Dr Weil's newsletter today: Concussion an... - Cure Parkinson's

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Dr Weil's newsletter today: Concussion and PD.

bcowart profile image
6 Replies

Interesting. Just one concussion increases your chances by 50%?


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bcowart profile image
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6 Replies
GymBag profile image

Well, I guess my search for a reason is officially over, 56% more likely to develop PD with each concussion .

The following resulted in being knocked out. I do not know how many concussions:

Hockey ( 1)check, head on ice

Lacrosse (1 ) Indian rubber ball (1) stick to the head

Football (3) cracked helmets

Baseball (1) bat hit to the head (catcher)

Boxing (1) My last fight

Snow mobile (1) hit a rock

It a wonder I am still alive, stupid , stupid stupid

Its no wonder women live longer than men, they are smarter.

M1tz1 profile image

It's no wonder, then, that my late husband had PD. In the days before seat-belts, he had such a severe concussion from a motor accident that he was hospitalized for 3 months and was eventually allowed to return to work for only 2 hours a day.

Mapleshade58 profile image

Um. Yep. Note how many NFL players have PD. Including my husband.

chartist profile image

This 2017 article suggests it may be much worse than previously thought!



justhavefun2 profile image

Thanks for sharing! Interesting...

kaypeeoh profile image

20 years ago I was treating a horse with colic when she mule-kicked me, sending me flying into a manure pile. Just like the coyote in the road runner cartoons, I saw stars as I was flying into the shit pile. One horse leg left a perfect imprint in my left shoulder, complete with nail-heads, the other hoof shattered my jaw. Too many fragments for surgical repair so they wired my jaw closed for two months. I got very good at talking through a clenched jaw. I did amateur boxing for a while as a teen but never took many hits to the head. I was on the football team in high school but similar to fighting I didn't take many shots to the head.

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