Has anyone else experienced severe side effects from taking Amantadine. I was falling on a regular basis and getting hurt. I live in Denver and after seeing 2 different neurologist without any relief I went to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville F!. where they are known for successful treatments for PD. The Neurologist I saw took my history (young onset started 16 yrs ago and only taking 1 1/2 tabs 3 times a day 25-100 carbidopa ? levodopa ). and prescribed adding Amantadine 5ml to my meds. Almost immediately my balance was greatly improved but I am experiencing several of the side effects the worse being embarrassing severe slurring and vision problems. The neurologist doesn’t seem to have an answer for what to do next. I was very active and social prior to the falling and If I have to choose between being housebound or the side effects I’ll take the side effects. However I’m hoping there is someone who has experience with Amantadine and has advise for me. .