I started taking madopar and apparently asked a seventeen year old shop girl to warm my bed. I am 79. I have absolutely no recollection of this. All I remember is talking to a small bunch of youngsters about motor bikes since they had bikes and I have been riding since 1949 and in maturity was an outlaw. Cautionary stuff like - believe that every car and lorry driver can't see you, and that out of those that can, there is always someone who will try to take you off on purpose. And 'don't trust your mirrors: always turn and look'. How any of that translates into sexual innuendo is beyond me.
gawdelpus: I started taking madopar and... - Cure Parkinson's
In my experience misunderstandings about such matters can happen all too easily. Hopefully it was just that and not about becoming unaware of your behavior.
Regarding motorbikes I found that wearing orange helmet for visibility made all the difference.
Those pesky youngsters. She's either spoofing you or has provided the best reason I've ever heard to stop taking a pharmaceutical.
I have often said that not only dopamine agonists cause compulsive behaviours so can levadopa but I am not believed. You will find warnings on the drug packet insert.I am sorry this happened to you. Do hope you tell your doctor about it.
Only problem I can see is that the kid said no, evidence she might have been on drugs.
Nothing like that has ever happened to me. It just gets me mobile quickly