Recently started on 200mg of mucuna 3 times each day plus a cup of green tea with each dose. Early days so far so good.Has anyone tried this in lieu of pills.?
Does anyone use Mucuna plus green tea as ... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone use Mucuna plus green tea as a source of levadopa.?

Yes, I use it and it’s very effective but I use 98% Mucuna. I use 1/4 teaspoon of each ( mp and green tea).
how much is this if measured in grams?
About 65 mg
1 ts = 3 to 4 grams. 1/4 ts should be more than 65 mg
Give me a chance to try it out on my scales. I’ll get back to you later.
No. I’ve just weighed it. 0.681g to be precise.
Thanks again for clarification. So it's 681 mg.
How long (in days) did you feel a benefit from your MP & green tea?
I’ve just started so wondered when how many days before it kicks in.
Many thanks
It kicks in after 20 mins. But you’ve got to find the right dose for you Binday. I tried MP off and on for quite a while and didn’t have any luck. It struck me as a waste of money especially that awful Zandopa from India. I tried 30 mg. No effect. Went up to 50mg. Nothing. Then 65 and all of a sudden I was normal again for 4 hours I was delighted and remain so.
What brand of Mucuna do you use? What about green tea? How do you take it? Do you put it in something? Thank you for your reply.
Hi Jeeves19.
The 1/4 teaspoon of 98% Mucuna is that powder from Nutrivita?
and your 1/4 teaspoon of green tea is that leaf tea?
Yes, I have recently started 1/4 tsp of 40% MP, with matcha green tea, taking MP 3 times a day, the green tea just with the morning dose.
I will increase MP using the 98% in the next week.
Do let me know how you get on
The 40% might do it, it might not. Everybody is unique. There’s a book btw by a Spanish neurologist Rafael Gonzales. It’s all about MP. I suggest you read this ?
yes, i have read the book. I think i might need to increase the dose, i wondered if it took a few days to a week to work so i was going to stay on lower dose for a few days before increasing. But sounds as though the effects should be more immediate. I understand its very individual but it helps knowing someone else’s experience. Great its working for you!
Keep in touch if you continue to have problems Binday
Thank you, I just wondered if you waited a few days before increasing dosage? I’m thinking it might take a few days to get into the system? Not sure how soon to increase.
Thanks for your messages
Who is the publisher? get the book?I Also switch over to M P from pramipex an Indian
Sure I will try. Thanks for the message/information.