many of the more aerobic or demanding exercises that are often mentioned here and elsewhere on the web. His exercises are easy and effective, so I can not really fault him for some of his inaccurate descriptions of some of the methods he uses such as Qigong, which other forum members pointed out to me after I put up a post specifically about his exercise videos. That post and those replies can be found here:
I read a recent blog by him where he was in hospital and taking pd meds. He certainly was not cured. He has debilitating anxiety episodes.
I doubt that very much. I will check with him to see if this is true.
I asked Howard, the author of “Fighting Parkinson’s Drug free and Winning,” some questions about his recovery, raised in this thread. I like to share what he said hoping you will be encouraged.
What follows is his reply in his own words:
Thank you for your email and for the posting you did. Please have compassion for those who do not believe they can get better from PD. It is not their fault because of what they have been told.
It might help them to understand my story if they read my book, Fighting Parkinson’s…and Winning, but no worries as it is up to each individual what they believe. I appreciate your kindness and you believing in yourself.
As you have seen, the Parkinson’s Recipe for Recovery is working for you.
By the way, I have been completely 100% symptom free of any PD symptoms since June 12, 2010, 9.5 years. My neurologist confirmed this twice in my medical records. I stopped doing the physical part of the Recipe the day of my full recovery, and the things I learned in my mental and spiritual healing remain how I live my life.
I have a very healthy, joyful, grateful, loving life.
Much love and many blessings to you,
He writes on his blog
"I do not believe that the dopamine is depleted or gone. I believe that the body has been working in adrenaline mode and dopamine has taken a back seat, essentially, it has mostly closed the faucet and is not flowing at full capacity. It is why I believe the medications cause Dyskinesia"
I asked Howard, the author of “Fighting Parkinson’s Drug free and Winning,” some questions raised in this thread about his recovery. I like to share what he said hoping you will be encouraged.
What follows is his reply in his own words:
Thank you for your email and for the posting you did. Please have compassion for those who do not believe they can get better from PD. It is not their fault because of what they have been told.
It might help them to understand my story if they read my book, Fighting Parkinson’s…and Winning, but no worries as it is up to each individual what they believe. I appreciate your kindness and you believing in yourself.
As you have seen, the Parkinson’s Recipe for Recovery is working for you.
By the way, I have been completely 100% symptom free of any PD symptoms since June 12, 2010, 9.5 years. My neurologist confirmed this twice in my medical records. I stopped doing the physical part of the Recipe the day of my full recovery, and the things I learned in my mental and spiritual healing remain how I live my life.
I have a very healthy, joyful, grateful, loving life.
Much love and many blessings to you,
This also accords with Dr Janice Walton-Hadlock's position that dopaminergic neurons are quiescent, not dead.
She believes that PwP are stuck in a trauma response she calls Pause and which the polyvagal theory folks call Shutdown. In this mode, other neurochemicals like norepinephrine are used to stimulate motion, instead of dopamine. There begs the question, Can these senescent cells be reawakened?
It is clear that in Parkinson's, cell death is sometimes a major problem. To put it bluntly, maybe the cells sometimes can go quiet, but in other circumstances they can die. For example, when the brain's immune cells (called microglial cells) are activated in a certain mode, they can promote inflammation and programmed cell death. In fact, microglial cells can pump out reactive oxidative species! We know this sort of scorched earth immune response can lead to collateral damage as our own brain cells die, and we know that this may be the end game for dopaminergic cells in PwP.
There's also the possibility of cell death from toxins, whether from pesticides, mold toxins, or drugs.
Nevertheless, I find this newly published research encouraging!