My doctor suggested I go on peptide therapy. Generally speaking these are amino acids that need to be self injected much like an insulin shot over a prescribed schedule of roughly 20-30 days. He heard about this at a conference where discussed with regards to PD. FYI, I was diagnosed 15 months ago, am a 57 yr old male and have currently slowed my progression without using prescriptions. This therapy is not cheap ($250/ one month vial) it has been used around the world for other ailments but not common in the US. Thanks
Anyone on or know of anyone on peptide th... - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone on or know of anyone on peptide therapy?

I took a look at the literature. There are a couple of specific peptides that have shown promise in mouse models of Parkinson's. I did not find any clinical studies of peptide therapy for humans with Parkinson's.
"In the same manner as treating multiple sclerosis, peptide therapy has shown potential for people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. The symptoms of this disease are caused in part by the slow destruction of cells in the middle of the brain and leads to a decrease in dopamine, which results in a chemical imbalance. When dopamine levels are low, resting tremors, slow movement, and balance issues occur. Researchers believe that an increase of a specific protein, called NF-kB, can be targeted by altered peptides. An injection of these peptides has shown some potential in blocking this protein "
As other replies indicate this is a promising area of research.However,there appears to be only in vitro evidence so far,human studies will take time but it in my opinion hope for the future.
I’m excited to hear of a possible new treatment. I would try it if offered. My drs never suggest anything new 😟
How do you feel these injections are helping you? You mention that you have stayed off prescription medication and slowed your progression. (Please don’t think I’m being rude here when I ask, but was this a medical Dr who recommended this or an alternative medicines practitioner ? Also, do you mind my asking, where are you sourcing your peptide injections from? Is the person that recommended them selling them to you ?
No offense taken, what you ask are legitimate questions. My doctor is a MD who practices functional medicine. He identified my vitamin deficiencies and any imbalances in my body (bacterial, viral, mold, toxins, etc). This approach determined that I had Lyme disease too that needed to be addressed first. Regarding peptides, I have not yet decided to go this route yet but my MD started taking them specifically as a growth hormone for his banged up joints and liked the results. So he is willing to back up his words with actions. About meds: my MD is not averse to prescribing them. I have a prescription waiting to use sinemet should I want it and I have a pros/cons list a actively look over but the cons are too high right now. Other items: stress/anxiety are big triggers for for me and until recently I have struggled with accepting my condition. I see an acupuncturist and have worked on meditation and spirituality issues. All this in addition to regular physical activity and proper nutrition. Sorry for the long post
I totally get it and see where you’re at. I found a blog by Frank Church amazing to help with building resilience, dealing with anxiety and helping with the acceptance side to this condition. He has such a great philosophy to life and living with Parkinson’s.
Hope it helps you in some way.
I was helped by the peptide, Dixeha 20mg oral. Noticed a difference after 1 month in dexterity and other symptoms. Have not yet tried subq injections but plan to.
It's been 9 months and seem somewhat permanent.
Hi Tan22. How long were you taking Dihexa 20mg for? What was the improvement? Has it changed over a year? Any side effects?
About two month long courses spaced a few months apart. No real side effects except feeling a little jittery from time to time. Improvement was subtle but from what I can tell somewhat better dexterity in hands generally.
do you keep injecting them now?
I have excellent results with injections of Thymosin Alpha 1 + internasal spray Selank if I do it daily. Freezing is gone, sleeples nights are gone too, better movement, I was feeling "paralised" on all of my right side and couldn't get out from bed without help. 4 weeks later, and now I'm going to the gym - lifting weights!
What is even better I reduced levedopa/madopar consumption in half.
Now I'm afraid to stop taking it, as I did before.
I have not continued due to the untested nature of Dihexa. I was taking it in pill form. A little skittish that Dihexa may have dangerous long term side effects. May revisit nonetheless. Great to hear about your progress. Any other protocols you find helpful?
I see. Well, thymosin a1 has been in use since 1970s, and I know a few people that are injecting it at least once a week, for almost 50 years. They look younger and feel better than average 80 years old. More like 40 y.o No side effects. My only concern is a cost of daily injection - its not as cheap as lets say Vitamin B 1 patch, that I also highly recommend. Iboga - is good, but sometimes it makes my heart "race". What is really important - keto diet and no snacking. I almost fèel normal again.