Can any one recommend a B1 supplier and dosage
Vitamin B1: Can any one recommend a B... - Cure Parkinson's
Vitamin B1

Thiamine hcl, 500mg capsules. 2g morning, 2g afternoon, daily...
Vitacost DOT com

Thanks new to this
My regimen:
The positives: no bradykinesia, I cut my food with a knife, no button difficulties, brush my teeth now w/o needing elect brush, more strength. Getting in and out of bed, turning over is easier. No more constipation. Parkinson's progression stopped. Suppressed all motor and non-motor symptoms...
Entering my 7th year post diagnosis and have not fallen, not once, to the surprise of my neuro. Was seeing neuro every 6th month, last visit he set app one year. He said if needed we could do some changes earlier. He said my condition can change in as little time as one week.
New schedule, now I follow this regimen:
2 x day C/L 50-200 ER : 8 am, 5 pm. Because it is ER, I take with or w/o food.
2 x day (8 am 2g, and 5 pm 2g) Vitacost vitamin B1 (as thiamine HCL) 500mg, easy swallow capsules
B1 Thiamine therapy reference / stop progression, suppress motor and non-motor symptoms:
(Thiamine HCL is oral substitute to injecting B1) 2 x day (morning 2g and at lunch 2g)
Doctor Costantini strategy that I find helpful "thiamine hcl stops the progression forever...".
Parky people say the first five years is your honeymoon stage with Parkinson's. After that, progression more rapid.
I have gone from slow motion to normal motor action since joining the growing number of PwP that have started B1 regimen/protocol. –
Doctor Costantini - “Why is this? Because there is no medicine or drug that is able to affect all of the organs, whereas all of the organs function thanks to Thiamine. An important detail”, adds doctor Costantini, “the Thiamine therapy brings no collateral damage with time”.
Join my facebook group:
"parkinson's thiamine hcl" ; …
Parkinson's Relief, Questions and Answers
1. Read page, About, open links.,
2. On Files page, open B1 FAQ document.
3. On Files page, download First Appointment document, answer and submit.
4. read Announcements
5. Website: Dr Costantini's guidelines on Parkinson

Has anyone tried the B1 while using grapefruit juice therapy??
Also does B1 conflict with the ADP enhancer Nicotinimide Riboside ?

buna royprop
Inca un sfat te rog...
Am dat sotului meu B1tablete cite 1g de 2 ori/zi cu 30 min inainte de masa (ora 10.00 si 15.00) si a crescut tensiunea, agitatie, dureri de cap
Dupa 5 zile am oprit
Unde am gresit?
Cum dau B1 ? La cit timp de L/C?
La cit timp de masa?
Stiu din documentare ca trebuie inceput cu 4g/zi dar astept comanda de la vitacost de 500mg si impreuna cu sfaturile tale o sa reiau
Sansa noastra este B1 si apoi as vrea sa incep si mucuna
Deocamdata m inceput cu ce am gasit in Romania

One more tip please ...
I gave my husband B1table 1g twice a day 30 minutes before meal (10.00 and 15.00) and increased tension, agitation, headaches
After 5 days I stopped
Where did I go wrong?
How do I give B1? How much L / C time?
How long is the meal?
I know from the documentation that it has to be started with 4g / day but I am waiting for the order from vitacost of 500mg and together with your advice I will resume
Our chance is B1 and then I would like to start a lot
For now, I started with what I found in Romania.
Sorry to use google translate
Parkinson's disease relief:
My regimen:
The positives: no bradykinesia, I cut my food with a knife, no button difficulties, brush my teeth now w/o needing elect brush, more strength. Getting in and out of bed, turning over is easier. No more constipation. Parkinson's progression stopped. Suppressed all motor and non-motor symptoms...
Entering my 7th year post diagnosis and have not fallen, not once, to the surprise of my neuro. Was seeing neuro every 6th month, last visit he set app one year. He said if needed we could do some changes earlier. He said my condition can change in as little time as one week.
New schedule, now I follow this regimen:
2 x day C/L 50-200 ER : 8 am, 5 pm. Because it is ER, I take with or w/o food.
2 x day (8 am 2g, and 5 pm 2g) Vitacost vitamin B1 (as thiamine HCL) 500mg, easy swallow capsules
B1 Thiamine therapy reference / stop progression, suppress motor and non-motor symptoms:
(Thiamine HCL is oral substitute to injecting B1) 2 x day (morning 2g and at lunch 2g)
Doctor Costantini strategy that I find helpful "thiamine hcl stops the progression forever...".
Parky people say the first five years is your honeymoon stage with Parkinson's. After that, progression more rapid.
I have gone from slow motion to normal motor action since joining the growing number of PwP that have started B1 regimen/protocol. –
Doctor Costantini - “Why is this? Because there is no medicine or drug that is able to affect all of the organs, whereas all of the organs function thanks to Thiamine. An important detail”, adds doctor Costantini, “the Thiamine therapy brings no collateral damage with time”.
Join my facebook group:
"parkinson's thiamine hcl" ; …
Parkinson's Relief, Questions and Answers
1. Read page, About, open links.,
2. On Files page, open B1 FAQ document.
3. On Files page, download First Appointment document, answer and submit.
4. read Announcements
5. Website: Dr Costantini's guidelines on Parkinson

How many 500 mg capsules provide 2 grams?

What you recommended just says thiamine. Is the hcl always present or only in certain types. I know it helps it absorb better.
Hcl a must

I have been unable to find thiamine HCL anywhere including Amazon. Where is it available? Thiamine without the HCL is readily available.
Here is a link to a supplier that many forum members have used to good effect and their price is very good while they also offer free shipping on the product that I have linked to :
Btw, depending on the supplier or manufacturer, the jar may be labeled as thiamine HCI or thiamine HCL, but both are the same and interchangeable.

my husband has difficulty with balance,and tremor. would taking thiamine be helpful do you think? i am trying to find the combination to help him
Balance, not tremor

what amount should I start with I am buying the 500 mg of B-1. Are there any side effects? Can you take too much? please advise As you have so much knowledge with this and I am new to this although my husband has had this disease for 4 years but does not take any meds as of yet
Here is a comprehensive link to info about HDT/vitamin B-1 HCL/HCI that contains info that I have compiled from Dr. Costantini which should answer most if not all questions you may have about B-1 :
Good luck!
Parkinson's disease relief:
My regimen:
The positives: no bradykinesia, I cut my food with a knife, no button difficulties, brush my teeth now w/o needing elect brush, more strength. Getting in and out of bed, turning over is easier. No more constipation. Parkinson's progression stopped. Suppressed all motor and non-motor symptoms...
Entering my 7th year post diagnosis and have not fallen, not once, to the surprise of my neuro. Was seeing neuro every 6th month, last visit he set app one year. He said if needed we could do some changes earlier. He said my condition can change in as little time as one week.
New schedule, now I follow this regimen:
2 x day C/L 50-200 ER : 8 am, 5 pm. Because it is ER, I take with or w/o food.
2 x day (8 am 2g, and 5 pm 2g) Vitacost vitamin B1 (as thiamine HCL) 500mg, easy swallow capsules
B1 Thiamine therapy reference / stop progression, suppress motor and non-motor symptoms:
(Thiamine HCL is oral substitute to injecting B1) 2 x day (morning 2g and at lunch 2g)
Doctor Costantini strategy that I find helpful "thiamine hcl stops the progression forever...".
Parky people say the first five years is your honeymoon stage with Parkinson's. After that, progression more rapid.
I have gone from slow motion to normal motor action since joining the growing number of PwP that have started B1 regimen/protocol. –
Doctor Costantini - “Why is this? Because there is no medicine or drug that is able to affect all of the organs, whereas all of the organs function thanks to Thiamine. An important detail”, adds doctor Costantini, “the Thiamine therapy brings no collateral damage with time”.
Join my facebook group:
"parkinson's thiamine hcl" ; …
Parkinson's Relief, Questions and Answers
1. Read page, About, open links.,
2. On Files page, open B1 FAQ document.
3. On Files page, download First Appointment document, answer and submit.
4. read Announcements
5. Website: Dr Costantini's guidelines on Parkinson
Hi Normanjean
To get a better result from B1 better to reduce or even stop taking any kind of alcoholic beverages. Please check my posts for Methylation.
Hi Normanjean, welcome to The forum,
as you are in U.K. Vitacost do not supply Vit.B1 hcl in the quantity you will require due to customs will however find it on Amazon. Look through previous posts to find what other people take as everyone's needs vary. What works for one may not work for you it's a game of trial & error I find, it's a bit of a minefield. Good luck.
It is based on body weight and the stage of the PD. I take 2x500mg a day. Dr. Constanti said to be taken without citrus juice but not sure if have to completely avoid it or just only during the time you take B1.
What weight are you and in early stages but I want to fight this as much as I can