Just a warning : Warning about grapefruit... - Cure Parkinson's

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Just a warning

7 Replies

Warning about grapefruit juice.


7 Replies
Coot18 profile image

I started takin statins after a quintile bypass 15 years ago.

I heard about the grapefruit issue

Statins prescribed to take in evening

Drinking grapefruit juice in morning ok

according to Dr and pharmacist

I started diatomaceous earth 6 years ago

got off statins

Cholesterol has been fine

Diagnosed with PD 10 years ago

from the link you provided:

Atorvastatin interacts with grapefruit juice if you drink large quantities (more than 1.2 litres daily), but an occasional glass is thought to be safe.

Currently, healthcare professionals advise it is safe to drink grapefruit juice and eat grapefruit if you're taking other types of statins.

I still take Calcium channel blocker and cannabis to help manage blood pressure along with exercise.

Low dose CCB 2.5 mg Amlodipine. I check my BP 2-3 times a week, seems to be ok.

I take two each per day

Sinemet 25/100 reg release

Sinemet 25/100 controlled release

66 mg Mucuna

I remind myself that PD and coronary disease

are simply terms the medical community uses

to describe the form of old age

God gifted me with

I also remember that if I try to do something

I have done all my life with relative ease

it's now going to take longer

and it will hurt more

but I gotta keep doing it!

Thanks for the input

as I tweak

the rest of my earthly existence

akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to Coot18

Vit k2/k7 with vit D takes calcium out of arteries soft tissue and replaces into bones. YouTube it;)

chartist profile image
chartist in reply to akgirlsrock

Magnesium and boron/ borax add further to the proper relocation of calcium to the bones and teeth.


akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to chartist

Do you find grapefruit juice helps, I liked to try with l- dopa white powder from macuna, since it only last for 2 hours. I was using cardopa/levadopa for 2 years and just slowly got off cardopa/levadopa recently. I feel better on pure L-dopa, but it's a bit unpredictable

chartist profile image
chartist in reply to akgirlsrock

I've never tested grapefruit juice as an adjunctive to anything so can't really comment on that topic, but I think forum member, wriga has done experimenting with grapefruit juice and may be able to give you some insight on its use with supplements and or meds.


akgirlsrock profile image
akgirlsrock in reply to chartist

Ok, thank you.

Islandhappy profile image

Does anyone know of interaction between any supplements and grapefruit??

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